50th Reunion At The Union Theological Seminary In The City Of New York

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



At An Illinois TEA Party Movement Rally In 2009
At An Illinois TEA Party Movement Rally In 2009

In 1969, I graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Divinity at The Union Theological Seminary In The City Of New York.  2019 is the 50th anniversary of that occasion.

Last week I received an email from Union’s development office (natch) inviting me to 50th Reunion festivities at the seminary later this year.  They want my money, not me, and any prestige I may have in this life that they can claim for themselves.

Well, I have neither money nor prestige as this world measures those commodities.  So I am a cipher, a lost cause, useless and benighted, so far as the development office is concerned.  But they do not know that for sure.  So, periodically — usually with the accession of a new team to run the development office . . . which happens frequently — they come knocking with begging bowls in hand, hoping.

They are just professionals doing a job.  Me too.

Their email in URL form is here.  The reunion, it turns out, is not for my class only but for three classes: ’68, ’69, and ’70.  Cheapskates.  And it is perfectly regimented, every second filled with planned events.  Ugh.  Perhaps they will have us hold hands so as not to go astray as we amble from venue to venue all laid out for us to experience, then be moved on like cattle in an abattoir.

My response to the developers follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would be happy to attend these 50th Reunion festivities under the following stipulations:

Union pays my travel, expenses, etc., as per the following:

1- Round trip limo service from/to my home’s door via SeaTac or King County International, on top-end private jet via SeaTac or King County International to/from NYC airport.

2- Limo service to/from The Plaza Hotel, or Trump Tower, and NYC airport for travel from/to SeaTac.

3- Two nights on each side of Reunion festivities in a Plaza Hotel penthouse or comparable suite, or at Trump Tower, plus throughout Reunion festivities.

4- Door-to-door daily limo service between hotel and Union, summonable at curbside in no more than three (3) minutes.

5- Meals not at Union at my choice of provider.

6- $500K honorarium deposited in an account of my nomination prior to my departure from home for Reunion festivities.

7- $800K deposited in a trust fund in the name of my wife and me with the payout designees being, in equal shares, our grandchildren, and this done prior to my departure from home for Reunion festivities.

8- The highpoint of Reunion 2019 festivities is the award to me of an honorary degree from The Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York in the rank of Doctor of Theology (ThD), plus a full Union professorship emeritus to honor the name of Professor George Landes, to include scarlet robe and hood with four scarlet or black bars on each sleeve and full academic honors, comme il faut. This to occur in recommissioned, as Nicene Christian, Lampman Chapel.

9- Finally, FYI: my decades-long posture in re Union is here.

UTS, BD, ’69

The Liturgy Is The Kerygma

As is evident, I do not stipulate their procuring me underage damsels or dirks for my enjoyment any time of day or night, as would be comme il faut for Clintons and claque and not a few others nurturing their proclivities.

Actually, as this world calculates, I am a cheap date.

Res ipsa loquitur.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Absolute theological bankruptcy’: Union Theological Seminary students pray to plants


Jane Russell
Jane Russell

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