Fin De Siècle – The Episcopal Church

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

These statistics represent a phenomenon of globe-wide extent: renegotiation of the institutional arrangements made upon the conclusion of WWII. The utility of those arrangements has run its course. The arrangements, therefore, are in collapse or advanced stages of decline while fresh institutional arrangements are being brought into existence. The Episcopal Church belongs to those post-WWII institutional arrangements.

WWII was the fin de siècle for centuries of European religious and therefore cultural institutions. (Culture is downstream from religion just as politics and morality are downstream from culture.) In 1996 and 1997, the bishops of The Episcopal Church were issued a warning order regarding globe-wide, fresh religious yearnings and therefore cultural institutions in train of emergence:

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On Vijayadasami day, the seven-day long Vedic ritual, performed for the promotion of peace and prosperity among all men in all lands concludes with the valedictory offering to the Gods who preside over various facets of nature. This is called Poornahuti and usually a number of valuable things are poured and placed in the sacrificial fire that was adored and fed during the entire week. The final offering is of one’s self, which is the culmination of the sacrifices rendered all along. The significance of Poornahuti is fulfilling one’s earthly life by dedicating oneself to the Omniwill or Brahman. This is also known as surrender or Saranagati. You have nothing in you or belonging to you that you can claim as yours to offer to God. Then, what does surrender of the self signify or imply? To experience God as Omnipresent, to be aware of nothing other than God – this is true surrender. To see God in everything, everywhere, at all times, is true Saranagati. He gives, He enjoys, and He experiences.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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