At The Camp Of The Saints

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Bob Belvedere operates a fine blog he named The Camp Of The Saints.

Recently, with war drums beating inside the Middle East’s White House, Bob linked and posted regarding a post about all that on his blog by Jeff Goldstein.

On Bob’s post I commented as follows:

Of that excerpt from Goldstein, this part strikes me as veering closest to the core truth: or else he is actively interested in aiding the rebels, among whom is insinuated al Qaeda.

Then Goldstein follows with this, which strikes me as projecting a wish regarding the core truth towards which he was veering rather than holding the consciousness firmly to it: presumably under the assumption that he and his fellow progressives can then tame the brutes and keep them as permanent clients, much like they do with minorities here at home.

This, I think, is a Frantz Fanon character who terrifies progressives and aims since early childhood to trash-talk, intimidate, manipulate and sodomize his way into a position with which he can punish The Church (Western Civilization in general and Jews and Christians in particular) for being. He sees progressives as prigs – he’s right about that – he can loose on a civilization he despises. His skimming the cream and making prime cuts from that civilization for personal and family amusement adds to his thrill in its punishment.  His goal is to life high.  A parasite.

His ground combat forays and drone hits on Taliban and the like are (1) intra-mural actions against competitors and (2) easy means of killing and embarrassing US Armed Forces. A double win for him.

The comment referencing a community college faculty lounge veers to a core truth: this cat is a non-descript by academic standards. The faculty lounge fears him and rushes to pay him whatever tribute he demands, terrified. But consider him one of theirs? Never. His first explicit, public threat, after all, was to the faculty lounge via the administration and trustees of Arizona State University.

That made perfect sense: the most powerful element of any society is the teacher/clergy cadre. The political cadre is second most powerful. Industry and business are third and labor is fourth. Right up front he knew he had to intimidate the teacher/clergy cadre, and he did … so far.

He has no supporters among business and industry, including among progressives there. Like the faculties, they fear him and hoover up the tribute. But not from like or even agreement. He and they know his “fund raising” is extortion collection to ensure the “safety” of business and industrial leaders and their organizations.

His own political party members fear him less and less as they see more and more the depth of his insane personal ambition and method of imposing it. He is indeed a dirty shoe on the Presidential Desk, a symbol of a country’s earnestness and integrity, relishing opportunity to mock it.

Even his sponsors and only true friends, the Muslim Brotherhood, have felt the lash of his self-promotion.

It strikes me that in this excerpt, Goldstein veers close to the core truth then over-thinks (or under-thinks) it and veers away from it. I offer Frantz Fanon and his aims and wishes as the role model for the lying self-promoter occupying the White House of the United States of America. He is not a progressive. He is anti-American, more deeply so than any American finds difficult to imagine much less grasp.

He has no political philosophy, never has. His impulses are more fascist than communist. But he has no fascist party to back him up, as did the two most famous European fascists of the 20th Century. This one skates purely on the intimidating power of a frightfully punishing and masterfully domineering personality – that is, on the fear of citizens. A god-send to the sado-masochism tango.

Update 1: The Muslim Brotherhood In America: A Course In 10 Parts


Loch Lomond
Loch Lomond

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