We Episcopalian Hypocrites

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



We Episcopalians, trying for decades and having succeeded finally to shut up and throw out from our midst bitter clingers, deplorables, and MAGA hats, can mourn now the scarcity among us of that toxic masculinity which and who possess equipment and skill to spread gravel, remove snow, and otherwise fully maintain a property for its duly consecrated mission.

We Episcopalians say diversity and inclusion, but we do not mean it.  The spontaneous, bumptious, artful, dialectical, and multi-mannered exhilaration typical of an actual parish church — because it is typical of actual humanity — makes our skin crawl.  We want no part of it, no exposure to its enthusiasms and uncertainties.

So we have to pay our way forward or let nature have her way with us.  We pay a heavy price in lieu of having true wealth.

Queers and promiscuits have no product.
Only husband and wife do.

I suggest to our Vestry that they pay a proper crew fully to clear for access to our property, or, relax and let mother nature do it.  And meanwhile thank Odin for keeping cold temperature instead of melting everything in a whoosh to clear access to our property along with clearing away pieces of it.

Update 1: The Babylon Bee: Episcopalians Confused By Strange Book Trump Brought To Church

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


The Wilkerson Family
The Wilkerson Family

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