The Church Is Exclusive, Not Inclusive

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen



Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
Deuteronomy 5:7

The Church includes those called by God to be Her children.  The Church comprises God’s children.

The Church excludes those not called by God to be her children.  The Church excludes those not God’s own.

Love is exclusive, not inclusive.  Were love inclusive, adultery were no crime and marriage would not include a promise to shun that infidelity.

An organization is viable to the extent it is exclusive.  A system without boundaries accomplishes nothing.

Queers cannot belong to The Church because they want to live outside boundaries.  The Church is love and promotes life while queers are promiscuous and promote lies.

Love is exclusive or not present.
The Church is exclusive, not inclusive.

Traditionally, non-Christians are welcome to attend the Christian service of worship, The Mass, through the general prayers, the readings from Scripture, and the Sermon.  Then they are dismissed (the origin of the word Mass) and the service continues with the eucharist, the consecration and distribution to believers only of the elements of bread and wine.  This sacred meal, called by Moravian Brethren, Lovefeast, is exclusive to baptized Christians.

Yesterday Steven Hayward essayed regarding parents and organizations lately hauled up for cheating to get their children into prestigious post-secondary schools.  He began with a reference to the so-called pedophilia scandal among Catholic clergy.  This occasioned some enlightening repartee between one Pointermom and me.

David R. Graham
Ancillary note: the lower-self distraction in the RC priesthood (bishops and cardinals are priests) is homosexuality, not pedophilia.

Pointermom to David R. Graham
This seems to be true.  While there were some girls molested, the vast majority seem to be teenage boys groomed by gay priests.

David R. Graham to Pointermom
Yes.  And I am sure stats on Protestant clergy hauled up on morals charges will show the same pattern.

Over the years, as a student of church history, and as a clergyman, but not pastor, I have observed several reasons for the pattern, all distilling down to the nature of the clerical role itself.  There is no role in life more spiritually dangerous for its practitioner than the clerical one.  Built into it are massive shields against scrutiny and comparably massive expectations of high virtue or at least non-danger attributed to it by the laity.  These conditions attract scoundrels, who come in all sorts of pretty packages, and occasion corruption of decent but weak personalities.

The great moments in history uniformly are those thrown into existence by some great purger of the clerical bench.  Reforming economics, politics, education, law, society, blah, blah, blah, never produces a great moment in history.  Only cleaning out the clerical bench can produce a kairotic moment that relaxes all and plants cheer and love to their hearts.

This is the case today in USA as well, BTW.  There is no political, legal, or social solution to the vast corruption that deadens our happiness and that originates in the clerical bench, from where it infects families, schools, and then the rest.

FWIW, I do not see anyone today who is tasked by the Author of history with purifying the clerical bench unless that is a task He has reserved for Himself.

My recommend: do not attend any church, synagogue, mosque, temple of any denomination whatsoever.  Force the clergy to go out and earn a secular living rather than live off donations.  Learn to pray and learn at home.  And do not attend any school whatsoever except a trade school, among which I count our national service academies.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Baruch Pletner: The Lesson Of Purim: How Jewish Holidays Teach Us That Exclusion Is Survival And Inclusion Is Perdition

Update 2: Good News: Celebrating The Mass in Latin at North American Martyrs Catholic Parish, Edmonds, WA, by the The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri).

Update 3: Trump hosts Amish in historic Oval Office visit

Update 4: The Babylon Bee: Episcopalians Confused By Strange Book Trump Brought To Church

Update 5: Prominent Georgia Church Breaks with Increasingly Progressive UMC Denomination



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