
Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



This speaks for itself: Baruch Pletner: The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Judge Sullivan Was Right

There is something unseemly, obscene, and yes, treasonous in a three-star general, a senior intelligence officer in the US military, engaging in any activities as a foreign agent, registered or otherwise, on behalf of any government, friendly or adversarial.  There is a reason why high-ranking officers get lifetime pensions and benefits; it is precisely so that they can live, very comfortably at that, without selling to the highest bidder their rolodexes and peddling the influence and the intelligence they leave the service with.  General Flynn, possessing the demonstrable executive leadership skills of a general officer in the US military, could have easily found a corporate position of executive rank, carrying with it a salary in the mid six figure range.  Coupled with his pension and benefits, this would have endowed him with a honorable and comfortable living, the likes of which not one American in ten thousand will ever know.  But that was not the choice he made.  Instead, he chose, for the sake of converting hundreds of thousands into millions, to sell out his influence, his confidential knowledge, the aura of respectability conferred on him by his commission, all to the highest bidder.

Bundy Ranch Showdown
Bundy Ranch Showdown

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: General Flynn’s Army reputation is as an acerbic straight-shooter in re intel.  He was keen to find intel that would actually help COCOMs.  Between September and November 2016 he flip-flopped in re Turkey/Erdogan, going from con to pro.  I think whatever happened there, in that switch, is the inside of what is happening now and why POTUS/VPOTUS fired him as NSA.  I do not know what that is and will not speculate thereabout.  This is a street thing in D.C.  Not my department.

I will say this: macro, Reynolds says truly that the entire late-and-post WWII global order structure is being renegotiated.  I would say washed away, irreversibly, while at the same time elements of a fresh global order structure rise through the muck.

The Army of Titus is on the march, so to speak, tearing down the harlot block by block, never to be rebuilt, while salting the earth under and around her against a two-millennium wasteland.  This is now the fate awaiting the so-called Caliphate, and that means Turkey, another harlot.

Update 2: It is their [Neoconservatives, Bushes, McCain, The Weekly Standard, principled conservatives] combination of titanic hubris and priggish moralism that is behind their aggressive advocacy of endless foreign wars and meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.

Update 3: Doyle, who was also outlining a litany of violations by the foundation, noted that currently there are approximately 1.75 million nonprofits in the United States that annually generate nearly 2 trillion dollars, which is 9 percent of the U.S. GDP.

Update 4: We’ve had the Russian Law Clerk, the Georgian Seminarian, the Austrian Corporal, the Ugandan Cook, the Argentinian Poet, the Cuban Revolutionary, the Egyptian Zealot, the Saudi Hectorer . . . and now comes the Bronx Barmaid.

Update 5: AMB Haley is not up to the war underway, nor GEN Kelly.  SEC Tillerson got as far as he could in Korea but not as far as POTUS wanted and the country needed.  That he could not/would not do.  SEC Pompeo has done it in short order.  POTUS needs a war-time consiglieri who is a top-flight strategics man as COS.  Someone living in 2018 towards 2025, not living in 1985 towards 1945.  GEN Dunford, perhaps.

Everything is about strategics now, grand national strategic objectives.  The Beltway, qua Beltway, and specifically State, has not addressed that reality in 40 years.  Even Pamela Harriman had some sense for it, if only for snagging paramours.  Bean counters — Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Ryan, McCain — managers, replaced leaders by the early 1950s, when it took a wealthy Jew sacrificing his health and life, literally, in order, finally, just to get Oppenheimer denied a security clearance.  And then the traitor was never punished for his perfidy, at least not in this world.

John McCain traffics with ISIS leadership because he wants Assad quit of power and war with Russia.  This is dirty, Logan Act business, and it’s a war, but not with Russia.  It is with the Beltway management, who, incidentally, consider decorum a one-way-street: everyone else towards them and no reciprocity for the reverse.  Beltway management punks are so befouled and besotted of themselves as to have lost power to self-correct.


