Global Warming IS Anthropogenic

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



The professoriate, the mosquito media, and the so-called social media cause global warming.  It IS anthropogenic.

I hate to say it, but, Puget Sound area is overall warmer in summer and much warmer in winter than it used to be even just 20 years ago.  We don’t even get snow any more.  Maybe we should blame the hot-headed fire-eaters who want to keep the world in perpetual crisis and turmoil.  Spiritual and mental heat do cause physical heat.  Teilhard discussed that phenomenon in connection with evolution-involution-devolution in Christogenesis moving towards Omega Point, as he called it.

If that anthropo-kinetics is the root of this global warming, then it is not carbon, it is the self-fulfilling prophesying of hot-headed ideologists, fanatics, and alarmists.  They are decrying themselves, hating their mothers.  They make the room insanely hot, Ehrlich, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Steyer, Soros, Mosquito Media, Ivy League and peripheral professoriates, Salafi/Shiite Jihad, and the rest do.

In any case, it is observable that hot-heads make wars happen and wars are sort of the penultimate heat, sun being the ultimate one observable from our galactic platform.

Looked at as business models, social media are slave markets.  They sell users, whom they have made addicts, to marketers.  Social media owners are slave traders, their customers are slaves they trade for money.

If the Trump administration discovered a cure for cancer, headlines at the Washington Post and New York Times would read:


Trump Puts Entire Health System In Grave Danger

Schumer, Pelosi Demand Answers

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Glenn Reynolds: Abolish the Ivy League.  I commented:

The Ivy League is church-made. Abolish the churches to abolish the Ivy League.  Not so hard to do. Find them by law as political fronts.  The churches, I mean.

The Church is exclusive, not inclusive.  That fact will abolish the Ivy League, all on its own, not just talk about abolishing it.  “Have no God beside me.”  You do not get more exclusive than that.  Make that point, miracles will happen.

Update 2: Norman Rogers: Scientocracy Busts Open the Motivation behind Global Warming Politics


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