The Origin Of A Feedback Loop

Four Faces Of The Avatar


Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind the functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) and intelligence community (IC).

The decision to do business with the MAGA Movement and its representative Donald Trump and family originates in the professoriate and, behind them, the prelacy.

Crafted narrative (aka propaganda) has it that the likes of Obama, Clinton, Brennan, and Comey stimulate and hire — through cut-outs, usually Big Law firms — the likes of Tribe, Holdren, Mifsud, and Halper to produce content and justification for their plots and intrigues.

The direction of phenomenology, however, runs the other way: the likes of Tribe, Holdren, Mifsud, and Halper — and, behind them, prelates and other clerics, Christian, Jewish, and now Mohammedan — rear, induce, and sponsor the likes of Obama, Clinton, Brennan, and Comey to do business with whomever they dislike.

The feedback-loop originates with academics and, behind them, clerics.  The pulse goes from them through lawyers to politicians/bureaucrats, who send the pulse through lawyers to industrialists and merchants, who return the pulse through lawyers to academics and, behind them, clerics.

These actors, all of them, do their best to ensure that the feedback loop, the pulse they generate or transmit, does not go through the generality of citizens, lest it stir [their] hearts to mutiny and rage.  Lawyers collect the most worldly wealth from this circle of considerations, this loop of commerce, because they gate its every switch.

Why say clerics are behind academics who originate the feedback loop?  Clerics rear auditors to nurse sweet dreams of superficial unity, to include traducings of the peace of God which passes all understanding into political ideologies that envision auditors heroically leading the few humans who deserve to exist into a glorious condition of global governance . . . by clerics, of course, but that part remains sotto voce until accomplished, which it never is nor ever can or will be.

In other words, clerics fill auditors with theological nonsense akin to childish fiddle-faddle, passing off sweet little dreams as salvation.  Add to the childishness of sweet dreams the arrogance of academic writ and powerful, but not indomitable, danger is afoot in a nation.

The only pretense of global governance that has gained reputation for embodiment — and that temporary and local, neither lasting ror global — has been seized and administered by thugs, not by clerics, who, with academics, the thugs execute as soon as they can, and for good reason from a thug’s point of view.

Clerics and academics who promote global governance are sick and suicidal.  They imagine they can play with fire they in fact cannot control as clerics and academics.  And even as by thugs, clerics’ and academics’ global governance accomplishments are transitory and geographically limited as well as rapidly and effectively opposed.  Being a-Dharmic, they cannot but be.

It has been said that every bright idea — aka ideology — harming Americans and their sovereign nation traces back to the banks of The Charles River.  True.  However, truer still is that every noxious scheme that traces back to the banks of The Charles River traces further back to the pulpits of prelates, the lecterns of rabbis, and/or the minarets of imams.

Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind bullies that they do not have matters as sewn up as they represent to themselves that they do.  Hurray for the genius of the species!

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: The Brennan Dossier: All About a Prime Mover of Russiagate

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