John Kerry

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

John Kerry is a self-promoting liar who should have been tried for treason.

Here are some facts.

The bad guys attacking mankind are the clergy of all religions, but especially muslim and christian (to include jewish) clergy. Their agenda is to promote and preserve misogyny. muslim clergy are the cause of overt attacks and disquiet all over the world, in every major nation. They are not clergy, they are military organizers and propaganda demagogues. They could not be more dangerous to United States force security and mission accomplishment in Iraq and on other fields of battle in which our military forces are deployed.

We arrogantly and stupidly either worship or scorn clergy as a class, thinking ourselves either inferior or superior and them as either divine or nincompoops, respectively. In either case we assume clergy cannot be really dangerous, so there is a huge hole in our front that these bad guys posing as clergy, including christian clergy and their mates comprising academic faculties here in the United States, are driving forces through seemingly unnoticed, and with devastating effect. There are classes of persons who are bad intrinsically. The clergy of all religions who are living off donations of seekers are one of these classes.

Any clergy of any religion who lives off the donations of seekers rather than from the work — literally, manual labor — of their own hands — St. Paul, St. Benedict, Gandhi — is a terrorist. True clergy, and there are some, are easily identified from the source of their livelihood — the work of their own hands — and the manner of their living — devoted to study that fosters their own equanimity and the peace of God. It will be very difficult to find true clergy in a well-running society, although they do exist, albeit in small numbers.

When the patient is well there is no need for a doctor. Clergy are successful when churches and hospitals are empty. To empty churches and hospitals is the goal of true clergy. True clergy work to make themselves undesirable and unneeded. True clergy, of every religion, concretize the Protestant Principle.

In the war on terror, which is really a war against muslim/Arab totalitarianism, is politics degrading force security and mission accomplishment by exempting the key class of combatants, clergy, from their just desserts?

Is it possible to win this war without taking every muslim living in the United States who quibbles allegiance to our Constitution (meaning, they are waiting or working to replace it with Shariah) as a traitor and charging or deporting them, as appropriate to their resident status? I think not.

Should we tolerate a fifth column in our living room? I think not.

If he were President of the United States, John Kerry would do more than that. He would invite them to the kitchen table, and perhaps the bedroom, thinking that by being nice to them they will become agreeable. Tyrants love to be appeased, and it is tyrants who appease them.

Update 1: Richard Grenier: The Gandhi Nobody Knows.


Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg

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