The Continuing World War Against Caliphism

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


We are engaged in fighting The Continuing World War Against Caliphist.

Caliphism is causing The Continuing World War Against Caliphism. Caliphists (wrongly called terrorists, jihadis [as if!], muslim fundamentalists/extremists, insurgents, Islamists) oppose remediation of their misogynist habits and societies. It is happening despite their opposition and will continue until completed and their opposition crushed. They and their misogynist aspirations and societies are being and will be successfully remediated to human standards, which is to say, to freedom and responsibility, to representative government establishing peace and prosperity in 21st Century rather than 9th Century conditions.

Previously I have stated that we are engaged in fighting World War IV. This is incorrect. Our situation is that of resolving The Continuing World War Against Caliphism.

The American Civil War Between The States, as fought between structures of civilization (unity — comparable to the Federal government) and structures of destruction (disunity — comparable to the Confederate government), rather than the recent World Wars, is the most appropriate analogy for our condition. However, our condition also contains significant elements that are both unprecedented and unexpected in our experience as well as in the recorded experience of humanity of which we are aware. These elements make our condition exceedingly dangerous and require that we concentrate on essentials and reject carping. Critics carp in ignorance.

Humanity, through its executive agencies — nation states — must focus unanimously on identifying and destroying structures of destruction that exist inside its structures of civilization. This is the nature of asymmetrical warfare, war against an enemy whose line of battle and point of operations resides in, under, over, around and through one’s own line of battle and point of operations.

Through its nation states and by means of three World Wars (one cold) during the previous Century, humanity succeeded in establishing meritocracy in the place of aristocracy as the source and standard of its leadership orbit and unity in the place of faction as its decisive requirement.

During none of those World Wars were the structures of civilization attacked. Those wars defined the characteristics of the structures of civilization that humanity would accept as the conditions of its existence through nation states bound together by lines of communication operating at the speed of light. In none of them was the desirability of having structures of civilization at all questioned.

Today that has happened. It began overtly in Iran in 1979 and gathered strength unhindered until 2001, when humanity, under threat of extinction, resolved not only to protect its accomplishments of the previous Century but to extend them to every region and nation on the planet.

The structures of destruction have attacked to destroy the structures of civilization. The structures of destruction have been organized and are led by false clergy. They include structures of misogyny, tyranny, slavery, ignorance, intolerance and hate.

The structures of civilization, which by definition are creative, have counter-attacked to destroy the structures of destruction and to establish in their place the structures of civilization. The structures of civilization have been organized and are led by the citizens of nation states. They include structures of freedom, justice, education, tolerance and love.

The rallying points for the structures of civilization are these:

One God — The Father, The Almighty, having myriads of Names
One World — His Life
One Race — His Self-Manifestations
One Caste — His Selfless Service
One Religion — The Religion of Love
One Language — The Language of the Heart


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USS Constitution

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