Military Wisdom

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



He either fears his fate too much,
Or his deserts are small,
That dares not put it to the touch,
To gain or lose it all.

James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose

Do not chase success because it is determined by someone else.  Pursue excellence, not success, because you can control that.

Paraphrased, MG William F. Garrison (CDR at Mogadishu ) at West Point 13 April 2004.

The profoundest truth of war is that the issue of battle is usually decided in the minds of the opposing commanders, not in the bodies of their men.

Basil Henry Liddell-Hart

I think I understand what military fame is; to be killed on the field of battle and have your name misspelled in the newspapers.

If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast.

You people of the South don’t know what you are doing.  This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end.  It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization!  You people speak so lightly of war; you don’t know what you’re talking about.  War is a terrible thing!  You mistake, too, the people of the North.  They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too.  They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it…  Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them?  The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make.  You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors.  You are bound to fail.  Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with.  At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, shut out from the markets of Europe as you will be, your cause will begin to wane.  If your people will but stop and think, they must see in the end that you will surely fail.

General William Tecumseh Sherman

Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle.  Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.


The Speech of Sarpedon to Glaucus

Why boast we, Glaucus! our extended Reign,
Where Xanthus’ Streams enrich the Lycian Plain,
Our num’rous Herds that range the fruitful Field,
And Hills where Vines their purple Harvest yield,
Our foaming Bowls with purer Nectar crown’d,
Our Feasts enhanc’d with Music’s sprightly Sound?
Why on those Shores are we with Joy survey’d,
Admir’d as Heroes, and as Gods obey’d?
Unless great Acts superior Merit prove,
And vindicate the bount’ous Pow’rs above.
‘Tis ours, the Dignity they give, to grace;
The first in Valour, as the first in Place.
That when with wond’ring Eyes our martial Bands
Behold our Deeds transcending our Commands,
Such, they may cry, deserve the sov’reign State,
Whom those that envy, dare not imitate!
Could all our Care elude the gloomy Grave,
Which claims no less the fearful than the brave,
For Lust of Fame I should not vainly dare
In fighting Fields, nor urge thy Soul to War.
But since, alas! ignoble Age must come,
Disease, and Death’s inexorable Doom;
The Life which others pay, let us bestow,
And give to Fame what we to Nature owe;
Brave tho’ we fall, and honour’d if we live,
Or let us Glory gain, or Glory give!


Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


Ubena von Bremen auf der Kieler Woche 2007
Ubena von Bremen auf der Kieler Woche 2007

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