Leadership In The Middle East

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Update 16JAN17
Something is afoot in MENA, a new alignment is forming,
comprising Israel, Saud, Egypt and Jordan,
that I can see so far.
Not sure how it builds out,
but I think the Muslim Brotherhood and
Salafism in general are going to be overtaken by
a perfect storm,
even in Saud, where Salafism started.

Question: Who will lead in Iraq and the Middle East if muslim clergy are removed from circulation, as they must be?

Answer: The United States leads for the foreseeable future with possible help from NATO, UN … whomever. Ultimately there will be three states (Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite) in a federal structure. The only real solution is the long term one of education and economic productivity, the specifics of freedom. That is happening, is not newsworthy and takes decades to have its full effect.

So the short answer to the question who leads is CENTCOM and State Department and whatever structures they put in place that work to the end of education and economic productivity.

Education is what the muslim clergy do not want and will do everything they can to prevent happening. Thus, they must be removed from circulation.

The long answer to who leads is unforeseeable because it comes out of the hubbub of all factors that are only really in their operational infancy. I am confident it will not be a who, it will be a what, a strength holding the consciousness bound to truth and that strength being concretized as a structure of law and the hubbub of people who operate and evolve it.

Leadership is passing from mere force of personality — AKA self-promoters, clergy, other dictators, etc. — to actual strength, which is a habit of mind produced by education (as compared to indoctrination) and living freedom.

This is the point of the fresh era the birth pangs of which we are suffering through. It is an era of universal freedom. Humanity will accept nothing less and, because of our commo infrastructure, cannot accept anything less. We cannot find precedent for this era in any human history that we know about because so far as we know there has never before been true global communication (commo).

(Actually, there has been, a couple of times at least, but most would not accept that there has been and it does not matter that they would not.)

This era is unique, as the spirit (the totality of their presence) of every newborn is unique, but it also comprises universal and as best we know permanent structures of being, again as the spirit of every newborn does.

So we both are it and are struggling to see it and conceptualize its evolution while it/we are emerging, as a baby struggles to emerge from the womb and wonders whether and what it will breath on the other side, what sort of pleasures and horrors await it and whether and how it will be able to fulfill the mission for which it came — and even what that mission is.

There is no certainty regarding a birth, and when it is in progress just the anxiety felt on its account can be life-threatening. Birth itself is life-threatening, for all participants. Of course, life is life-threatening, a core paradox of being itself. The only comfort available is in the statistical data showing that most births succeed and then in the actuality of the newborn’s healthy and stable development.

Of course we are aware of these realities attending the birth of infants, but they also occur during the birth of eras of history and of that we are not generally aware. Some deny that a birth is happening. Some panic at a birth. Some fear it. Some try to prevent it. Some help it. In the cauldron of overwhelming powers, what are the chances that life as we know it can even occur much less succeed? None that we can see. We can infer that life may be the most overwhelming of the powers, but we cannot prove that it is.

(We cannot prove anything, finally, because we are part of the proof that would have to be established.)

Arabs and Africans are at the lowest possible point of dysfunctionality. Can the world be happy if they continue so? Hardly. They are pro-active with their dysfunctionality. So they have to be “brought up to speed,” as Nate Sassaman, 1-8 INF, 4ID, stated a few months ago regarding the residents of Tikrit.

From education (ex ducare = leading out) will come the leaders, and meanwhile, it is CENTCOM and State Department and whatever/whomever they establish.

Education is what clergy do not want and will do everything they can to prevent happening. Thus, they must be removed from circulation.

Arabs and Africans will be led to solve their problems in situ. They cannot be integrated in any sizeable numbers in countries outside their native areas. When their leadership cadres are educated, also in situ, their conditions will be happy and they will not feel pressure to emigrate en masse. Education is the real solution and clergy must be removed from circulation in order for education to happen.

Update 1: Paul Bremer made a disastrous strategic mistake dissolving the Iraqi Armed Forces and General Staff.

Update 2: CENTCOM politicizing intel?

Update 3: Some Anti-Colonial Globalists (note the oxymoron) have figured out a new map of the Middle East.

Update 4: Spengler: Balance Of Power – The Board Game

Update 5: BINGO!: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman visits Israel for secret state strategic — Arab cooperation with Israel — discussions.

Update 6: Thierry Meyssan: Which target after Syria?

Update 7: Laurent Murawiec: Taking Saudi Out Of Arabia



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