You Can Act Like A Man

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Many if not most know the Parable of the Frog and the Scorpion.  For those few who do not, here it is:

A scorpion who wants to get to the other side of a river asks a frog to ferry him across on his back.

The frog says, No.  Half way across you will sting me and I will drown.

The scorpion replies, Why would I do that?  It isn’t reasonable.  If I sting you, both of us will drown.

The frog thinks it over, then says, OK, hop on.

Half way across the river, the scorpion stings the frog.

And as he is drowning, the frog says to the scorpion,  Why did you do that?  It isn’t reasonable.  Now both of us will drown.

And the scorpion says to the frog, Reason has nothing to do with it.  It’s my nature.  I’m a scorpion.

Once again, the Democratic scorpion
has convinced the Republican frog
to ferry him across the river,
then stung him half way there.

To a post by Ed Driscoll at Instapundit referencing a post by Megan Fox at PJMedia titled After Screwing the GOP, Jeff Flake Parties with Sen. Coons, Rock Stars at Global Citizen Festival, I commented:

I blame Chairman Grassley and Judge Kavanaugh for this disgraceful, unnecessary drama.  Neither one is acting like a man.  The first permitted a kangaroo court on his watch.  The second voluntarily, even eagerly, entered a kangaroo court as the accused.  Both were weak actions and that weakness caused the disgrace we endure.

Chairman Grassley should have said to Ds, Sorry, Senate votes as originally scheduled.  Judge Kavanaugh should have said to the Committee, Sorry, unless compelled, I do not wittingly enter a kangaroo court. Take the vote.  Even stronger would have been to remove his name from nomination the instant Chairman Grassley allowed the kangaroo court.

All of those would have been strong actions.  Variants of them, accounting for the current state of affairs, still would be.  Judge Kavanaugh’s removing himself from consideration also would be a strong action as long as in doing so he confesses to weakness for attending the kangaroo court, a weakness he now wants to correct.

Simply eschew kangaroo courts.  That is all it would take.  The FBI has the aura now of a kangaroo court.

Democrats are chaos machines, scorpions.  It is their nature.  They are weak.  Fuming about that is pointless, Senator Graham, other than inspiring a general disgust with weak personalities, politics, and actions.  But it is enthusiasm one should want to inspire, not disgust.

Finally, POTUS Trump shares some blame for this.  In Judge Kavanaugh, he did not nominate the strongest candidate and everyone knew he did not.  Ds simply exploited that fact and Rs panicked.  Weak to weak gets more weak.

My comment elicited revealing back-and-forth:

jubadoobai responded:
This is swirling down the bowl-worthy BS.

I replied to jubadoobai:
And your retort is devoid of content.  Rs are the frog who agreed once again to transport the D’s scorpion across the river.

Jeff Gauch responded:
‘Chairman Grassley should have said to Ds, “Sorry, Senate votes as originally scheduled.”‘
At which point Flake, Collins, Murkowski, and the red state Dems say “In light of these troubling new accusations and the Chairman’s refusal to investigate further, I have no choice but to vote ‘no’ on this nomination.”

‘Kavanaugh should have said to the Committee, “Sorry, unless compelled, I do not wittingly enter a kangaroo court. Take the vote.”‘
At which point Flake, Collins, Murkowski, and the red state Dems say “Judge Kavanaugh’s refusal to testify about these allegations leads me to think that he has something to hide, therefore I have no choice but to vote ‘no’ on this nomination.”

Apparently you seem to think that “strong” is a synonym for “stupid.”

I replied to Jeff Gauch:
Strong is what keeps a man independent of mobs.  You are calculating politics.  Politics is secondary, at most, to freedom from coercion, which is spiritual.

Jeff Gauch replied to me:
Politics, also known as the way things work in the real world.  You go ahead and focus on the spiritual, the rest of us will ignore you and get shit done.

I replied to Jeff Gauch:
Yes, that is what you are getting done.

Jeff Gauch replied to me:
Far better than anyone following your stupid advise.

Boyd responded:
Odd that you don’t mention the Flake, Collins or Murk factor.

I relied to Boyd:
I did mention it, indirectly, for what it is: a diversion, namely, to establish a kangaroo court, first in the Judiciary Committee, now in the FBI, arguably the most corrupt law enforcement agency in the USA.

