The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus The Christ


Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Order Of Service
Good Friday Even

Reading Of Passion Story By St. Matthew
Singing Or Recitation Of Chorales From
The Passion According To St. Matthew By J. S. Bach

[Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA) versification is used here]

Enter in silence, OR, play/project Karl Richter: Come, ye daughters, share my wailing

Matthew 26:1-2
Passion Chorale 01 (03) – Ah, Jesus dear

Ah, Jesus, dear, what precept hast Thou broken,
that such a cruel judgment has been spoken?
Of what misdeed hast Thou to make confession?
Of what transgression?

Matthew 26:3-22
Passion Chorale 02 (10) – ’Tis I who should, repenting

’Tis I who should, repenting
in torture unrelenting,
endure the pains of Hell.
The shackles and the scourges
Thou bore from sin to purge us,
were by us all deserved full well.

Matthew 26:23-32
Passion Chorale 03 (15) – Remember me, my Savior

Remember me, my Savior,
my Shepherd take Thou me.
the source of ev’ry blessing
wilt Thou forever be.

By Thine abundance nourished,
with milk and honey blest.
Thy spirit brings me comfort
and heav’nly joy and rest.

Matthew 26:33-35
Passion Chorale 04 (17) – I stand here close beside Thee

I stand here close beside Thee,
Thine anguish I would share.
O Lord, do not despise me
in this Thy heart’s despair.

For when Thy heart is drooping
in death’s last agony,
my arms will be about Thee
and hold Thee close to me.

Matthew 26:36-39
Passion Chorale 05 (25) – What God resolves He will achieve

What God resolves will He achieve.
His will is perfect ever.
He succors all who firm believe,
and for the best endeavor.

Our help in need, our God indeed,
with gentle moderation
He chastens us; if Him we trust,
we need not fear damnation.

Matthew 26:40-60 as far as “And they found not [false witnesses]”
Passion Chorale 06 (32) – The world with treachery replete

The world, with treachery replete,
with lies and fraud and false deceit
would tangle and ensnare me.
Lord, keep Thou me from danger free,
from evil malice spare me!

Matthew 26:60[starting “whereas many false witnesses had come in”]-68
Passion Chorale 07 (37) – Who was it, Lord, did smite Thee?

Who was it, Lord, did smite Thee,
Thy good with ill requite Thee,
so foully treated Thee?
Thou wert no offender,
Nor didst to sin surrender;
from evil Thou wert ever free.

Matthew 26:69-75
Passion Chorale 08(a+b) (40) – Tho’ from Thee temptation lured me

Tho’ from Thee temptation lured me,
Lord, to Thee I come again.
Thy forgiveness is assured me
through Thy Son’s despair and pain.

I do not deny my guilt,
but They mercy, if Thou wilt,
far exceedeth my transgressions,
of which I must make confession.

Matthew 27:1-14
Passion Chorale 09 (44) – Entrust they ways unto Him

Entrust they ways unto Him
and all they spirit craves,
the ever faithful Guardian
who guides the wind and waves.

Who rules the clouds of Heaven
and bids the breezes blow,
He best can choose the pathway
on which our steps should go.

Matthew 27:15-22
Passion Chorale 10 (46) – How strange, how wondrous strange

How strange, how wondrous strange, this crucifixion;
the Shepherd for His sheep must bear affliction
the good King pays His subject’s obligations,
despite His station!

Matthew 27:23-30
Passion Chorale 11(a+b) (54) – O Head, all scarr’d and bleeding

Oh Head, all scarr’d and bleeding,
and heap’d with cruel scorn!
Oh Head, so fill’d with sorrow,
and bound with crown of thorn!

Oh Head, that was so honor’d,
so lovely fair to see,
and now so low degraded;
my heart goes out to Thee!

Matthew 27:31-50
Passion Chorale 12 (62) – When comes my hour of parting

When comes my hour of parting,
do not Thou part from me.
As death’s dread hour approaches
beside me Thou wilt be.

And when, in awful anguish,
my time of death is nigh,
Thy cross will then uphold me
that steadfast I may die.

Matthew 27:51-54 as far as “were sore afraid, saying:”
Passion Climax (Warlich) (63b) – Truly, this was the Son of God

Truly, truly this was the Son of God, the Son of God.

Matthew 27:55-66

Exit in silence, OR, play/project Karl Richter: Here at Thy grave sit we all weeping

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God



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