Maps / INDOPACOM / CCP / India

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

St. Thomas. Episcopal Church, Medina, WA

Two map sets show the geographical / communications background to China’s attack against India. One map set shows USINDOPACOM geography and communications relative to China’s long-range plans. The other map set shows the PLA’s lines of attack across India’s Northeastern and Northwestern frontiers, in furtherance of their long-range plans. Additional information on this matter is available here, to include running updates mostly from the Indian press.

Japan MOD assessment: CCP intentions, assets, orders of battle in Japan’s Pacific AO

Michael J, Good: Chinese Strategy Of Total War
Andrew Latham: Mahan, Corbett, and China’s Maritime Grand Strategy
Sharri Markson: Major leak ‘exposes’ members and ‘lifts the lid’ on the Chinese Communist Party — also here, and here
Amrita Jash: India Can No Longer Have Peaceful Co-existence With China

When you feed the cow with fermented gruel so that it may yield more milk, the milk emits an unpleasant smell. When man engrosses himself too much with the trifles of the world, his conduct and character become unpleasant. It is indeed tragic to witness the downfall of the child of immortality, struggling in despair and distress. If only every one examines these: “What are my qualifications? What is my position?” Then they can soon realise their downfall. Will a tiger, however hungry, eat popcorn or monkey nuts? Aim at the goal which your lineage entitles you; how can the parrot taste the sweetness of the mango if it pecks at the fruit of the cotton-tree? Let your effort be in keeping with the dignity of the goal. Never slacken effort, whatever the obstacle, or however long the journey. The goal will near you faster than the pace with which you near the goal. God is as eager to save you as you are eager to be saved.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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