Enlightenment: Sometimes Life Is Just Fun And Funny

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

I suspect we are undergoing a new Enlightenment. At our founding we were Scots-English Enlightenment: Man stands before God, with God. Dualism. Elements of our polis all along have been trying to force us to become French-German Enlightenment: Man stands in place of God, as God. Qualified Non-Dualism. Whatever it gets named (I would be pleased with Sai Enlightenment), I think the Enlightenment sought and emerging is this: Man stands in God, for all. Non-Dualism. All yield a high view of man, but the latter yields the highest and also the happiest and safest for all concerned.

If that analysis is correct, I would say we are heading towards a new two party polity: a dualistic one (Republicans) and a non-dualistic one ([Freshly-Washed] Americans). DJT (American) overtook the Republican Party just as AOC (Totalitarian) overtook the Democratic Party. But whereas Ds cannot be brought back from totalitarianism, Rs can remain in place as a legitimate party — sans NeverTrumpers, of course — while their vanguard (the Trump-realized) forge ahead by refining an even more patriotic Adwaithin party to contrast with Scots-English Enlightenment type Republicans.

Meanwhile, the irate fire of the street gang Ds are now will burn itself out, hurting many and reviled by all, including themselves. Fire is a cleanser, however, so there is benefit in its rampage. Purity is the ground of unity.

John Strand: The True Meaning Of Trump

You should understand spiritual mathematics in order to know that Divinity is one. It is most essential that you understand this principle of oneness and conduct yourself accordingly. When you understand this oneness, you will experience Divinity. When you put a zero after the numeral 1 it becomes 10; put one more zero it will become 100. In this manner if you go on adding zeros, the value also increases to 1000, 10,000, and so on and so forth. Zeros gain value only when they are positioned next to the numeral one. ‘I’, ‘my wife’, ‘my children’, ‘my property’, etc., all these are like zeros. They will have value only when they are associated with God who is like the numeral one. The entire world is like a zero. It has emerged from the Hero, God. It is because of your delusion that you mistake zero for Hero. So long as you are immersed in delusion you will never be able to realise Divinity.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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