Thandava – XXIV

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Perhaps conservatives should rebrand using the word justice.  For example: Intellectual Justice, Historical Justice, Political Justice, Cultural Justice, Religious Justice, Emotional Justice, Moral Justice, etc.

Socialists want to co-opt the language.  Fine, back at ’em.  Breitbart did that, IIRC.

Senator Hawley gave a commencement address last week at The King’s College in NYC.  The address is remarkable for its theological-historical insight and accuracy.  He identifies, accurately, the condemned English monk Pelagius as the source of modern Left/Social-think.  He also identifies and explains Pelagius’ errors of observation.  Who knew that a US Senator would know such things, or at least, has staff who do?  I find the phenomenon remarkable and refreshing, also auspicious.

” … urged on by the liberal media … ”

Actually, by KGB, PLA, and CIA’s SDS/WU-G, did you but know it at the time, which there is little reason in context that you would have known it.

Joan led her Soldiers into the confessional before she led them into battle.  All Great Captains do.

In the arts: Germans hold the supreme honors for music: Bach.  British hold the supreme honors for literature: Shakespeare.  Italians hold the supreme honors for sculpture: Bernini.  Russians hold the supreme honors for painting: Kandinsky.  Who holds the supreme honors for warfare?  Americans: MacArthur, or, if you insist on arguing the point, Washington or Lee.

Warfare is an art as much as is music, literature, etc. are arts.  America’s art is warfare.  Our industrial base exists to support our art of choice and extraordinary accomplishment: warfare.  About that we are pure: Arjunas.

Even American Communists illustrate that propensity/fact.  Hinderaker and Mirengoff became litigators, aka fighters.  Patton: All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle.  Heraclitus: War is the Father of all Things.

Communists are one of the fires that purify the mixture of true metal and dross in the crucible.  They do not know that they are, and would recoil from knowing that they are if they did know that they are, but that is the truth in these matters.  Everything in its place and a place for everything.  Complexio oppositorum.  Eternal Life begins in the confessional.

. . . . .

News flash to whomever: You will never change the world.  If you do not know that, you are not educated.  Go to college to refine your impulses.  Education is for learning and practicing the modes of earning peace.  Education fosters an efflorescence of love.  The end of education is equanimity, not equality.  Equanimity is the Holy Grail of education.  You will never change the world.  You can cultivate your own equanimity.  Any activity not contemplating that condition is wasting your own very precious and very finite time in this embodiment.  Ask not to change the world.  Ask to gain the contentment of equanimity.

FWIW, I am thinking of this matter in parallel with those of IIhan Omar and the six imams at Minneapolis International airport some years ago.

The thought is, Moslems are testing the perimeters, probing for weaknesses, experimenting at how much they can get away with.

They act as a swarm with a common identity, intent, and command.  They have a unified leadership, both Sunni and Shiite versions, via Moslem Brotherhood (Salafism) and their Iranian ally, the Ayatollahs.

So their force is both prepared and positioned to conduct recons in force. That is how I see this Noor matter: another effort to test the limits, or, what is in effect the willingness of Americans to protect themselves.

Noor’s actions while on duty, at trial, his comms before and during trial, and his sentence at trial are markers showing Americans’ willingness to allow an even deeper penetration of their defensive perimeter than Moslem command had previously engineered.  I expect that command is laughing and celebrating victory while their comms are claiming, as usual, violations of their good name and beneficent intentions.

PaulStPaul to David R. Graham
I have had an inkling that in the case of Ilhan Omar she is part of a testing, probing and agitating process to further the accommodation of Islamic practices and ideology.  And you make a good case that is also true of Noor.  I believe that groups supporting them, and other Moslems, are pushing where they find any weakness or openings.  From small and seemingly insignificant steps such as getting MN to implement Sharia compliant mortgages, to get a MN Capitol conference room celebrating Moslems, to inserting favorable teaching about Islam in a Lutheran Seminary, and getting use of the Chapel of a Lutheran affiliated college for Moslem Friday prayers.

Ilhan Omar and her cohorts are playing a win-win strategy.  When she makes an Anti-Semitic comment and is criticized she plays the victim, muddies the issue and lets stand her vile comments.  And, if through some unexpected case she is no longer a U.S. Rep., she will have advanced Islam and cleared a path for a more dangerous Moslem to succeed her.

The U.S. is in for a very long battle to defend against Islam.

David R. Graham to PaulStPaul
Just so.  Moslems do not act without orders.  Their COs are their imams/ayatollahs/scholars.  Those have not been circumspect regarding their goals or their methods.  Ergo, American civil authorities are in full knowledge of what is going on and have chosen to let it and even encourage it.  I think those authorities, so-called, have a less than accurate assessment of their positions in these affrays.  The time for pleading ignorance (Carl Rove), or surpassing wisdom (Marie Harf), has gone whistling through the vapors.

I think what we are seeing is what Rand Paul recently remarked as mutiny by Americans and non-Americans against America and Americans.  He had reference to entrenched civil authorities.  Deeming the same mutineers — and calling them and their minions so — appeals to me as strategically accurate, for being truthful, and tactically productive.  It’s kind of a very strong light for the darkness, that locution is.

MrLynn to PaulStPaul
Just from curiosity, what are “Sharia compliant mortgages”?  I thought Islam prohibited lending at interest, which would make any mortgage in this country unacceptable. /LEJ

David R. Graham to MrLynn
I do not know, but a truly proper question.  I suspect it has to do with some legal casuistry, sophistry, for skirting proscription.  Scripturally, Christianity and Talmudism also proscribe usury and pretty much define it originally as any kind of lending.  In both cases legal casuistry has provided work arounds.

