We Do Not Countenance Contentions Of Trans-Ness

Four Faces Of The Avatar


Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind the functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) and intelligence community (IC).

The drama surrounding the figure of LTG (R) Michael Flynn is about heeling a self-selecting permanent government-aspiring oligarchy, aka the US IC/FPE (Foreign Policy Establishment).  General Flynn was the first senior IC officer, this time around, to attempt the feat.  GA MacArthur and MG Willoughby pointed to the oligarchy, correctly denoting it as Communist.

They, the oligarchs, swung back fast and furiously at General Flynn through their plants, the whole Obama White House.  When General Flynn entered the White House, where he would straddle their comms, the IC/FPE oligarchs had to set him up and did, achieving their desired result with, be it noted, a little gratuitous and unforced help from General Flynn himself.

Again, who is good and who is bad, moral and immoral, is not at issue here.  It never can be anywhere because each of us is both in any case.  The issue is who is right and who is wrong.  The answer here is simple: the US IC/FPE is wrong; the USA does not admit of oligarchy unaccountable to the electorate.

The US IC/FPE is announcing status as a self-selecting permanent government beyond electoral scrutiny and reach, based on the claim that they alone, the IC/FPE oligarchs, know the truth and require of the rest of us thanks and silence regarding their ministrations.

That is a trans-constitutional contention.  Sedition it is and arguably proto-treason.  It goes along with trans-national and trans-gender contentions, the which all reach for trans-temporal legitimacy.  Its proponents eagerly call it being transgressive, a thought and posture rooted in the practice and promotion of sodomy.  Neither the US Constitution, American families, nor the very land of The United States countenance contentions of trans-ness.  We are what we are: creatures of finitude finding our way home.

Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind bullies that they do not have matters as sewn up as they represent to themselves that they do.  Hurray for the genius of the species!

Update 1: Vindman speaks for the US IC/FPE (Foreign policy Establishment), whose oligarchic contention it is that they only, the self-selecting permanent and actual government of the US, know the truth and, therefore, function beyond electoral scrutiny or approval.

This contention of IC/FPE oligarchs is intentionally trans-constitutional.  It has this virtue: that, like muzzle blast, it reveals an enemy’s position.

Enemies foreign are a nuisance to Americans.  Enemies domestic are a threat to Americans.  Americans’ capital city and structures of government are beset with domestic enemies of Americans.  Like the Bonus Marchers of yore, these domestic enemies of Americans deserve to be scattered geographically and driven hence.

Update 2: Kurt Schlichter: Trump Is Derailing The Elite’s Gravy Train

Update 3: Margot Cleveland: CIA, FBI Informant Was Washington Post Source For Russiagate Smears

So, US IC/FPE spend their time launching tittle-tattle.  And no matter where things end up, they always start out from a professor.

Update 4: Maria wears emerald beautifully.  Rep. Nunes, I submit, is a Saint laboring in the Vineyard.  He is, I submit, the second flanking attack by Americans in support of the attack of their main body (MAGA Movement/POTUS Trump) against Americans’ three-headed domestic enemy — ChiComs, Euro-American Socialists, Salafi-Shiite Jihadis — who embodies as the US IC/FPE.  The first such flanking attack was executed by ADM (R) Mike Rogers, also a Saint laboring in the Vineyard.  I should think there will be a third such, at least.

Update 5: Jim Hanson: Alex Vindman Is Living, Breathing Proof That The Deep State Exists, And It Is Corrupt

Update 6: Sundance: A Seditious Conspiracy – Lt. Col. Vindman, CIA “Whistleblower” Source #1, Shaped False Summary of April Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

Update 7: Jacob Nordangard: The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’

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