Rs imagined women want that, hired a female to interrogate Ford in consequence.  Not at all what women want.  Weak men, their wives and other women are saying about them to themselves.  Women want protection inside humane structure of culture.  Not kangaroo courts, such as their male senators stupidly established.

gotroy22 replied to Boyd:
Weird, his [meaning my] prior posts weren’t nutty like this.

Boyd replied to gotroy22:
I’m always suspicious of anyone who has substantially less upvotes than comments.  They are usually kooks or posting just to start arguments and cause trouble.

gotroy22 replied to Boyd:
Maybe he [meaning I] just watched too much CNN last night.

alexia_sf responded:
One must not defend one’s name and integrity, to do so is weak.

I replied to alexia_sf:
Exactly, and that is what Judge Kavanaugh has done.  And that is why we are in this disgraceful hiatus of decision.  The frog is still kicking so the scorpion has to keep stinging.  So utterly immature and unnecessary on the frog’s (Republicans’) part.

Next time, with luck, POTUS Trump nominates to the SC a personality not sequestered from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune from early age by rich, indulgent parents.  Think Nassim Nicholas Taleb and AntiFragile.

And what in the name of all that’s gracious are a minor girl’s parents thinking letting her attend parties with boys, alcohol, and absence of parents?  They let her come home gassed to the gills and ready to let her do it again next weekend?  What were her teachers thinking?  And what were the parents doing meanwhile, throwing car keys into a bin with those of other rich, lascivious couples and picking someone else’s than their own for assignations upstairs?

At root, this mess is entirely down to parental malpractice for all the principals, especially by the mothers, who, on the face of it — how their children turned out: squishes and lushes — did not love their children.  Ultimately, I blame the parents and especially the mothers.

No man voluntarily enters a kangaroo court as accused, accuser, trier, or gallery.  No woman does, either.  By entering a kangaroo court, Judge Kavanaugh showed that a seat on the Supreme Court means more to him than acting like a man.  That — ambition — is weakness.

What is acting like a man?  It is doing everything one can think of doing this side of evil to make happen what one wants to happen.  Waiting for the future to be known is not acting like a man.  A man makes the future, he does not wait for it to arrive or moan about it when it does.  History respects doers, not sooth-sayers.  A man’s prestige — even an evil man’s prestige — rests on one thing and one thing only: his success at making happen what he wants to happen.

This is the attitude of a man:

I will foster your interest whether you foster mine or not.  However, I will take interest in what interests you when you take interest in what interests me, and I will give you what you want when you want what I have to give.

A man lives in fear of The Lord and trust in The Lord to protect him.  In the same way, a wife lives in fear of her husband and trust in him to protect her.  This is the natural structure of life.  Organic, sustainable, transparent, and accountable.  Also, responsive to life’s contingencies, the marks of existence’s finitude.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Who is McLean’s current employer?  CIA?

Sundance, thanks for the research.  Makes sense, and I suspect the current employer of McLean is relevant.

It seems that one takes any seemingly peripheral madness and it leads back to the same source the others do: FBI . . . and I suspect CIA as well.

In any case, who is the establishment here?  MSM-D-R-UniParty is observably always against the establishment.  They say they are, plainly.  I think we should take them at their word on that.  Even occupying White House, Congress, and the Judiciary they do not feel like they are the establishment.  Even deeming anything they want to be good and lawful does not make them feel like they are the establishment.  And I think they are right to feel that way.

Because they ARE NOT the establishment.  Donald Trump and his supporters are the establishment.  Always have been, always will be.  That never changes, always will be the case.  And we never give up our power to anyone for any reason.  We are the establishment.  Kick us, beat us, kill us, makes no difference.  We are the establishment, and happy for it, happy to do it, happy to be it.  We always will be the establishment, no matter who attacks us and with what or for what reason or goal.  It is just a fact, we are the establishment and MSM-D-R-UniParty are entirely accurate to take us as such.  We are the establishment, permanently.

MSM-D-R-UniParty can attack us but they cannot defeat us, much less dislodge or obstruct us, even for an instant.  They cannot win.

Update 2: Angelo Codevilla: European Defense


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