Deep Staters: The Communist Column

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



A truly titanic fight is underway inside the Washington D.C. Beltway over foreign policy and in particular Russia.

The McCain funeral, the Woodward book, the NYT op-ed, and even the Kavanaugh hearing in its sub-texts are of a piece.  All oppose de-escalating US foreign military engagements and, especially, loyalty purchases/extortion payments (foreign aid).  All oppose a policy of limiting US military deployments to those only which are necessary to destroy someone attacking US sovereignty.  And most of all, all oppose committing to war assets of US statecraft — diplomacy, finance, war-fighting — with intent to win said war by annihilating the enemy population’s will to aggress and compelling the enemy’s top authorities to sign an instrument of unconditional surrender.

What all want — what Deep Staters Want — is US assets engaged in continuous, globe-wide low-intensity, a-symmetrical conflict.  They want to call adversaries competitors and enemies misguided job-seekers.  Winning a conflict is anathema to them.  Constant, unresolved conflict is their vision of promoting American values and ideals.  Too bad about the blood and treasure lost meanwhile.  But, what difference, at this point, does it make?  Money and careers are at stake.

The Three Henchmen
The Three Henchmen

If Deep Staters were winning the titanic fight inside the Beltway, they would not be leaking, sneaking, and freaking.  If they were the invincible army they imply they are, massive deregulation, improving military morale, popular confidence, wide hiring, strong investment, and the rest would not be occurring.  It takes masses of bureaucratic muscle moving in unison in the right direction to make those things happen.

The Resistance is comparable to the tens of thousands of social media mobbies who descended on Rush’s advertisers some years back.  Rush’s techies tracked those thousands to just ten people — even got their names, addresses and phone numbers — mostly females, all but one retired, and most of them public school teachers, paid by the usual suspects — think: Democracy Alliance — to create the illusion of social media mobs by using software developed for the purpose. The same phenomenon is observed with the demonstrations the same usual suspects pay for by busing the same protesters around the country from op to op.

So I think we witness a rear guard against a very strong consensus among Americans in toto for non-interventionism.  Not isolationism.  Non-interventionism.  Unless they attack us or are about to, leave them alone.  Not our business.  What a refreshing thought!

Postscript: Russia is Deep Staters’ bête noire du jour because she shed their Communist hag and is reforming in her Christian root.  On the same accounting, China is heaven on earth.  Deep Staters have a re-appreciated name: The Communist Column.  Who lost China?  They did.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Sundance: Press Conference: Lee Zeldin and Members of Congress Call on President Trump to Declassify Critical Documents

Update 2: 28 April 2016: Message To The Donald Trump Campaign

Update 3: L. Todd Wood: Putin Getting Played By China, Needs A Deal With Trump

Update 4: Confidential Memo: Secretive Liberal Donor Club Plots $275 Million Spending Plan for 2020

Update 5: DNC Grassroots Victory Fund Bankrolled by 13 Wealthy Liberals

Update 6: Monica Showalter: Stunning explosion of cheers from Iran and China dissidents over booting of Obama holdovers at Voice of America



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