Division Is A Feature And A Bug

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



So Sweet: Father Soloist, Son Conductor, Six Curtain Calls

Political division in a country is a feature.  Cultural division in a country is a bug.  A culturally divided country cannot stand.  Political division is a prius of a country’s standing.  The USA is culturally Christian.

Division is a feature and a bug, depending on which kind of division is under discussion.  The Framers wisely mandated political division while assuming cultural unity, almost.  One bit of cultural division required extirpation, and that occurred in 1865 . . . by the only means cultural unity can occur.

History is a sequence of kairotic moments.  Many strands of conflict — there must be conflict for life to happen at all — feed into a moment where a decision is made to go in one direction rather than another.

The Council of Nicaea was such a moment.  Ferdinand at Cordova, Sobieski at Vienna, Washington at Yorktown, Roosevelt to Congress in December 1941, MacArthur on Tokyo Bay in September 1945, and the American electorate in November 2016 were such moments.  These kairotic moments — tipping points seculars call them — direct the powers of being and the telos of history to drive here rather than there.

Decision means cutting away a possibility, an opportunity, by pursuing another.  Going one way means not going another.  Two spaces cannot host the same object at the same time.  And a kairotic decision, once made, cannot be reversed.

All my life most senior American and European political, professorial, clerical, and bureaucratic officials and minions have served an ideology foreign to Americans and America (USA): Socialism.  For these many years I have prayed to the Almighty to restore to us leadership that cares for us as persons and as American patriots.

The ur-code of Americans and America is The Christian Liturgical Year (also here).  Most of our leaders lost faith in this ur-code, faith in its efficacy for shaping life and history satisfactorily, nearly a century ago.  They lost strength to bind their minds to the truth told in story form by The Christian Liturgical Year.  Some stupidly ridiculed and ridicule it.  Thus have I prayed and labored for a return of that faith, that strength of mind, especially among our leaders, all my life.

The election of Donald John Trump (DJT) to the Office of President of the United States was a kairotic moment in answer to my and many others’ prayers and labors.  The answer was, Here, enjoy, take heart, be of good cheer.  The answerer was The Almighty: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  I feel in a sense ready to be put out to pasture, mission accomplished.

Since about forty years in the USA, Socialists have been moving into alignment with Islam.  The lust common to those force vectors is universal hegemony for themselves and misery for the rest.  By January 2001, Socialists had commandeered both legacy USA political parties, which since then are called properly The D[emocrat]-R[epublican] UniParty.  D predilections — Socialist — of that combination greatly predominate within it.  The D-R UniParty consummated alignment with Islam by 2009, so that by 2016 the one political party available to Americans for governing ruling over them could properly be called The Islamocratic Party.

By 2015, Americans had but one political party available for their participation, meaning, there was no formal political division in the country.  Islamocrats — the D-R UniParty’s now-proper denomination — had seen to that.  However, there was informal political division in the country, political division which, as Angelo Codevilla observed some years earlier, would find a way to have its way.

DJT first gained operational control, although not full political control, of the R wing of The Islamocratic Party by being nominated Republican Candidate for POTUS in 2016.  This brought forth a second USA political party, thus building the first time in nearly two decades that Americans had a divided politics, as is their birthright and necessity for maintaining persistent sovereignty.

DJT then gained political control, although not full operational control, of The Executive Branch of the USG.  This was the first time since President Reagan that a non-Socialist/Islamist had political control of The Executive Branch.

On 08 November 2016 began struggle in earnest for operational control of The Executive Branch of the USG.  That struggle is ongoing as I write.  Numerous elements of/personalities embedded in The Executive Branch have no intention of, in their sententious minds, ceding operational control of The USG Executive Branch to mere political control, which is to say, to the electorate.  This mindset is natural to Islamocrats: there is no electorate worth consideration, just subjects who should thank us for letting them be alive, shut up, and do as they are told.

POTUS Trump talks of draining the swamp of swamp creatures.  The metaphor is not original to him, even as to include specifically Washington D.C.’s febrile and fetid internals.  Useful it is to contemplate the metaphor’s particulars.

Swamps are places were water stands still and stagnates.  This inaction by its primary content makes a swamp disease-ridden and therefore odious.  The key phenomenology of a swamp is its sitting-ness, its lack of activity, its lassitude, so to speak.  Calling a place a swamp is calling it a haunt of lazy and therefore pernicious SOBs.  In a word, incompetents.

In classical Greco-Roman literature, the ur-swamp creature is the Hydra.  Hyrdo, of course, is an English prefix of Greek origin meaning water.  Hydra is a multi-headed snake who thrives in stale water.

Hercules Slaying The Lernaean Hydra

In classical Indian (Bharathia) literature, the correlate ur-evil creature is Ravana, whose character and demise are narrated in The Ramayana.  Ravana is a ten-headed human devotee of God who lives not in a fetid swamp but on an island beautiful in appearance but sulfurous in fact.  Like the Greco-Roman Hydra, Ravana’s heads grow back as quickly as they are lopped off.  Everything Ravana wants is wrong-headed, counter-divine, even though he once gained favor with God by laying all of his heads at His Feet in an act of hyper-ascetic supererogation.

