Thandava – XV

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



During the late 1960s and early 1970s, Robert Theobald and his wife Jean Scott in New York, France, and Wickenburg,  Radical Software explorers in New York, Liam O’Gallagher in San Francisco, and I in Phoenix were conceptualizing and experimenting with opportunities for non-broadcast, non-corporate information creation and presentation.  In other words, we were planning to sap, mine and blow the now-called Deep State’s defensive perimeters.

Radical Software published two of my compositions in the early 1970s.  The last time that has happened.  O’Gallagher’s bio at Wikipedia says he helped established Feathered Pipe Ranch in Montana . . . without mentioning that I was the one who decided to purchase it from the Rheem estate.  The property was purchased with Duncan family monies.  Originally, the land had been acquired and the buildings constructed to serve as a hunting lodge for Rheem family associates.

I named the property R-D Bar Ranch in honor of the two families who made it possible: Rheem and Duncan.  After I vacated the property, because O’Gallagher and other inhabitants were stultifying, O’Gallagher renamed it Feathered Pipe Ranch.  His reference was Indian Peace Pipes, he said.

Anyhow, someone in that mix — I think it was O’Gallagher but it may have been someone on Team Radical Software — coined the phrase Video Parlor, which sort of stuck in the shared consciousness for a while.

The presentation part of the idea contemplated simultaneous information feeds en banc, as on a wall.  As I recall, vaguely, O’Gallagher also coined the term video wall to signify a bank of video screens built into or forming a wall and each presenting unique content.  Today, of course, this configuration is commonplace.  Then it was novel.  Some liked the idea for its sensory overload aspects.  I liked the idea for its potential to express an art of life.

There follows a print version of The Video Parlor: simultaneous unique feeds contouring an art of life.

VDH: The Trump Land Mine

Thinking out loud: all the JFK conspiracy theories (a sneering leftist pejorative phrase) of which I am aware finger the US IC, specifically CIA and in any case, broadly the criminal/leftist element of US society.  The IC is used to running the country through the Presidential Daily Briefing.  Adding layers of collation (DNI) has intensified that phenomenon and its generators’ expectation of entitlement.

When DJT said he did not bother with the daily IC brief because it was always the same stuff — the date he said that, which I do not remember, I anticipate is significant in the time-line of the CIA’s FBI CI Investigation; suggest, Sundance, that date is worth your tracking down; it was DURING the campaign — that told them he was on to them and would look at affairs himself.

Tremendous loss of power for the IC manipulators.  Their efforts to undo DJT have aroused Congress’ jealousy for its own prerogatives, not to mention citizens’ study of and horror regarding their servants’ perfidy.  But, lowlife gotta be lowlife.  IC unsurprisingly tells Congress and citizens that IC’s prerogatives trump the Constitution, i.e., theirs.

But that is a losing battle.  Even were ICers to go hot, the IC has not means to commit to successful kinetics.  So they are undoing themselves, hurting as many as possible as they collapse.  And Mueller is going to jail.  Brennan, Comey, Obama, Lynch, Yates, HRC, Rice, Power, Monaco, Holder, Reid, Pelosi, Schiff, McCain, Kerry, Jarrett, Clapper and McCabe belong there too as well as others.  The Obama Administration and its UniParty adjunct was a congeries of the criminal/leftist element of the US system of education.

If you want to make America great again, you must generate an American family and system of education.  The family and the school are upstream from government.

If I read this accurately, it implies Armenia has force sufficient to keep Azerbaijan from taking Nagorno-Karabakh from its semi-independent governors whom Armenia supports.  If accurate read, I did not know Armenia has that sort of power and Azer does not.  Interesting.  Might also imply Armenia could not oppose Russia using Nagorno-Karabakh to stage at Turkey/Constantinople . . . maybe.

I just figured it out.  The Russians are after Constantinople.  That is why they took Crimea.  That is why they are projecting from the east.  That is why they care about access to the Med from Syria.  They are encircling from the east, which is the only way they know how.  Following Catherine the Great’s model.  They are reclaiming their rights as the third in the line of Caesars with the Roman Empire as first, then the Byzantium Emperors as the second, and then the Tsar as the third, with Tsar being Caesar.

Related: L. Todd Wood: WWIII Anyone? The Crusades Are Returning To Caucasus As Violence Rages In Nagorno-Karabakh

True, Syria is a territory now and several nations are both butting and scratching heads over its use to their strategic objectives.  Of those nations, I think Russia has the clearest idea of the territory’s strategic use to herself.  The four Kurdish sectors (Turkish Kurds, Syrian Kurds, Iraqi Kurds, Iranian Kurds), independently and to variable extents jointly, are conducting OJT regarding their ability to conduct big-nation relations as well as the Syrian territory’s value to their strategic objectives and interests, as they develop those, if they develop those.