Anything can be made Sharia-compliant — or any other law system-compliant — as long as the lawmaker gets his fee or gets it in his bonnet to institute a cunning plan for his own purposes to avoid a wall.

With their Five Eyes counterparts, the top echelons of USA chief executive, law enforcement, and intel operations have just given the world a ring-side seat at how easy it is to make anything you want to do comport with and even be the law.  They unzipped their fly.  Very unprofessional of them, but kind of inevitable given their low character and oily intellects.  Still, they illustrate the will’s facility at skirting proscriptions.

All things old are new again.  This writer is re-proposing a central element of The Rule of St. Benedict.

Tear the schools down, bury them, and start over.  Dismiss the Mann-Dewey-Prussian industrial factory model in use for over a century.  Adapt and apply the Benedictine-Franciscan area studies model of the Early and High Middle Ages.  Let the areas be Philosophy, History, Government, Industry and Arts (includes welding) (Quintivium and here).  The Early and High Middle Ages of Europe were the most recent epoch of generalized freedom and happiness among  humans.  See how they did it, then copy and adapt.

For academic pedagogical method, use the Thayer Method traditionally employed at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York.  No lectures.  Class time is for answering students’ doubts/questions regarding material assigned them and studied by them the previous day.  Hands in the dirt and heads in the clouds, half and half daily, is the answer.

Confirm/test each student’s grasp of the material across the area studies of the Quintivium rather than by passage from one grade level to another, which is artificial and industrial.  In other words, have no grade levels.  Test for comprehension, not for age-to-comprehension conformity.

From June 1996, on this subject.  And from February 2018

Following Rand Paul’s usage, I refer to them now as mutineers.  IMO, that is the most accurate, comprehensive, utilitarian, and actionable denominator for them.

As for a second party, need for, that is the movement, the who, POTUS Trump represents and knows that he does.  Not named yet, but de facto, extant it is.  Patriot or Sovereignty Party?  An earlier name was Whig Party.

It’s opponent is the Islamocrat/RINO Party, aka D-R UniParty.  Political division is desirable, cultural division is deadly.

One expects Business Insider to use the word cartridges or rounds, rather than the word bullets, when that is what they mean to discuss.

Obviously, a USG agency needs to be formed to guarantee Venezuelan criminals’ rights and access to affordable ammunition.  Surely Ford Foundation will take the lead in lobbying USG Congress and agencies to ensure that this vital human rights project gets off the ground by means of a new federal agency and supporting bureaucracy.  Rockefeller and Carnegie, too, should get in the act.

Better yet, those saturated-in-dough NGOs can efficiently protect the human rights of Venezuelan criminals by ordering their field practitioners to ferry tons of ammo directly to barrio citizens, and on their own limitless supply of dimes.  They could even check first regarding the oppressed Venezuelan criminals’ most desired calibers.

For that matter, The World Council of Churches, another NGO with plenty of experience in this regard, could ferry in weapons to ensure Venezuelan criminals achieve theological liberation through peace and justice projects they yearn to accomplish.

Boys are girls if they want to be and girls boys because they got cheated by their parents into having the wrong body chemistry.  Federal agencies must be created to protect and support them … and subsidize Big Pharma to manufacture, market, and distribute drugs for them.  Well then, criminals are normal people too, who deserve a safety net, a welfare program, to provide them affordable ammunition.  Hey, let them commit a specified number of murders and be guaranteed free ammunition for life!  Why not?  A few upticks in sin taxes will pay for the program.  After all, criminality is not a choice.  It is a condition.  And that condition, like any other, deserves respect for being natural, above reproach, part of the rich pageantry of life, and eligible for social safety net programs when needed, no questions asked.

Mr. President, We must not allow . . . a timeout gap in affordable ammunition for Venezuelan criminals!

The problem arose because Platt’s prayer was a moralizing sermon directed at POTUS Trump in guise of a prayer offered before God.  Completely anti-Pauline, un-Biblical.  Hypocrite.

This is a very common practice, one reason people quit attending services of worship: the clergy, preening themselves as conduits of divine truth and authority, moralize directly as so-called sermons and then repeat the moralizations indirectly as so-called prayers.  People soon tire of being hectored not only directly but indirectly as well.  Who needs it?

Preaching the Word and praying to Almighty God are not what clergy today do.  They are running businesses selling sententious moralizing to people who already underestimate their own dignity, that is, who are arrogant puritans.

Note Platt refers to POTUS Trump as being backstage.  In other words, he knows he is conducting entertainment, not leading worship.  Churches do not have stages.  They have chancels, sacristies, narthexes, naves, and sometimes crossings.  Hypocrite Platt.  This is why church attendance craters.  It should.  Entertainment will never be accepted as worship.  And that is what this Platt is, an entertainer.  He’s had his 15 minutes now.  Big whoop.  And Falwell too.

This has nothing to do with politics, personalities, mob rule or anything in that vicinity.  The matter at trial is the nature of prayer and its proper forms and usages.  In brief: the distinction between entertainment and worship.  So-called churchmen today have lost faith in worship so they depend on entertainment to fill the pews (aka offering plates).  They are businessmen, not clergy.  Their interest is self-maintenance, not stewardship of the sacred objects, sounds, and yearnings.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


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