Literature describes Hydra as grotesque, ugly, vicious, terrifying.  The Ramayana describes Ravana, at least at first, as grotesque but disciplined and able by means of his yogic powers to assume a pleasing shape.  In my mind, this makes Ravana more dangerous than Hydra.  However, that is an ancillary discussion.

The literature’s point, the ur-codes’ truth, regarding monsters is that they are multi-headed, can self-regenerate heads upon losing them, can strike many places simultaneously, and, not mentioned until now, their precious bodily fluids and exhalations are poisonous.  One head of the Washington D.C. swamp’s Hydra, Senator Schumer, made this point when he said of POTUS Trump’s intent to expose the nefarious activities of the so-called US Intelligence Community (IC), You take on the intelligence community?  They have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.  Schumer’s six ways references the Washington D.C. Hydra’s multiple heads and their self-regeneration.

Monsters are not human.  They attack humans.  This point is noteworthy.

So, draining the swamp, so to speak, is insufficient to the purpose of Make America Great and Safe Again (MAGSA).  The monster’s heads — all of them — have to be lopped off in such a way that they cannot and do not self-regenerate.  That is the Herculean Task facing the American electorate and POTUS Trump.  That is the reason for having a second political party in the USA, one to struggle against and defeat The Islamocratic Party, the Hydra at home the Washington D.C. swamp.

One can call it class war but I think that is not what it is really, at least not in the classical Marxian sense of economic classes.  Codevilla’s articulation (country/ruling classes) is more a convenience than an argument.  This conflict we see is a party war, Islamocrats vice Republicans (Philosophical, not RNC, and not yet a true party but getting there), not really a class war.  Also: party wars are family wars, and families are culture’s fundamenta.

Analysis can go this way: contrast political division/unity and cultural division/unity.  Ground rule, from experience: the ideal is divided politics (e.g., Framers) and united culture (Framers’ assumption).

Republicans (Philosophical, not RNC, and gradually forming) want the ideal: political division and cultural unity.  Islamocrats want the opposite: political unity and cultural division, or in other words, political absolutism and cultural chaos.  ChiComs, in contrast, want political unity and cultural unity, all ChiCom, with any others any where on the globe or in space subordinate.

Republicans idealize a multi-party state and a multi-state party.  Islamocrats idealize a one-party state and a non-state party (classical Leninism, EU thought leaders).  ChiComs idealize a one-party state and a one-state party.

ChiComs are behind the times aspirationally relative to Islamocrats.  This bodes ill in success for ChiCom hegemonic intentions.  And Islamocrats’ hegemonic intentions already are invita minerva.

Russians are building churches to re-cultivate cultural unity and are in train of learning to treasure political division.  This demands experience and rumination upon it over time.  Russia is a Christian country and will succeed in corporealizing the ideal — political division and cultural unity — which is Christian.

Marx’s concept of class war, in any case, was/is a construct of reality that does reality little to no justice and Marx no credit.  Reality is a dialectic (Marx got that much right, from Hegel) between male and female, structure and energy, the gods of time and the gods of space.  And that dialectic has a mind of its own and ways to insist successfully that its wishes prevail (Marx got that much right as well, from Hegel).  The trick is to read the terms of the dialectic accurately (here Marx failed, as did Hegel ultimately) and construct in mind, law, and lumber cultural arts which cultivate the dialectic’s preferred outcomes.  These, when experienced, will delectate humanity in ones and manys.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1:
MrLynn to David R. Graham
The election of November 2016 cannot be reversed, despite the strenuous efforts of the Democrats.  But the positive effects can be negated, as soon as November 2020.  We can’t let that happen.  /LEJ

David R. Graham to MrLynn
Good point to raise.  My answer: a non-kairotic decision — and such is possible — can be reversed and in time will be.  Universe is biased towards its own perpetuity and has means to effect that disposition, as is and as has Dharma, or in Hebrew, Zedekah.

So really, one is advised to make kairotic decisions, or at least try to, because the opposite will be extirpated at some point in time.  Being a jerk is not a sustainable policy while being a blessing is.  That’s just the way the world works.  Even jerks know that for a fact.

MrLynn to David R. Graham
I wish I could be confident you are right.  The jerks win too often for my comfort.  /LEJ

David R. Graham to MrLynn
Keep strong.  Jerks never win ultimately.  The conflict is necessary, monitory, and itself the deep joy of living.

Update 2: Just a guess: may have to do with oil/gas pipelines, meaning, money in USA-based Islamocrats’ pockets.  That was Papadopoulos’ line of work.  Recall: money-sex-drugs is the holy grail for Islamocrats.  Politics is just a means to that end, for them.

Update 3: Angelo Codevilla on GA Douglas MacArthur: The Tipping Point (PDF)


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