Coming Soon From CAIR And Qom

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Before long, two armies of trial lawyers, not Muslims but megalomaniacs, representing CAIR, Qom and other subversive groups at work in the United States of America, fed by seemingly inexhaustible Saudi and Iranian petrodollars, and with eager participation from the irresponsible (inaccurately self-described as “homosexual” [a non sequitur] or “gay” [a fine word worthy of being redeemed from filthy hands]) element of the guild of attorneys, will argue through the courts of the United States of America that, and demand remedy for:

1- churches, public schools and elements of the United States Government – for example, the United States Armed Forces – and in general the so-called “American way of life” are vestiges of Christian culture and their existence, therefore, breaches the establishment and the free exercise clauses of the First Amendment;

2- those two clauses aligned with the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protect any activity deemed religious by Imams or Ayatollahs – to include bombing, assassination, extortion, bullying, terrorizing, enslaving, mutilating, raping, dhimmituding, etc.;

3- the Constitution of the United States is a vestige of Christian culture and its existence, therefore, together with all resting on it, breaches the establishment, free exercise and equal protection clauses of its own First and Fourteenth Amendments;

4- that the Constitution of the United States is internally self-contradictory invalidates the governmental system – all three branches – resting upon it;

5- in view of the foregoing, Christian culture in any form – potential, actual or vestigial – if inside the territorial limits of the United States of America breaches the establishment, free exercise and equal protection clauses of the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Update 1: And Al Saud intends to keep it up.

Update 2: Ed Driscoll: Why Does The Left Kowtow To Islam?

Update 3: Found crucifix shows Christianity in Viking Europe earlier than thought.

Update 4: CAIR takes over Columbus, OH  Of course, not long after this article, the Salafist Jihad, which CAIR is and protects, struck Ohio State University … in Columbus, OH.

Update 5: Robert Spencer: 120 Members of Congress Send Letters of Support to Hamas-Linked Group


The World Trade Center From Then Hudson Rivewr, New York City, 26 August 2000
The World Trade Center From The Hudson Rivewr, New York City, 26 August 2000

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