From India To Russia With Love

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Great Manu

The lineaments of Three Brothers Doctrine are forming, grandly, before our eyes. This strategic inter-nation activity framework is comprehensive and replaces the post-WWII one, which is Socialist/Progressive and fills many rice bowls as it instills sorrow in most nations and their citizens.

Sundance: President Trump Delivers Remarks at “Namaste Trump” Rally – Motera Cricket Stadium – Transcript

Vijeta Uniyal: ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’: President Trump Receives Grand Welcome in India

Wayne Dupree: Crowd of Over 100K Wear Custom-Made White Hats to Honor President Trump During India Rally

Tyler O’Neil: More Than 100K Pack Massive Stadium to Welcome POTUS for ‘Namaste Trump’ Rally in India

Right Journalism: Melania Trump Dazzles In White In Ahmedabad On First India Visit

Sundance: President Trump and First Lady Melania Visit the Taj Mahal – Video and Pictures

Morgan Chalfant: Trump receives warm welcome in India, announces $3 billion defense deal

Glenn Reynolds: Smart Diplomacy

Sundance: Day Two – President Trump State Visit to India – New Delhi, Full Schedule

Sundance: President Trump and Prime Minister Modi Deliver Joint Press Statement – Video and Transcript

Sundance: President Trump Remarks During Business Roundtable in India

Sundance: President Trump Holds Press Conference During India State Visit – Video and Transcript

Sundance: President Trump and First Lady Melania Attend State Dinner – India’s Presidential Palace

Emily Goodin, The Daily Mail can’t help themselves

Sundance: Big Winning – REPORT: India and U.S. Close to Final Trade Agreement

The gist of these developments is holding fast to that which is good: love for one’s sovereign personal and national freedom, which is divinely instituted and charged.  Add Japan and Egypt to USA, Russia, and India for an even Five points, giving divine as well as comprehensive structural integrity to the fresh inter-nation activity framework forming before us and, actually, from us.  Love historic.

Some comments and responses I have broadcast on this subject of late:


Sathya Sai Baba installed
groundwork for this development.
Some beginnings of superstructure,
Russia soon appears among this band of brothers.


David R. Graham
All proceeds as one has observed.
Russia to appear in this band of brothers.
These three command history’s teleology.

egg0 to David R. Graham
No.  Just no.

David R. Graham to egg0
All in the geographies,
All in the strategics.
All yes.

egg0 to David R. Graham
Russia is not our friend, or India’s friend.  That isn’t going to change.  You might as well wish (as Obama did) that Iran would become our friend.  Those guys define themselves by their enmity to us.

David R. Graham to egg0
You define them so, and most of the teetering US Intelligence-Foreign Policy Establishment (I-FPE) with you.  But they do not.  The desire to paint Russia as an enemy of USA emerges from selfish considerations — rice bowls — not from simple observations of geography and strategics, and history.  What a curiosity that you shield behind an alias.


Yes, it seems this way,
But it isn’t.

The analysis is economic
And a little bit military.
The salients are
Geographic and institutional.

Russia needs a strong USA.
(Reference BBC’s Sleepers.)
US IC-FPE wants a weak USA.
(Reference Kristol, Will rice-bowls.)

Russia’s best navy faces Iran.
Russia is at war with Turkey.
Russia abominates Jihad and Socialism.

Russia, USA, and India: brother nations.


Bloomberg is ChiComs.
Sanders is Moslem Brotherhood.
NeverTrumpers, tech cos, legacy
Media, DNC are Moslem Brotherhood.
No surprise Twitter shutters Bloomberg.

Welcome sorrow just as you welcome happiness.  In fact the happiness that you derive out of pleasure is negligible compared to the happiness that results from difficulties.  History is replete with examples of people who stand testimony to this fact.  All noble and ideal people had to undergo ordeals before they experienced happiness.  Na sukhath labbyathe sukham (happiness is not derived from happiness).  It is derived from pain and suffering, but people want only happiness, not difficulties.  This is quite contradictory to the principles of spirituality.  People should understand this truth.  People desire the fruits of meritorious deeds but do not perform any.  Nobody wants the fruits of sinful actions, yet they indulge in them!  Whatever you want to achieve, you can do so by proceeding along the right path.  Do not go on the wrong path if you are not prepared to face the consequences of it.

Sathya Sai BabaDivine Discourse, November 24, 1998  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: Jonathan Spyer: Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia and Qatar form troubling new alliance

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