Socialism And Indolent Germanics

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Two little indicators have come to my attention, which saw a connection between them.

One is a young Chicago Socialist politician claiming the American Midwest is happy Socialism land.  The other is ChiComs and German auto-and chemical-makers signing deals, with certain stipulations regarding the transfer of German intellectual property to Chinese principals, to manufacture cars and chemicals in China.

The connection is Germanics (Germans, English Hanoverians and Saxons, Scandinavians) and Socialism.

The American Midwest is widely Germanic.  Germanics — and not only German Ashkenazy Jews — are prone to Socialism.  They are driven in that way by their industrialists (to obtain state protection, the which desire, scrutinized carefully, is a sign of fear, weakness) and by their habits of governance (top down, Emperor/state owns Church and School, at least).

Capitalism occasions fear.  A capitalist hazards his life upon a sea of imponderables.  This fact Socialists note and exploit, to include when they also are Capitalists.

J. S. Bach was paid by the town council of Leipzig, which WAS the Church, from the Emperor.  The Rev. Professor P. J. Tillich was paid by the German government until the Nazis discharged him.  German Lutheran churchmen (at least) still are paid by the state, IIRC.  Church of England churchmen are.  The monarch is their head and senior reviewer.

In The USA, governments partially support churches and schools through tax codes and contracting services.  This is rationalized as not abridging the first clause of the First Amendment of The U.S. Constitution.  Meanwhile, clergy and teachers proclaim their independence from government and urge Socialists to political office and government bureaucracies.  This, too, is rationalized as neither hypocritical nor illegal.  It makes an appearance of sense if one thinks as a Socialist thinks:

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.
Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato.
. . . . . . Benito Mussolini

The US public school system was designed on the German factory model — complete with whistles to order time — to support industry via the penal authority of government.  There is no surprise US public schools are owned by Socialists, run by Socialists, and producing Socialists, which are the same as Statists.  Long have they been.

Industrialists and other capitalists can be quite content as socialists, if they can influence sufficiently movements of the mechanisms of government.  Observe contemporary personalities in Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Manhattan, Chicago, Seattle, Cambridge/New Haven/Princeton.  Or, note the activities of large foundations established by so-called Robber Barons or their progeny.  All focus on government protection of their nest eggs.  And Socialists in government use that desire to manipulate capitalists/socialists putatively outside government.  It is sort of a dance but with government personnel leading it.

Marx was at the Germanic center, not an outlier.  So were the Nazis, the German Socialists.  Bismarck first introduced what came to be seen as Socialist programs.  He came to that action at the instance of a German friend and interlocutor who was Jewish.

German auto makers’ and chemists’ signing to manufacture in China while handing their intellectual property to the ChiCom government and seeking/welcoming ChiCom governmental protection makes sense in light of Germanic history, their habits of governance and thought.

To the ChiCom/German signing reported at Conservative Tree House commenter Daniel wrote:

I can’t escape the feeling there is big central planning going on and this clear effort by Merkel and the German auto industry does not even remotely appear to help improve anything about the German auto industry.  If a purpose is being served, it would have to be that the plan is for China to rise up and dominate the world economically.  With the withdrawal of easy access to the US markets and the withdrawal of easy access to US technology, China needs to be prevented from collapse.

This seems to me to be an effort to prop up the globalist initiatives.  This is a giant bailout for China.

I replied:

It is also, I surmise, a bet that China is the emerging total global financial system.  Personally, I would not take that bet.  But I am American and Germans have a penchant for Socialism, so their industrialists fit right in with ChiComs giving them government protection . . . for a price, but an acceptable one to socialists: as long as you protect my business, life of fun and pleasures.

Scott Johnson has the epic observation regarding Socialism and Socialists/Statists in his post titled Actually, Socialism Does Work:

I think the leaders of the socialist movement are perfectly well aware that the inevitable result of socialism is tyranny and mass poverty.  But for them, this isn’t a bug, it is a feature.  In fact, it is the whole point.  Socialism is now, and always has been, a pretext under which power-mad psychopaths seize power and terrorize their fellow humans.

A. T. Mahan give the reason for Socialism’s mosquito-like persistence in his celebrated volume on the influence of sea power in history (page 116):

. . . men are too indolent to seek out the foundation truths of the situation of their day, and develop the true theory of action from its base up.

So, Germanic proneness to Socialism is a sign of Germanic indolence.  Consider that for a moment in light of the usual playing up of Germanic assiduity at industry.  After all, hurling poison gas into an enemy is a sign of weakness, fatigue, and failure, not of strength, resilience, and success.  Consider that fact and its implications.

The world oft is upside down or reverse from how we see it.  The greatest Sage can be thrown into an epistemological cock-up even without knowing that he or she has been flipped.  Such is the power of delusion, to which Socialists first submit and then offer their assets.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Spengler: Germany Lines Up With China In Trade War

Update 2: First space, then auto—now Elon Musk quietly tinkers with education

Update 3: Make Socialism Scientific Again!


11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Blackhorse, The Last Charge Event, Change Of Command Ceremony, Fort Irwin, CA. 07 July 2018
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Blackhorse, The Last Charge Event, Change Of Command Ceremony, Fort Irwin, CA. 07 July 2018

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