Trade Is Exchange Of Goods, Not Transfer Of Money

The Dance Of Siva


Bankers, marketers, merchants, and economists so-called have bastardized the act of trade.  Trade is essential to human happiness and so to vivid culture.  Trade, aka commerce, is the exchange of one good for another.  One actual good, for another actual good.

I or you make something that is useful, attractive, and therefore desirable.  You or I would like to own one or more such.  So you or I offer I or you what you or I consider an equally useful, attractive, and therefore desirable something in return for I or you giving you or I what one of us has made.

The transaction is simple and it also is fair so long as each of us, you and I, actually have and feel that we have benefitted from the exchange of desirable somethings.

Trade, aka commerce, is a moral exchange before it is a physical one.  Adam Smith was Professor of Moral Philosophy, not Economics, at The University of Glasgow.

Bankers, marketers, merchants, and economists so-called tempt people to shop for this and that in order to extract from marks customers the most amount of money for the least amount of product.  They load the market with junk and call it goods and services.  The intent of bankers, marketers, merchants, and economists so-called is to transfer money from marks customers to themselves rather than to offer fellow citizens actual goods in exchange for an actual good they actually need.

A good that is not actually good cannot be an actual good in trade because a transfer of it occurs mitten in the practice of deceit and trickery.  Bankers, marketers, merchants, and economists so-called who receive money in exchange for junk — i.e., who trade unfairly — receive junk in return.  Trade fairly, an actual good for an actual good, and your wealth will increase along with, most importantly, your contentment.

Ill-gotten gains are loss.  Respect yourself, shop not, purchase not junk, and trade whatever for things truly useful, attractive, and therefore desirable.  Trade fairly, an actual good for an actual good.  Spend your career refining your sensibilities.

Shopping is the anthesis of economics.  When using money in trade to acquire what you find useful, attractive, and therefore desirable, make sure (1) you need it rather than merely want it and (2) it actually is as represented and seen and not otherwise.

Desire is the worst measurement of need.  Economics improve as desire recedes.

Everything will be wonderful after I have everybody’s wealth.
Socialism is envy with a mouth and marketing.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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