I could not concur more strongly, all points.  The Normandy metaphor is especially strong, I feel, because it implies the war POTUS is leading and his need for winning executives, guys and girls, who take ground and then take more without leaving enemy pockets in their rear areas.  If you are not attacking you are not doing your job, and if your attacks are unsuccessful relative to your assigned objective you are not doing your job.

A few weeks back POTUS said the one thing that has surprised him about D.C. is the sheer amount and depth of mean nastiness inhabiting the place. He said he knew it was there but did not realize its enormity, implying he does now. He is a classic American in that he favors the ad melliorum over the ad pejorum posture.  Europeans are the opposite, thinking us uncivilized, unsophisticated naifs.

I think this is why, at least the underlying reason why, he did not fire Comey on day one, minute one, and some others as well.  I have called that a failure of nerve, and I stand by that assessment, but I also think the failure is rooted in an ad melliorum patience that is natural to the man, and honorably so . . . though not persisting once malice is perceived in the one given a chance to perform, to succeed at fulfilling their duty.  It was not long after POTUS saw Comey’s malice that Comey’s gear was removed from the Communist Brutalist building the FBI call HQ.


Ordinarily I would say, Do your own work. However, I detect a tone of sincerity in your question, so: mel is Latin root for honey, which is sweet, and pej is Latin root for accusation, which is bitter.  From mel we get mellifluous, honey-tongued.  From pej we get pejorative, heavy-tongued.

Ad melliorum means inclined to give others the benefit of the doubt (innocent until proven guilty). Ad pejorum mean assuming others are culpable (guilty until proven innocent).

The great advance of American jurisprudence over its direct ancestor, English Common Law, is to assume an ad melliorum posture until facts prove it untenable.

In other words, we have a high view of man, in line with the Scottish and English Enlightenments and their direct ancestor, Christian Logos Theology.

The low view of man — he is by nature short, mean, nasty, and brutish — begets, for example, the French Terror, the Socialist Atrocity, and the Islamic Jihad, which are in fact historically, emotionally, and ideologically integral.

Update 6: Legitimate (= God-called) clergy of any religion have not served as parish pastors for decades.  Most earned their living, raised their families, at secular employment, much of it blue-collar, so as to execute the Pauline model — low visibility and not be a burden on parishioners.

I think most of them now find setting foot in a sanctuary for worship revolting because the liturgy is defaced therein and scripture subjected to unrelenting eisegesis.

Strange times.  Trust the Almighty, embrace uncertainty, which is He.  The Liturgy is the Kerygma.

Update 7: This is no paradigm change. Jihadis have undergone psychobabble analysis for generations.  Good done?  Zero.  Very disappointing review of what I now suspect would be, to me at least, a very disappointing book, so I am not going near it, the book I mean.

Reason: I have never seen psychotherapy or anything like it solve a problem.  It is impotent, especially on the scale of this problem called Jihad.  And unless it refers to actual surgery, on an operating table in an operating theatre, whenever I hear that something is a most difficult and delicate operation I see someone running around inside a box going mad describing someone gone mad.

Get out of the box, would be my advice.  Law of expansion.

Update 8: FYI, a sense, not a translation, of The Lord’s Prayer, including a sense derived from a comment by St. Jerome to the effect that give us our bread in original Aramaic is give us tomorrow’s bread:

Our Father in Heaven!
May Your Name be held Holy.

May Your Kingdom come.
May Your Will be done
in our life as it is in Your Life.

Give us today the Bread of Heaven.
And forgive our mistakes
as we forgive those who would harm us.

Let us see You during the test
and be saved from the Evil One.

There is no theological problem with God leading anywhere.  It is a common recognition born of experience, which it is theologians’ duty to articulate.  Francis and the Jesuits are merely warming up on smaller matters, acclimatizing the laity gradually to planned huge improvements to the Bible and Liturgy, much as the US Judiciary gradually improves the Constitution by destroying it, but only bit by bit, to make the process seem reasonable and unremarkable as it unfolds.

Update 9: Michael Kennedy: The Russia Hoax was originally aimed at Flynn, not Trump

Update 10: When Turkey Destroyed Its Christians



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