Take-Aways, Discussion With Lee Smith

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

US IC / FPE / Press are intentionally
driving us towards conflict,
they are intentionally divisive.

We see imported from outside our political system features of third world politics. The Press offers itself up as a platform for these third world operations by US IC (Intelligence Community) / FPE (Foreign Policy Establishment).

The Press opening itself to serve as an information operation [IO] operator is not right or left. This is what we see in hard security regimes in MENA and authoritarian and totalitarian regimes around the world. This is not a right or left issue.

Press are not telling Americans what is happening because they are participants in the IC / FPE IOs. Not partisans, participants. They are the essential ingredient in the IOs, targeting not just POTUS but our republic itself, our political processes, traditions, and mores.

The Constitution is important. However, without the mores that bind us, without the respect of personhood, the Constitution itself is not worth much. There has to be respect, or as founders put it, religion-based morality, to keep boots from tramping down the flower beds.

Lee sees similarities with MENA in the coordination between US IC / FPE / Press during the Iran Deal. Obama naturalized third world norms in the US political system with intent to transform America into a third world political, economic, and social system.

Richard Gephardt realized what CCP were doing. The US IC / FPE / Press did to him what they are doing to Donald Trump decades later. [So, current Press participation in US IC / FPE / Press IOs against Americans did not start with Obama.]

Why do all these people — US IC / FPE / Press — agree on one thing, why are all in D.C. agreed on the centrality and significance of the CCP?

It is ordinary for foreigners to come and ask for this or that from us against their enemies. Now we have invited foreign powers to take part in our political process. We made the PRC strong. Why?

To the US IC / FPE / Press, the enemy is not Trump, the enemy is the American way of life, and the goal is to replace it with third world norms, structures, and mores, abolishing the republic altogether. US policy makers and Press have been attacking America. They are not just wrong or mistaken. They are active aggressors against America and Americans. Diane Feinstein aligns with a regime who hurts her own constituents.

The foundation shaking is that China’s nature is showing and now Feinstein et al have no idea what to do. Ds and Rs both are representing the interests of foreign powers. They hate Trump because of his views of China. They are used to taking seed money from Red Chinese and other nationals.

What fiction writers have been talking about since the 80s is occurring now in view and has been in the air since the 80s at least. Now it is actually going on [the importation of third world norms, structures, processes, mores to found a new, transformed USA, or whatever they want to call it].

The Press, political figures, and the US IC / FPE are teamed up to destroy their adversaries [America, Americans, American way of life].

Prestige Press Organizations is Lee’s phrase for IO operators customarily denominated as MSM, legacy media, Big Media, corporate media, media-entertainment complex, infotainment, etc.

The mortar of their IO narratives is the nonsense. So, get to the foundation of that in dates and quotes, expose those, the foundation cracks, and the superstructure of sedition collapses into it.

Trump fights and listens. Americans’ fight is his fight.

The Iran Deal was so important to Obama that it ramped up hugely their domestic surveillance targeting Congress and pro-Israel activists. And that was rolled into surveilling the Trump campaign and presidency, especially targeting Flynn.

Flynn saw how bad the Iran Deal was. Flynn would undo the Iran Deal and that is why Obama targeted Flynn.

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

H. L. Mencken

Gary Berntsen: The Complex and International Fight for America’s Future
Roger Kimball: Trump does the right thing by pardoning Gen. Flynn

David R. Graham
VDH is back to his old haunts with this one: missing the point. The point is NGOs and GOs who think and act as if they are NGOs. Media, Biden, Antifa, BLM . . . merely players. The NGOs and NGO-acting GOs produce and direct this drama. VDH does not get it. He is chasing the red laser dot with this piece, being played and he does not know it.

TyreByter to David R. Graham
Intelligence cabal orchestrated media induced mass hysteria.

David R. Graham to TyreByter
That’s it, with the added note that media are participants with the intelligence cabal, not just activists on their own. Until attention for remedy lifts way up to that intelligence cabal with a real and lasting stink eye, efforts are going to chase the foot soldiers around from one corner of the desert to another endlessly, with no decision, just as the cabal would have it.

TyreByter to David R. Graham
Scott Adams posits that eventual takeover by the intelligence cabal is inevitable. That’s what they do for a living after all and they will just keep trying until they succeed. No downside. And they’ve got some awesome technical tools now.

Who imagines the intelligence cabal has not Hoovered everyone who is anyone by now? It certainly explains much apparently deranged behavior and why they are terrified of Trump.

David R. Graham to TyreByter
How true!, however, I cannot agree with Adams on this one. Dharma never declines, the practice of Dharma declines, but never permanently. After all, PJT walked around and past the US IC / FPE / Press several times already. Even after he leaves the WH, whenever that is, and it must happen, and we know it must, Dharma persists in ways and to ends we cannot foresee, but all of which we know militate against cabals.

Dharma / God protects those who protect Dharma / God. T. J. Jackson’s famous manner of expressing this truth, when he was a struggling West Point Cadet, was Duty is ours, consequences are God’s.

Adams is given to sarcasm, which I think conditions him to miss indications and puff up his personality perhaps past the point of self-confidence, which should be every man’s treasure, into altogether another territory of feeling and thinking.

It’s not the Ds, RINOs, or Rs, not as initiators. It’s not Antifa, BLM. Not even Soros Bloomberg Gates. The initiators are the US IC /FPE / Press, and behind them, clergy and professors. These are foot soldiers, nearly nothing, cannon fodder, distractions. They deserve nearly zero attention. The stink eye belongs on the US IC / FPE / Press, meaning, US and foreign NGOs and US GOs who think and act as if they are post-national NGOs, and even more to the point, if their hearts were thoroughly searched, sole, unitary, undisputed world rulers.

RINO is a social circle, not this person and that. To get rid of RINO, de-industrialize the system of education. This cannot be done through elections, or through firearms engagements, for that matter. It starts in the homeschool and free market learning and builds out from there as a manner of living, not a political party.

Calling military GOs and ADMs losers to their faces, yes, he has done that and spoke the truth doing it. Junior Officers, Enlisted, and NCOs? Never, would not even enter his mind. He knows how organizations work and who is who in them. When an organization fails their mission, he knows who done it. It ain’t the foot soldiers.

Conservative principles are the first casualty of war. Decorum, acceptable conduct, leave the stage upon the first cannonade. US GOs operating as if they are NGOs is a causus belli, not an occasion to reaffirm conservative principles.

When thoughts come surging to your mind, you should spend at least a few minutes enquiring whether such thoughts are good thoughts or bad ones, and whether they are for the good of your country, and whether they are going to be helpful or not to the community around you. If they are bad, you must immediately put them aside; and if they are good, you must make an attempt to promote them. When a thorny plant is seen, it is removed the moment it is recognised as a thorny plant; but when a good fruit tree comes up, we try to take care of it and promote its growth. In the same manner, in the field of your heart, as soon as bad ideas sprout, you must pull them out and throw them away. As the seeds grow into a big tree, man also must try to grow and become Madhava (God) ultimately.

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