Bring On Hyphenated Descriptors Of Americans

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

One benefit of describing Americans as Scottish-Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Jewish-Americans, Norwegian-Americans, German-Americans, French-Americans, Danish-Americans, Swedish Americans, Vietnamese-Americans, Chinese-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Caribbean-Americans, Italian-Americans Creole-Americans, Korean-Americans, Polish-Americans, English-Americans, Irish-Americans, Indian-Americans, etc. is that the name itself identifies each and all as American. It’s also how Americans actually think and always will. E Pluribus Unum this is, in an efflorescence of descriptors for Americans that everybody knows and understands directly with no explanation necessary.

Describing Americans as Latino, Hispanic, Black, Asian, White, Trans, Bi, Queer, Lesbian, WASP, Honkey, Devil, etc. is labored, artificial, unnatural. Also stupid. All are inventions intended to divide, to separate, and to set one against another and everyone against everyone else. That intent, itself, is un-American.

Let us grow our splendid array of hyphenated descriptors of Americans, all ending in and therefore indicating our treasure in unity as Americans! We can do it.

In its active destruction of children, families, and American culture, the legacy US system of education is answering the demand of the US IC / FPE / Press.

A politician visited a village and asked the villagers what their needs were.

“We have two basic needs Honorable Sir”, replied the village leader.

“Firstly, we have a hospital but no doctor”

On hearing this, the politician brought out his phone.

After speaking for a while, he told them that there’d be a doctor there tomorrow and asked for the second problem.

“Secondly Sir, there is no mobile phone coverage anywhere in this village”

Balarama and Krishna were examples who showed that they do not care about their own physical strength and that they would sacrifice everything. They were willing to do hard work and showed that prosperity can be achieved by sincere hard work. Lord Krishna was all-knowing, all-powerful, and Divinity incarnate, and yet He worked as a charioteer for Arjuna. Krishna was one who recognised the importance of service to the community; and by His own practice and by setting an example to others, He showed that service to others was important. After the battle of Mahabharatha, these were the people who took the horses to the river, washed them and tended their wounds and applied medicines. He thereby demonstrated that hard work and compassion to all living beings constitute the duty of all human beings.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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