All Problems Are Land-Based

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

St. Teresa Of Avila by Bernini
Sarva Dharma Symbol

All problems are susceptible to theological analysis, and all analyses are theological in nature.

All problems are land-based, and all statecraft is susceptible to theological articulation.

Leftism’s morbid mistake is its self-basing in ideology rather than on actual land, the human face of which is self-confidence. It is vision-bound rather than rock-bound.

Rock must overwhelm vision as light must overwhelm dreams. Self-confidence creates success and guarantees prestige.

Land and self-confidence are the countenance of happiness.

A leftist wants to believe something.

A normal person wants to make something.

Salma Hayek

All force is land force. Force in air rises from land and returns to land. Force in space rises from land and returns to land. Force in so-called cyberspace (fire) rises from land and returns to land. Force at sea rises from land and returns to land. All forces are land forces.

All five senses of knowledge (hearing, touch, sight, smell, taste) and all five sense of action (ear, skin, eye, nose, tongue) rise from land and return to land.

All three assets brought to the conduct of statecraft — diplomacy, finance, war-fighting — rise from land and return to land.

Salma Hayek

In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

Genesis 3:19

It follows, therefore, that in considerations of a nation’s grand strategic objectives, her regional (COCOMs) strategic objectives, and each and all of her tactical objectives, ensuring friendly land bases at key junctures (bottlenecks, narrows, straits, throttle points, intersections) in global comms, and freedom of movement between them, is a nation’s paramount interest and objective . . . and globalists’, aka Communists’ — CCP, US Chamber of Commerce, Democracy Alliance, D-R UniParty — paramount interest and objective to thwart or extirpate.

Freedom of movement — aka, opportunity that encourages expansion of wealth — is the most effective prophylactic against the miseries of war. It is also the condition best suited rapidly and economically to sluice out an aggressor’s will to aggress.


Ron Kampeas: New head of powerful US liberal donor group looks to shake secretive reputation

Today people are fear-struck because they lack self-confidence. Life is meaningless without self-confidence. From self-confidence, you get courage. Our ancients led a sacred life and performed penance without any fear in dense forests amidst wild animals and wicked demons. What was their source of courage and strength? They had no body attachment (Dehabhimana). They attached themselves to the Self (Atmabhimana). What was the weapon they carried with them? The weapon of self-confidence! With this, they could even tame wild animals like lions and tigers, and play with them fearlessly! Today, people do not have faith in the Self (Atma). They ask, “Where is Atma?” Atma is everywhere! See the same Atma (Divine) in all beings (Atmavat Sarvabhutani). With hands, feet, eyes, heads, mouth and ears pervading every being, God permeates the entire universe.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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