A Landmark, Theological And Ecclesiastical

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



I signed this:

The Statement On Social Justice & The Gospel

Its framers claim the statement is not a creedal statement, and that is true in the sense that the whole church has not pondered and produced it.  But in context, it is nothing short of creedal.  And a landmark.  Nicaea and Chalcedon addressed the key doctrinal questions of their day.  This does ours.

Furthermore, the writers structure their sections in classical form as Affirmation/Denial (anciently Belief/Anathema).  Language highly refined, economical, demonstrating sophisticated familiarity with historical literature of the type correlated to contemporary conceptual geography in clear common (vulgar) language.

Remarkable, IMO.  And coming out of the Reformed (Calvinist) vector of the Reformation.  That I would expect, does not surprise me.  I spent years pointing out to an Episcopalian Priest that ECUSA (The Episcopal Church of the USA) and CofE (The Church of England) were stamped Calvinist by Puritans and their descendants: Methodists; and that the only theologians worthy of the office who were produced or harbored by CofE/ECUSA have been Calvinists or Catholics; and that CofE/ECUSA sacramental doctrine is Lutheran.  Such fun.

Basically, The Church is self-cleaning, eliminating alien stochastic structures and masses of communicants wet-nursing them.

Mark David Hall: How Reformed Theologians’ Commitment To Self-Rule And Resisting Tyranny Helped Form America

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin

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