USA still has no grand national strategic objective requiring use of force in the ME.  She is superb at killing but is doing so there without a strategic reason, a kinetics which, therefore, is unsustainable in every way.  Iran’s strategic objective is well-known and plain from history and geography: hegemony.  So is Israel’s: self-defense via geographic safety.

The strategic value of the Syrian territory to Turkic Turkey is as a geographic buffer against an array of threats from her east and south: Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey’s own non-Turkic populations, to include not only Kurds.  Non-Turkic Turkey is not so threatened as Turkic Turkey is.  Assad is now a tribal leader, not a head of state, and besides being not long for this world, he is bringing defeat on a tribal leader who has pretensions of being a head of state: Hassan Nasrallah, who must be getting too old for this business and almost would top the list were I commanding the IDF’s J3 shop.

John Kerry’s in-laws celebrating their common ideology.

And Hussein Obama was not keeping tabs on all of this as it went down, did not have a staffer ready to pounce if anything got above Lynch, Clapper or Brennan, and does not still strike cold terror in their hearts?

They all fear HRC’s deep alcoholic temper and history of violence, thus wanting to look like they helped her win, thinking they had done that and she would see it and thank them.  But what is it they fear from Hussein Obama?  And why still?  It would have to be something violent, I think.  And savage.  And how would he be in a position to threaten that?  I cannot imagine those snakes being so in love with their charmer as to require no credible threats, added to melodies, to keep their teeth retracted.

Is anyone in D.C. investigating the Salafi/Shiite Jihad’s broad-spectrum operation against the USA?  Is everyone there consumed by this essentially Peyton Place/Country Club/Oligarchs’ cantankerous trailer park life of dogs?  Where is the public service in these lowlives?  Who cares about their ambitions and clevernesses?  Who should care?  Has anyone thought of late what USA national sovereignty means and wanted it?

Herb’s hysterical – offer tissues

Not hardly.  He is being realistic.  And, trailing wife, why should USA be protecting Europe from the evil European elites welcomed to their midst?

To wit:

Three Maps, Strategic What?


Wealth And Energy Beget Repose

The weakness of US foreign activity is that, so far, it is bereft of a guiding grand national strategic objective and rational strategic interests and actions in pursuance thereof.  The USA foreign policy establishment has not adjusted to circumstances since 1945 and has not wanted to protect USA national sovereignty (the constant ultimate grand national objective) since well before that.  Only Imperial Japan’s blatancy pushed that establishment (Harvard/Yale/Princeton) to act in defense of USA sovereignty.  They have been trying to subvert it ever since, principally by not winning wars they generate in order to demoralize the generality of Americans and destroy their patriotism.

Herb is right.  USA statecraft (diplomacy, finance, war-fighting) deployment taxonomy does not reflect rational stewardship of USA national sovereignty.

In re just the ME currently, rational USA national interest would include assisting or not impeding Russian desire to have Constantinople in furtherance of Catherine the Great, not the Soviet.

Seemingly OT but not: my wife’s and my daughter has solved the riddle of what the Russians want.  They want Constantinople and are enveloping it from the north (Crimea), south (Syria/Egypt) and east (Nagorno Karabakh).

Their goal is to fulfill Catherine the Great’s strategic objective of reestablishing the third Roman Imperium (Caesar/Tsar) in succession to the second, Byzantium.  They have no designs on the first Roman Imperium, Rome/The Latin Church.  They are not pining for the Soviet Union, whose lowlifes did essay to extirpate The Latin Church.  Russians are not stupid.  They know Communism is stupid.  Catherine had her children speak Greek and Latin.

Both Iran and Turkey, for different reasons, threaten or obstruct the Russian strategic objective of taking Constantinople.  That is why Kerry and minions want to assist Iran: not to help Iran but to thwart the Russian pincer on Constantinople, because Russian success there amounts to Christian ascendency, which is anathema to Lefties.  And that is why Erdogan is standing loud and sideways like a screaming, hissing cat with its tail and fur on end, to discourage enemies: he has lost NATO sympathy and USA resupply he so must present as more formidable than he is.

The Russians are after Constantinople.  Catherine the Great.  US can assist or not oppose that.

Russia is looking at Constantinople.  History.  Greek Church.  Eastern/Second Caesar to Third Caesar/Tsar.  Superb beat-down to the Central Asian (Turkic) Moslem Horde.  Long reach of the Nordic genius.  Would help everyone else in the ME, including USA.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Joanne Patti Munisteri: Jihadi Generations: Strategies Used for Weaponizing Children  Part 2

Update 2: US-Kazakh Accord to Use Caspian Ports as Afghan Support Hubs Irks Moscow

Update 3: New Armenian PM Wants Closer Ties With Russia

Update 4: Adam Mill: The DOJ Has Turned The Russia Investigation Into A Puzzle Designed Never To Be Solved

Update 5: L. Todd Wood: WWIII Anyone? The Crusades Are Returning To Caucasus As Violence Rages In Nagorno-Karabakh


Mother And Child
Mother And Child

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