The School Of The U.S. Army

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Christian Culture

Thandava And Christian Culture


The U.S. Army should shutter ROTC programs, conduct outreach to homeschoolers, offer them BS and BA degrees and a Commission from The School Of The U.S. Army, after living in barracks and at DFAC as Enlisted — except unmarried and without responsibility for children — to the grade of E-4 at least while also mastering their STEM or classical Liberal Arts curriculum using the assisted self-study method to which they are accustomed as homeschoolers.

Avoid college/university-sourced commissioning altogether. It is too dangerous, too infected with the virus of Leftism, aka aggressive incoherence.

Let The U.S. Army herself be a young person’s post secondary education. The U.S. Army’s greatest treasure is The U. S. Army.


U.S. Army officer retention numbers are highest for graduates of West Point. U.S. Army officer induction numbers are highest for graduates of college and university ROTC programs.

The virus of Leftism infects the American system of education K-20, some domains of the system more, some less, and to include the US national service academies.

The American system of education K-20, being so infected, is an unreliable or harmful source of Officers and NCOs to lead the U.S. Army to accomplish her mission to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Whereas the virus of Leftism infecting the US national service academies can be quarantined, caused to self-eradicate, and be inoculated against — because they answer to federal executive branch authority — state and private colleges and universities have no single authority to which they must answer save taxpayers en masse (state schools) and student and parent decision (private schools). The virus of Leftism infects state and private colleges and universities with, effectively, neither restraint nor remediation.

The urgent problem, the challenge confronting U.S. Army Officer and NCO recruiting is accession to the service of high school and college or university graduates who are NOT infected, more or less, with the virus of Leftism or are eager to undergo its disinfection.

Suggested Solution

The U.S. Army’s hidden treasure is the U.S. Army. Let the U.S. Army be the school who produces persons worthy of accession to Officer and NCO duties. Already this is done, more or less, with respect to persons volunteering for NCO duties. Let it be done also with respect to those volunteering for Officer duties.

Colleges and universities moderately-to strongly-infected with the virus of Leftism should experience cancellation of their ROTC programs. Let those programs be replaced with information and marksmanship outreach to homeschooling students aged fourteen and older, countrywide.

Promise them admission to The School Of The U.S. Army as preparation for a Bachelor’s Degree and Commission issued by The School Of The U.S. Army. Use current or higher age, physical, leadership, and academic standards for induction/accession — to status as Private Soldiers — of homeschoolers aspiring to serve as Officers in the U.S. Army.

Intending Officers master Soldering and learn the U.S. Army alongside intending Privates and NCOs. They live in barracks and eat at the DFAC just as Soldiers of their junior rank do. They may not marry or have responsibility for a child until they are commissioned.

Commissioning into the U.S. Army from The School Of The U.S. Army is available following four years of training to master (1) the duties of Soldiers to at least the grade of E-4, and (2) the knowledge base of a baccalaureate in Science or the classical Liberal Arts.

In addition to mastering STEM or classical Liberal Arts subjects of their choice, during their first four years in The School Of The U.S. Army intending Officers should become widely literate, and not merely read, in classical literatures that recount essential human endeavor, to include geography, religion, aesthetics, linguistics, strategies and tactics of all military formations, autobiography by extraordinary personalities, military history, and political philosophy.

Two lines of eduction are parallel and simultaneous for intending Officers: the manual of arms, writ large, and the manual of the heart, writ large. Warrior-Scholars are the desired product of The School Of The U.S. Army.

Between 1155 and 1205 Hours each day, U.S. Army units not in battle or on guard force duty should observe ten minutes of silent religious remembrance. During this time, each Soldier recites a Name of God or a passage of Sacred Scripture pleasing to them.

Sarah Imgrund: Homeschooling scholar-mom takes on Harvard prof who wants to crack down on homeschooling

So long as there is the feeling of anger and ego in our hearts, we will not be able to feel well in our life; we will feel sick in our mind. One’s anger is one’s greatest enemy and one’s calmness is one’s protection. The one who is possessed by anger will be hated by people because the person will commit a number of bad deeds. Sometimes, ego also joins the feeling of anger. Living life obsessed with pride, ego and anger is harmful. If we aim at transcendental reality and Divinity, we must decide to bring this great emotion of anger under control. While the funeral pyre consumes the dead, chinta, or an agitated mind, reduces to ashes the living body. It is a living death if one is obsessed by pride, ego and anger. Anger is caused by weakness. It is not the weakness of the body but of the mind. To give strength to our mind and remove the weakness from our mind, it is necessary to fill it with good thoughts, good feelings and good ideas.

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