One Team!

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



H a p p y   M o t h e r s   D a y

A n n i h i l a t e   A y a t o l l a h s

1- An enemy will not stand down until his opponent controls his land.

2- The Army is the nation’s premier and designated land-control asset.

3- Therefore every theatre is, at root, a land-control problem set, and the Army’s needs lead the solution set inside Multi-Domain Operations.

Strategos is a compound of two Greek words: stratos and agos.  Stratos (στρατός) means army, literally “that which is spread out,” coming from the proto-Indo-European root stere– “to spread.”  Agos (ἀγός) means “leader”, from agein (ἄγειν) “to lead,” from the proto-Ιndo-Εuropean root ag– “to drive, draw out or forth, move”.

Salus Animarum Prima Lex
The Salvation Of Souls Is The Highest Law
Life Is A Power Of Being, Not A Choice

Americans are more willing to scrutinize statements for guile than they were only a few years ago.  This is auspicious.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but: yes, sheer will to power; but: that exists only where there is desire to do something with power once gotten.

What has vigilance peaking — another thing auspicious — is awareness of what the Socialist-Jihadi D-R UniParty want to do with power.  They want to cause real hurt on everyone who frustrates them.  Severed heads are among the more benign hurts they lust to impose.  Kim’s WSJ essay is fruit of willingness to scrutinize statements for guile at least.

With respect, law solves no problems.  It can assign punishments, or not, but it cannot solve problems.  Parents — especially mothers — are responsible for teaching their children to be truthful and to scrutinize themselves and whatever they see and hear from others for truthfulness.  That solves problems, or in its absence, makes them.  Law only makes lawyers feared, reviled, and wealthy.  Law’s purpose is to describe ideal behavior.  It has no capacity to impose ideal behavior or even adequately to punish anti-ideal behavior.  As anciently, accurately, and frequently noted, the law is an ass.  Parents, especially mothers, are who make civilization happen, or not.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

William Ross Wallace: The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Is The Hand That Rules The World

Kimberley Strassel On IG Horowitz Report


Reims Cathedral, North Transept Rose
Reims Cathedral, North Transept Rose

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