White Paper For The Incoming Administration — 2016

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



27 December 2016

Suggested tone: Opportunities for national sovereignty elevations — the reason for the election outcome here and elsewhere — beckon.  National sovereignty elevations already contemplated by the incoming administration, regarding immigration law enforcement, can be amplified by an audacious realignment of inter-nation relations.  Specifically: USA, India and Russia have opportunity, very strong and viable, to shape and focus global affairs for their own and all other nations’ freedom and prosperity. Such an opportunity occurs when an era of centuries’ duration begins.  Aligning those three sovereign nation states as working brothers would establish the global leadership cadre for whom virtually everyone yearns.

A collection of proposals for the new U.S. administration, preceded by a conceptual primer and examination of premises:

1- Purpose of this white-paper collection

2- Context – what is different with the new administration and what are the implications for the military?

Conceptual primers:

1- On Freedom and Sovereignty

2- Globalism (Socialism)-Salafism (Siamese Twins)

3- Socialism comprises Communism and Fascism, both left-wing, both Globalist, and now both also Salafist.  Right wing is Communist-Salafist disinformation.  As is nativism, xenophobia, etc.

4- Patriotism vs. Socialism (Globalism)-Salafism (Siamese Twins)

5- Statecraft & Statesmen (For their nation’s sovereign freedom and prosperity)

6- Ethics & morality in inter-state relations (Good articulation, use inter-state relations or the like, not international relations, of which there are none)

7- Responsibilities of the military in national strategy (Heavy on this!  Mil makes national policy as much as civ, and in war, much more so.)

An examination of existing premises / strategies:

1- U.S. National Interests in current strategies (None, of course, and the phrase US national interests in this admin [The Fraud Obama] means this admin’s personal interests; they having none for the nation beyond deconstructing/defenestrating her.)

2- Alignment of interests between western Europe and the U.S.  (Good to bring up.  Except for Intermarium and Iberian Peninsula, Europe today is Salafist and must undergo a terrible war, inevitable, before she is rid of the Salafist scourge.  One reason UN, EU, NATO and SACEUR are now toxic for USA.  USA must not again save Europe from self-immolation.  Twice done, no more.  She did not learn her lesson, did not grasp the opportunity for freedom placed in her perimeter by USA blood, sweat and tears.  That includes Great Britain unless she goes through with Brexit, which is doubtful but not certain.  The Queen is dying.  Charles is EU Communist.)

Proposals for the new administration:

1- U.S. Grand National Strategic Goal (Suggest Objective in place of Goal.  Essentially, it is to maintain national sovereignty for the purpose of enhancing the basis of national strength, namely, personal freedom and prosperity.)

2- Framework for counter-VEO / counter-ISIL strategy:

a- What does winning the C-VEO fight look like? (Align three vectors of statecraft: diplomacy, finance, war-fighting.)

b- What is our current strategy for reaching this end-state and is it correct?

c- Recommendations for new admin to change our strategy in order to get to win (Gift Hashemites whatever of Arabian Peninsula south of Iraq they would like in their stewardship. And gift Baha’i International House of Justice whatever parts of Iran they would like in their stewardship.)

d- Resource requirements (SOF specific) (Include pull-back from copious piecemeal deployments, concentration of force on specific problems identified through Three Brothers discussions, prioritizing.  And solve said problems rapidly, thoroughly and permanently.)

e- Plan for growth (SOF specific) (In latent strength but not in patent deployment venues.  SOCOM should succeed CIA, which should be folded into SOCOM, DoS and Treasury as appropriate.  Close CIA.  They have F-d around as a shadow government making messes from pre-inception.)

3- Framework for a Russia strategy, with an historical perspective (Soviet is extinct but Communism is not.  EU and UK are the modern Soviet, definite enemy of USA.  USA has just rejected Communism, i.e., Democratic Republican Uniparty/EU.  Address Russia as a Christian culture, not as a former Communist one.  Have that mind-set when dealing with her.  It is the truth.  And she has the world’s most tenuous national security: her flat-land borders, poor and long internal lines of communications and little arable land.  Allay her concerns in that regard and she is your ally.  And she has decades of dealings with India, who, as another multi-racial, multi-religious nation state, with USA and Russia, is an easy partner, on that basis, with USA and Russia for global leadership.  Israel, also, importantly, is a multi-racial, multi-religious nation state, and with strong bonds with the three principals, India, USA and Russia.)

4- The future of SOCOM & SOF

a- Working in a new paradigm: military leadership and the new administration (Officers will be expected to bear responsibility for making and executing USA policy, and that responsibility will be pushed down the chain of command to the lowest possible ranks.  This is the way Trump has always operated, and it is the reason for his success in life. It is Dharmic.)

b- SOF / SOCOM: purpose in a new era (Kill them when they least expect it.  And even more importantly, identify for senior civ leadership who needs to be killed and when and how.  Then do it.  Also, be prepared to absorb useful elements of the CIA — and re-educate them — while the rest are dismissed and disbanded.)

c- An approach to the Global SOF concept in an era of non-intervention (Be ready to act anywhere quickly but not to be stationed or lingering there.)

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Good point, good article.  Emphasizing: vector of USA development is westward, not eastward, away from Old World snits (to include MENA), not towards them.

Geo-strategically, water is wet land.  The same strategic rules that apply to land warfare apply to sea warfare.  The sea is wet land.  The air is thin land.

One implication of that reality is that INDOPACOM is an Army show primarily, not a Navy one.  Current  deployments of thought and dispositions of assets do not reflect that fact.

Navy is a transport and fires support asset.  Marines are an assault asset.  Air and Cyber — and Space — are forward fires support assets.  Army is the asset tasked and equipped (when well) for land-control primarily and assault when needed.

The US foreign policy establishment anchors in the premise that USA strategic interests lie to the east, across the Atlantic.  They do not.  They lie to the west, across the Pacific.  That abyssal error is the source of confusion and mayhem in the assembly and execution of statecraft by the USA’s bi-partisan leadership kakistocracy, essentially mutineers against USA identity and strategic interests.  Until now.  Now, someone is shaking their foundations, thankfully.


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