Thandava – XXV

The Dance Of Siva


John Hinderaker: These days, it seems that pretty much all of our cultural indicators are pointing downward.

I commented:

Perhaps.  Seems is a caveat, as you know.  More than that, The Almighty’s arithmetic is not the same as ours and He is unaccustomed to miscalculating.

What was the line, a step or so down from The Almighty, surely, but on point principle?: It’s not nice to fool mother nature!

Jane to David R. Graham
Here’s pride, from a retired general: Major General (ret) Paul Eaton‏

It was my great privilege to serve 7 years as a general.  @realDonaldTrump says generals are thrilled with his appalling plan for Independence Day.  More Trump Fiction.  Generals speak softly.  And carry a big stick.  They never thrill.  And should not stand near Trump tomorrow.

David R. Graham to Jane
Germans excel at the art of music (Bach, etc.), Italians at the art of singing (Palestrina, etc.), French at the art of painting (Cezanne, etc.), Russians at the art of fiction (Dostoevsky, etc), Scots at the art of law (Home/Kames, etc.), English at the art of drama (Shakespeare, etc.), and Americans at the art of war (MacArthur, etc.).

Vicissitudes of history cannot change these facts any more than they could change the character of Romans.  These facts are firmware, to use a modern metaphor.

General Eaton speaks for himself.  I have met the man, shared a dais with him.  He is a second-generation (or more, perhaps) West Pointer.

Brave young lady, proud father, a pleasing sight.

Making lemonade of lemons is one thing.  How to — or whether to — leverage Socialists out of academe is another.

Some colleges and universities, probably many, should be abandoned to self-destruction.  Which ones merit, still, leveraging dimwits and death-eaters (Socialists) out altogether?

I would guess, in the first instance, that alumni make those decisions on a school-by-school basis.  Politicians and bureaucrats also make those decisions, and again, on a school-by-school basis, if only by dint of straddling purse strings.

In any case, it is a more than merely interesting question: who is to fall and who is to be saved — and why — among these academic arachnids.

There are strange things done in the midnight sun
By the men who moil untold;
The Arctic vales have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold.

So would it be accurate to observe that the current D flurry/fury is between Fascists (AOC) and Communists (Pelosi), both Socialist, of course?

. . . effect radical change . . . means: destroy persons and institutions who husband knowledge.  This all comes out of English departments, ironically, which for decades are heavy with females given over to self-pity.  Now here is another same-o-same-o ready to bear forth the banner in note-perfect articulation.  I don’t blame these gals, whose actual condition is desperation.  I blame the guys they could buffalo.  Self-pity is an evil wet-nurse, and self-doubt more so.

Fascinating. Through my mind while reading run these thoughts:

1- CIA and FBI routinely traffic in such deliberate vagary;

2- no wonder they miss all the big stuff being thrown at us . . .

3- . . . and also give the impression of being neither (a) able to find their way out of a wet paper sack, (b) able to read a book of history or theology, nor (c) even wanting to face facts, much less discriminate between them and appearances;

4- a nation burdened at the top of her intelligence and law enforcement institutions with unintelligent and lawless individuals of both genders . . . such a deal;

5- no wonder mullahs expect to dance on our graves, and sooner than later.

With friends like Bob Mueller, who needs enemies?

kasandra commented:
I guess I’m missing something but is there anyone in our political or diplomatic establishments who thinks our policy should be to try and have worse relations with the Russians?  If so, I’d like their names.

David R. Graham to kasandra
Here are some: Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations, Center For Strategic And International Studies.  Begging your indulgence, please let me add a nuance to your lucid and germane question.

Yes, no one (of sense) advocates enmity with Russia or Russians.  However, a very large and stinging swarm of prominent morons persons known as the USA foreign policy establishment advocate abandonment of USA and all other national sovereignties, to include elimination of national borders, to be succeeded by an as-yet amorphous and dreamy coterie or cabal of experts both oligarchic and bureaucratic, these worthies defining and ruling, without scrutiny from outside their ranks, as it were a globalized world order.  For our benefit, of course.  This phenomenon I assume is known to you.

The effect of BI/CFR/CSIS/etc.’s globalism advocacy on seriously patriotic peoples, such as Russians are — and also Communists and Salafis/Shiite Jihadis — is to put them into a defensive crouch at least and an offensive readiness at best.  So in this sense there are many so-called Americans who nurse a mightily hostile posture towards Russia and Russians, and especially so now that their Christian cultural base is rampant.

We can be happy that President Putin is not a hot-head.  No American patriot wants war with Russia.  But seditious personalities of American descent, of which there are many, and these highly placed by virtue of their globalist goals, are perfectly willing and eager to war with Russia and any other peoples who dare proclaim national sovereignty.  Of course, not with their own bodies would they war, just those of deplorables, aka patriotic Americans, who deserve elimination in any case.

So, your point is accurate and benefits from discrimination.  Historically — POTUS Lincoln and following — USA and Russia are friends and allies against subjugation by tyrannical European — and now also American and Latin American (Davos/Bilderberg) — families.  So should they be today.

It would be possible and fairly easy to refute Trita Parsi on his own thesis that ME is about strategic matters rather than ideological ones.  He wants to insinuate that the mullah’s strategic interests are misunderstood, benign, and do not conflict with USA’s (… Iran’s continued difficulties in translating its strength to regional acceptance … is a gorgeous dissembling).

Had USA a grand national strategic goal matched to her actual interests in the ME, Parsi’s thesis could be taken apart point-by-point.

But USA has no grand national strategic goal matched to her actual interests anywhere in MENA.  The nearest such is POTUS Trump’s aversion to endless wars around the planet.  But that is not a grand national strategic goal, much less one that comprehensively reflects actual USA interests.

The last strategic statement POTUS Trump’s administration produced was Mattis/Tillerson/USA foreign policy establishment (aka massed morons) boilerplate dating to the 1940s.  Worse than worthless.  With friends like the USA foreign policy establishment, who needs enemies?

The needed work actually has been done, however, even circulated, just not discussed.

So, another frame-up by lawless senior law enforcement and, no doubt, unintelligent senior intelligence so-called officials.

Great way to build confidence in your stewardship of your nation’s affairs, boys and girls.  Must mean you have no intention of stewarding your nation’s affairs, only your own.

Well, time to sweep away the riffraff from their pretense of holding high national responsibility.

Corey Lewandowski said it truly in 2015-2016: the matter at trial is national sovereignties vice globalism.

D-R UniParty and Salafi-Shiite Jihadis concur with each other that the trial can result only in establishing globalism and eliminating national sovereignties.

They disagree with each only on which of them must control the one global order which must emerge (shades of Marxian determinism) ineluctably from the trial.

D-R UniParty call the trial’s outcome a rules-based global order ruled for everyone else’s good, of course, by un-reproachable oligarchs and their bureaucrats (aka technocrats/clerisy).  Salafi-Shiite Jihadis call the trial’s outcome a Universal Caliphate, an Ummah, ruled for everyone else’s good, of course, by un-reproachable Koran scholars (aka mullahs/clergy).

. . . I had thought this was long-known and accepted fact . . . .

The Baby Boom story line is real!

Paul Sperry: Justice Dept. Watchdog Has Evidence Comey Probed Trump, on the Sly

Jacob Nordangard: The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’

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