The Poise Of Tulsi Gabbard

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



US Troops Pay Tribute To 8M Donkeys, Horses, And Mules Who Died Serving In WW I
US Troops Pay Tribute To 8M Donkeys, Horses, And Mules Who Died Serving In WW I

Her central, and unique, focus is CIA running private wars and funding Jihad and other violent organizations — c.f., guys recently arrested in Haiti then released here — for CIA’s purposes rather than USA’s.  In other words, Black State-Deep State extra-Constitutional, private, Quds/Mafia-like statecraft.  She is right about that.  The other things, the cliche Socialist cant, I think mean little to her, just campaign tripe.

Her weakness: no negotiating experience, which attracts sharks to her team, and no or at least insufficient intellectual strength to dominate staff and agencies she would need to master as POTUS.

Her strength: poise.  My, oh, my, does she have poise.  But POTUS Trump has that plus intellectual strength sufficient, more than sufficient, to the task of POTUS.  I relate her poise to her religion, her rearing, and her inherent endowments, to include but not be limited to her personal physical attractiveness.

About two months ago, late one day, through her congressional website, I invited Tulsi and her team to ponder the Three Brothers Doctrine (USA, India, Russia alliance) I have noted developing over the past few years.  Next day, starting early in the morning, my phone started calling itself, using my name.  Or so it appeared.  I did not answer.  Several hours and identical calls later that day, not paying sufficient attention, I answered the call and immediately heard Goodbye and a click.  Two calls came later still that day.  About eight calls total in one day, one answered, regrettably.

Was Tulsi’s staff involved in that experience of mine?  Someone else monitoring congressional email traffic?  I do not know and have no way of knowing.  Best possible explanation I think I have for it is that someone was sniffing out networks and my number happened to appear in some network in which they are interested.  Certainly one would expect CIA to be following her phenomenology.  Anyhow, the coincidence of those calls with my email to Tulsi and staff through her official website seems worth mention here.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Hawaii Congresswoman Calls Out Fellow Hawaii Senator Hirono For “Fomenting Religious Bigotry” During Judicial Nominee Questioning

Update 2: Tulsi’s Husband

Update 2: Gabbard Exposes Dems’ Devil May Care Attitude On Russiagate

Update 3: Gabbard: Assange Arrest Is Meant to ‘Send A Message to All Americans’ to ‘Toe The Line’ or ‘Pay The Price’

Update 4: Tulsi Gabbard: Trump, ‘Al-Qaeda’s Big Brother,’ Turned U.S. into ‘Prostitute’ of the Saudis

Update 5: Tulsi is not a fool.

floridaobserver to David R. Graham
That’s what I thought until she met Assad and said he was not the enemy.

David R. Graham to floridaobserver
I expected that point to be raised.  It should be.  Here is my take on it, FWIW: Assad is no friend of the USA and has caused death to USA Soldiers.  He is a louse.  However, that was not Tulsi’s point in visiting him, as she has explained several times.

Her point was that USA — aka Obama/Brennan/McCain — were trying to oust Assad by benefiting AQ/ISIS with arms and training to do the deed.

They had no strategic reason beyond personal pique and ancient and commanding CIA crotchets devoid of allegiance to USA as a sovereign nation.

In fact, arming/training AQ/ISIS undercut their support for the blood-thirsty ayatollahs of Iran who feed Assad.  It was, as with all things Obama, FUBAR.  And they risked war with Russia who also supported Assad.

That was Tulsi’s point.  She was no fool for making it.  On some other matters, I deplore Tulsi’s postures, but I would never ascribe to her the sobriquet of fool.  That is reserved for people who ignore their duties to self-correct and to ruminate carefully and honestly upon advice they are offered from whatever source.

AtlDDS to David R. Graham
At the end of the day she chose to be part of the Democrats — that is proven fool.

David R. Graham to AtlDDS
Point taken.  However, in this matter of which she spoke and traveled — Obama, Brennan, McCain, or as she tactfully put it USA, supplying and training AQ/ISIS to take down Assad — she spoke the truth and rightfully condemned those personalities’ actions in that regard.  Some other postures of hers I abominate.  But when she is spot on, I feel credit is due her.  She behaves foolishly in some regards, but she is no fool, meaning behaving foolishly plenarily.

Update 6: Tulsi’s Last Stand?

Update 7: Gabbard may earn herself some attention, but she could also earn a court-martial.

Update 8: A. Dru Kristenev: Did Hillary strike a nerve? [in re Tulsi Gabbard]

Update 9: DNC Scrambles To Change Debate Threshold After Gabbard Qualifies

Update 10: You Didn’t Really Think the DNC Would Allow Tulsi Gabbard Into a Debate, Did You?


Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi Gabbard

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