The Visiting State

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



The Queen — with Peerage behind her — mounts and conducts a charm offensive meant to remind POTUS Trump ever so attractively that he and citizens and their country he represents are her subjects.

POTUS Trump — with citizens and their country behind him — blows through blandishments of subjugation and reminds The Queen and Peerage ever so simply that he and citizens and their country he represents are sovereign of and to themselves and, furthermore, account their lives and independence to Almighty God.

Charles could barely look up from his plate and Camilla along with several peer spouses looked adamantine.  Mnuchin was present, escorting Kate.  Sign of what’s afoot, along with recent exposure of Gina Haspel.  The Queen and Peerage, along with Brit Intel, cannot abide the reality of USA independence and sovereignty.  They never will do.

The British leadership has not reconciled itself to its ancestors having lost the War for American Independence.  Deeply ironic it is then to observe the same leadership stand in at least outward show of respect for a national anthem inspired by their ancestors’ second defeat at the hands of American skill and spirit!  Nor have they reconciled themselves to their own spiritual infidelity facing war against them by Socialist-Jihadi ingrates.

Still they will not admit that their sovereign independence, such as it is, is a gift from Almighty God via American skill and spirit, and twice over during the last century alone.

Their hubris is beyond measure.

Practically, two things have The Queen and her Government (Brit leadership) annoyed and thus mounting their charm offensive — and it is an offensive, an attack contra, not a gesture of friendliness: (1) that Americans can and will go their own way on global trade, and (2) that Americans will close or more likely reconfigure Five Eyes to exclude British leadership from that charitable commonality.

Brits have been stiff-necked enemies of American independence and green-eyed enviers of American prosperity since the 18th Century at least.  Their American Colonies were England’s and Scotland’s and then Great Britain’s most prosperous and reliable tax base.  They loved looting their Colonies of sovereignty and spirit as well as of goods and monies and endeavor to retain that relationship without surcease ever since.

Great Britain must not participate in Five Eyes.  She is not friendly.  Five Eyes should be reconfigured so as to include friendly countries only (India, Russia, Japan, Egypt, USA).  Great Britain today is not among those and has never been really.  British leadership participates in the USA IC’s conspiracy to eliminate or defeat candidate Trump, subvert President-Elect Trump, and drive from office POTUS Trump.  They are not friends.

Of course, with his polling strong and his domestic enemies in confusion, they want to charm POTUS Trump into re-posturing himself and citizens and their country he represents as at least culturally subject to The Queen and Peerage.  Consistent are they in that posture for three centuries at least.  Give them credit for perseverance.  But for friendship, no, they have not that for Americans.  They never have had.

On battlefields Brits’ relationships with Americans is squirrelly.  Their unwavering purpose is to harness American power to their purposes, which are never in Americans’ interests.  So they squirrel about snapping and slapping to get their way, ability to obtain which they decisively do not have.  They work angles, go up and down back alleys, to lord it over those on whom they depend, namely, Americans.  This is insane, yet, they never vary the tune and never evidence shame.

Americans are subject of Almighty God and to themselves, in that order.  And Almighty God gave and gives them freedom and sovereignty, to enjoy and cherish through their generations.  The Queen and her Peerage can turn on a restorative episode of Jeeves and Wooster.

At the review of troops of the Guard of Honor, POTUS Trump talks with numerous members of the line personally and with interest in what they say.  They actually chat, briefly, but they chat, not rote exchange of words.  That is evident from their faces.

Such behavior is well-known of POTUS Trump.  His detractors list it, among others of his wont, as indecorous, unpresidential, boorish.  It is the same behavior I saw of Sathya Sai Baba at Darshan Lines.  It is sweet, heartfelt, and warming.  It is where life occurs and culture is planted, cultivated, and grows.

If you go into politics to improve matters somehow, you have already lost.  You will not succeed, you will fail, and you will go cynical, removing yourself from the band of important citizens.  And that is if you are lucky.

Politics is downstream from culture.  Andrew Breitbart rightly taught that fact.  To improve matters somehow, improve culture, cultivate refinement, generate love, produce compassion, augment skills.

Start with the family.  Make one, with as many children as may be, and homeschool the children as most you can.  That is how to improve matters somehow.  Donald Trump’s career illuminates that method for improving matters somehow.  It is the only way to do it.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Charles Sam Faddis: Viva La Revolucion

Update 2:
CitizenKane to David R. Graham
BTW, as much as the Brits think they are fooling Trump with their excess fawning and overtures, I am quite certain that Trump is well aware of these efforts and won’t be swayed in major policy decision making.

Trump is equally skilled at letting others think they are his bff but in the end, Trump will bask in all the attention, but reposturing his policies, NO WAY, NO HOW.

CitizenKane to David R. Graham
Thanks for these POVs.

I have a question for you and anyone else here?

We are getting conflicting information.  Did British Intelligence work against the Trump campaign, or did it provide early warning to the Obama WH that Steele and his dossier were not to be trusted?

Where do you fall on this?

David R. Graham to CitizenKane
Probably both, and Sid Vicious could supply the definitive answer to your question.  However, operationally, either way you look at it, GCHQ/MI5/MI6 play against DJT and have all along and continuing.

No state-to-state friendship lasts 70+ years.  The impulse to maintain alliances made long ago is insane statecraft.  The Queen/PM May and POTUS Trump were putting each other on, jerking each others’ chains talking about maintaining our treasured alliance.  Everyone knows no such thing exists and that everyones’ ICs behave as if they are sovereign, beyond national jurisdictions, lairds of the lands.  Actually they are an IK (Intelligence Kakistocracy), a chaos generator.

The real skinny came right at the end of POTUS’ presser yesterday with PM May, wherein he made an hilarious moment asking one PM candidate whether another PM candidate would be any good as a PM.  It was so naturally, warmly human that even PM May experienced a liberating belly laugh that shook the chain around her neck and the fronts under her frock.  Genuineness, that is all anybody desires.

Peterg123 to David R. Graham
This is the ranting of a swivel eyed loon.

David R. Graham to Peterg123
Thanks, I endeavor to keep the bearing race lubricated.

Update 3: Baruch Pletner: What Will YOU Do When China Inevitably Wins The War For The New World Order? A Guide To The Perplexed.



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