Nostalgie und die Vergangenheit

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Long ago in Seattle, the city council wanted to sell their steam plant on the east side of Lake Union.  They received offers and wanted to accept one from a biotech firm.  The west side of Lake Union supports apartments, homes, and condos looking east across Lake Union.  Residents were accustomed to view the steam plant and its six tall smokestacks.  The biotech wanted to remove the stacks, having no use for them, and modernize the building’s exterior as well as its interior.  West side residents persuaded the city council to compel the biotech to maintain the stacks and the exterior of the building as a condition of sale.  The biotech acquiesced and purchased the steam plant.  The biotech with vestigial stacks and the exterior of an obsolete steam plant remains in place.

Always there are people who want change without specifying what, how, where, when, why, etc.  Often the same people resist change in things and affairs to which they are accustomed.  These phenomena are common and recognized.

Various motivations undergird a desire for change, some commendable and some not.

Two unsavory motivators of the desire for change are widespread and not so much recognized these days.  One is disappointment in life.  The other is relish to hurt others.

Here is disappointment in life:

Ben Rhodes
Ben Rhodes

Here is relish to hurt others:

Peter Strzok
Peter Strzok

The world currently harbors a large quantity of these two unsavory motivators of a desire for change.  The blame for that rests upon the world’s mothers.  The world’s fathers too, but principally the world’s mothers.  Unless they are fortunate to study under a genuine teacher or two, the large cohort of young people whose mothers do not rear them properly — to do what they must do to be happy in life and to throw away any impulse to hurt others — can only contribute to the world’s sorrow and tribulation now.

We must prepare for and live with expectation of that dispensation.  We must not give audience to nostalgia or wistful immersion in thoughts of the past . . . or hopes for the future.  We live in the present, sufficient unto itself the trials thereof, but never more than we can bear, and never at a remove from Divine Grace.

In recognition of immersion in the past, I invite attention to the following scenes of reception of POTUS and FLOTUS Trump by the Prime Minister of Great Britain at Blenheim yesterday and the Queen of Great Britain at Windsor today:

These receptions are picture-perfect and hollow as an egg sucked dry.  Great Britain comprises the keenest threat to their safety of any country POTUS and FLOTUS Trump would visit.  Their USA security at Great Britain far exceeds that for any other trip they have made.

When that stout-hearted Monarch QEII passes to her reward, the true nature of modern Great Britain will assert itself.  It is Moslem, and not any nice kind of Moslem, either.  Caliphists, which is to say, anarchists.  Its core is neither Great nor British.  The troops, the marches, the tunes, the costumes are 100% Vergangenheit.  They have no power.  Hollow eggs.

I use the German Vergangenheit to honor the Windsors’ Hanoverian and Saxe-Gotha roots.  They also have Scots, French and Dutch roots.  But the British Court has been Germanic for centuries.

These two receptions are surface, not substance, flower, not root.  There is no British substance, no British root left after its having been poisoned by Labor’s — Socialists’ — colonizing Great Britain with Moslems in order to destroy Christian freedom.

And then there is the slit in the Prime Minister’s frock, which she yet must hike farther up to avoid falling up stairs.  That presents a country at the end of existence and a personality in mid-life and intellectual confusion and despair.  Fin de siècle.

Contrasted with which are POTUS and FLOTUS Trump, elegant, energetic, in motion, gracious, self-confident, simple.  He even mimics Scott’s gestures reviewing Moroccan troops, that combination of Hollywood and the Bible.  Début de siècle.

Humanity lives from epoch to epoch, age to age.  Or, as Machiavelli puts it, from the spirit of one age to the spirit of another.

Great personalities arrive at the transitions, some based more in the old, wrapping it up, some based more in the new, opening it up.  A few base in the transition itself.  We labor now during a change of epochs.  This is a benchmark.  A transition is underway.  The spirit of Socialism/Collectivism is senescent and the spirit of Freedom/Self-Confidence is gestating.

Like GOA Douglas MacArthur, I live mostly in the creative past, collecting and wrapping its potencies against the day of their replanting.  Like Glenn Gould, POTUS Trump, nearly my equal in years, lives mostly in the potence of a pregnancy, protecting and nourishing its strengths against the day of their epiphany.

There is le fini and there is le commencement.
They never separate.

St. Jerome embodied the promise of the spirit of an emerging age.  GOA Douglas MacArthur embodied the perfection of the spirit of a consummating age.  St. Francis of Assisi embodied the peak of the spirit of a resplendent age.

See the spirit of the past, the spirit of the present, and the spirit of the future.  The terms past, present, and future are hollow eggs.  Eschew their use.

Make it work for you!

No matter which direction the spirit of an age is traveling — upwards, downwards, or steady-state — the personal objective is keeping the consciousness bound to the truth.  That is how all the great ones lived and live.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Sundance: The DOJ-NSD division, and the FBI counterintelligence division, were actively engaged in a plot to destroy, then overthrow, a sitting U.S. President.  All of this Russia, Russia, Russia stuff is simply designed to hide and obfuscate this issue.

Update 2: Give it your own title

Update 3: Andrew C. McCarthy: Mueller’s Politicized Indictment of Twelve Russian Intelligence Officers

We got a special counsel not because of Russia’s espionage or any evidence indicating actual Trump-campaign complicity in it; we got a special counsel because Rosenstein was deeply involved in Comey’s ouster and wanted to fend off Democratic attacks on him over it.

Update 4: Andrew C. McCarthy: Hillary Ruins The Plan


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