Having War And Wanting War

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Having war and wanting war are not the same thing. Enemies one always has. War with enemies one should avoid. War with enemies one may have but should never want. Wanting war with an enemy strengthens an enemy. Having war with an enemy strengthens oneself in some ways and debilitates oneself in others. War costs all. All are punish’d.

So, want not war. No one native to a nation wants their nation at war. If one such does want war, be assured they are no longer native to that nation. Such a one is a TWANLOC.

There is organic war and there is inorganic war. Organic war rises without summons from the desire of countrymen to defend themselves against someone who is moving to subjugate their freedom: an enemy. Inorganic war occurs in consequence of an imposition of false information — information operations — which conjures or stirs an indiscriminate desire in some people, many or few, to go to war against this or that target as identified by the information operation.

Organic war is impossible to lose. It has to be fought to the end, summoning all assets available, but its organic nature guarantees its success when pushed to completion with every ounce of skill and resolution available . . . and then some.

Inorganic war is impossible to win. Aggression is not native to humanity. Conflict is, but not aggression. An other person is sacred in their own centered self, even as an enemy. Aggression overrides another person’s sacredness. For that reason, aggression’s objective cannot be achieved because organic war, the kind of war which can succeed, does support aggression. Aggression is not native to humanity. Conflict is, but not aggression.

So, if someone aggresses, assess the seriousness of it. If it is unofficial, non-systemic, and intended as temporary, let it go. If it is official, systemic, and intended as permanent, use war to drive that will to aggress to unconditional surrender. War is a tool that has a legitimate use.

Correlatively, do not strengthen an enemy by wanting war with them. They will know if you do, and they will rejoice that you do. Your desire for war against an enemy builds an enemy’s self-confidence, their morale, forcing them in the direction of being aggressive. If you want war, you contemplate using war for self-aggrandizement rather than as a tool. Wanting war is running your fingers through the table saw.

If you want war against someone, you are an aggressor against them. Furthermore, and far more seriously, you deny yourself an organic base for waging and winning war, and that means that someone(s) in your base, your native demographic (nation), will make life very unpleasant for you and thwart your ambitions.

Accept war from everyone.
Want war with no one.
Make war on anyone.

Except since 2017 and locally and partially during the years 2005-2007, American war-making since 1944 has been for self-aggrandizement by American intelligence, political, and foreign policy minions and their bands of beggars. In other words, a lot of very rich people have wanted war against many other nations for the purpose of self-aggrandizement.

The anti-war demonstrations were a measure, in reverse, of how aggressively those minions executed on having wars for personal and organizational gain.

Their endless wars have been inorganic, not organic. They are meant to be endless. They want endless wars. Thus the protests against those wars. But the wars are not the culprit, the minions wanting them are. Furthermore, American intelligence, political, and foreign policy minions’ want to war strengthened the nations or groups those minions wanted to war against, as should be expected and is eminently predictable.

The want to fight — despite doing so inorganically — prevents an organic ability to fight and therefore precludes strategic reasons for fighting, engagement on the fight, and ability to win the fight. You cannot get a good fight going much less won if you do not know your strategic situation because you seek only your own aggrandizement. The want to fight guarantees the loss of the fight — and a whole lot of misery all around.

So what these guys have done, these IC-FPE minions, is wet their beaks in the blood, sweat, and tears of Americans and foreigners. They have no actual strategic interests, insights, or plans because they do not want any. They want to fight because that gives them income and rank. Nothing more matters to them. Not even winning fights. Only fighting, endlessly. That is their business model, quite literally. That and cooking up information operations to sell their fights to Americans who have to pay for them.

And gradually, through the decades, more and more, all of them — intelligence, political, and foreign policy minions — grew rich on the idea that one enemy, the main one, the CCP, would renounce aggression in favor of getting rich. Their want to make war they applied to poor nations and to American labor and minorities, anyone vulnerable to attack without ability to self-defend. Now those minions are owned by the PRC they thought to appease and exploit.

On the DOD side, GOs, ADMs, and their civilian counterparts have abjured responsibility for strategic thinking because they want war, for personal gain. Not war as classically understood; just fighting, endless fighting. Strategic thinking implies and requires taking war seriously enough to stop it by producing the earliest and least expensive victory possible — least expensive to everyone, friend and foe alike. Ending wars by winning wars GOs and ADMs follow their civilian counterparts — US IC-FPE, owned now by PRC — in considering crazy. Who wants to lose income and career streams? As to millions of widows, orphans, and other dependents thus made . . . Oh well.

Such are not leaders of a nation. They are selfish bastards. Facing reality, truth, and humanity, they are abject cowards. The sense one has of really dumb, really nasty people controlling affairs in the nation’s capitol is not false. And GOs, ADMs, and their civilian counterparts wonder why they have recruitment issues?

The want for war is pan-optically destructive.
Inorganic war is fatal to its agitators
and victims, who are on both sides.

Here is free, unsolicited advice for TWANLOC intelligence, political, and foreign policy minions masquerading as the US IC-FPE and actually owned now by the PRC:

If you would rather not hang from a
lamp post, actually or figuratively,
renounce your want for war.

When war comes upon you, accept it and win it. Do not want it. But when it comes, and cannot be avoided because the aggressor is obdurate, eliminate his will to aggress, and bring him to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender in the presence of his enemies and all the world’s nations. Let his knowledge of his will’s defeat be plenary.

Ben Weingarten: Trump’s Greatest Achievement: The president has exposed the rot and corruption of our ruling class.

Josiah Lippincott: America’s Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted The People They Claimed To Serve

Mind wills, yearns, prompts and insists on effort and action. This process is called sankalpa, these are like sasanas (commands). Everyone has to be aware of the variety and validity of actions induced by these promptings. Mind is host to fifty million such! Of thoughts that appear and vanish like clouds that pass silently, many stay and stir the mind into activity. These are sankalpas. Until these are understood against their vast background, one cannot live happily and in peace. Good sankalpas elicit best out of one and help one to use all strength for uplift. A person has to recognise bad sankalpas or urges as soon as they arise, render them ineffective by systematic cultivation of beneficial sankalpas. These alone can save from disaster and keep one close to Prasanthi (supreme calm). Ships at sea are guided by compass along desired direction; without it, they risk being wrecked. Man has to sail safe across the ocean of samsara (worldly existence).

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