
As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Defending Democracy Together
Former Republican National Security Officials For Biden

 Transition Integrity Project

WEF: Welcome to 2030
WEF: Great Reset Initiative


Critical Race Theory In One Image

Never Forget: Smoking Gun Intel Memo From 1990s
Warned Of ‘Frankenstein The CIA Created’
Related here and here.

The Bushes, the Clintons, China… and Trump

The Cast of the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

Embarrassed Pope Suddenly Realizes
He’s Been Reading The Bible Upside Down
This Whole Time

Who is Taking the Beijing Bribes?
Beijing’s Partners in Destroying America
The Cast of the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

Forget the Hunter Biden sex tapes.
The real news is much bigger than that.

Gail Heriot on California Prop 16

Seth Hancock:
World Economic Forum: The Great Enslavement

It is most essential you understand that everything happens as per His will. Whatever happens is for your own good. With such firm conviction, you should accept pleasure and pain, good and bad with equanimity. It may be difficult for you to bear misfortunes. You should pray to God to grant you the necessary strength to bear them. Difficulties are like passing clouds. They will certainly give way to happiness. Man always strives for happiness. How can one attain it? True happiness lies in union with God. In fact, God is beyond happiness and sorrow. Whatever you may do, He says, “Tathastu” (So shall it be). He showers His blessings on you saying, “Let it be for your own good”. You will be free from sorrow once you understand the Bhagavad-tatva (nature of Divinity). If you are undergoing difficulties, do not get disheartened. Have faith that God is making you go through the ordeal for your own good.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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