A Coup d’œil Of Russia And …

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Richard Fernandez (Wretchard) has been a solid strategic read for years.  Since the advent of the Trump Administration, much less so.  In fact, not at all.

He treats now, as always, of important topics, strategic topics, but with analytical tools now obsoleted by events.  It is a shame.  He means well, I want to believe.  He is under, not above or even inside, what is happening.

Exhibit A: Who’s Colluding With Russia?  See Whose Policies Align With Russian Interests

To which one American_cavalier produces a painfully accurate essay, this deeply brilliant gem:

The hypocrisy of the Establishment beggers belief. McMaster has deep connections to the old Atlantic Establishment.  But is that Establishment even useful anymore?  Right now, Black Africans are finishing up the genocide of every single white person from the Continent, especially in the former British colonies, Arab Sheiks are now poised to take total control of oil in the region from those who developed it, namely the Anglo-Americans, and the French are practically being driven out of every country in North Africa.  Meanwhile, China has an economy 12 Times the size of Russia, and is openly expanding directly against the US in ways which threaten global trade and actually colonizing parts of the globe.  While this article wonders what is Russia goals, the real question should be what are China’s goals.  It’s clear only one country benefits from this race to the bottom between what remains of the West and Russia: China.  Yet the Atlantic Establishment and Anglo-American relationship demands we look at Russia.

However in light of the UK’s capital now being non-British, it’s politico-economy controlled by globalist corrupt financial networks and ruled by a blatantly anti-American Molsem who denounces Trump, perhaps the disinformation is so bad, its made the ruling Establishment gone made.  For it is the UK central government which denies entry to US citizens simply for voicing patriotic defense of liberty and traditions not Russia.  The UK, locks up British patriots who criticize the colonization of their country, while simultaneously letting Christian murdering anti-Western Jihadists to return from fighting in Syria, not Russia.  With insanity like this one has to wonder what is the point of the Special Relationship of the Atantic Establishment.  But, muh Russia.

The UK’s openly leftist, godless, anti-Western posture is as close to the Soviet Union in existence in Europe except for perhaps Germany. Indeed, this twisted reality of the danger of Putin is illuminated when even the British PM openly attacks President Trump for repeating the assertions of a group called “Britain First”, while Putin says nothing.  The ruling establishment is so agitated into hating Putin, it now often equates Trump with Putin and attempts a coup de etate against the elected President.  But Muh, Russia.

Thus, McMaster’s “fiery denunciation of Russia” seems manufactured to posture himself with Russophobic tribalists interested in recovering their treasures since being ejected for being Anti-Soviet Trotskyites.  For to what purpose does it serve to attack Russia on behalf of interests who openly denounce the President and express hatred for the traditional American nationalism while ignoring the rise of Chinese behemoth nationalism?  BUT Muh, Russia.

Obviously, McMaster, with an Exit sign in front of him now turns to rally support for his post military career as a neo-conservative by talking up Atlantic Establishment cause and it’s insanity.  For how else are we to view what is obvious insanity, when it was the Atlantic Establishment which initiated the Syrian War, armed Jihadis and directly killed hundreds of thousands of Syrians, many of them Christians?  Yet, McMaster blames Putin for killing Syrians after we funded Jihadists into starting the civil war.  BUT MUH, Russia.

We worry about oil supplies but who is it that is reducing our precious oil reserves by pumping the oil at below profit advantage just to drive Russian oil production into the ground?  The Atlantic Establishment is so worried about Russia, it wants to ruin both American and Russian oil industry while letting the Arab sheiks take over more around the globe and simultaneously, ignoring China’s vast military-industrial build-up.  BUT MUH, RUSSIA.

Yet, Russia has an economy almost 1/20th the US and sits right next to the behometh China, whose population is 10 times larger than Russia.  If China moved merely 5% of its population into Siberia they would outnumber Russians by 5 to 1 in the region.  When, we make a shambles of Russian oil industry and only China has the money to invest there how do we think that will end with any other outcome but Asia right next to Poland.  BUT MUH, RUSSIA!

This over concern about Russia and the obvious insanity of ginning up conflict with it is a very danger to all of European civilization. 120,000,000 MENA and Black Africans are on the move to colonize Europe.  Black Africans will number 2,000,000,000 by 2040, and most of them will be under the thumb of China which apparently has the only will necessary to out an end to Black African demagoguery and seize the continent’s wealth.  Chinese firms are pushing out the West from MENA to Sub Sahara Africa.  Chinese agents have made swiss cheese of American security.  Yet, we talk about Russian influence.  Also, we complain about Russian interference in our elections while millions of Mexicans vote in them and routinely interfer directly and publicly in our policy.  BUT MUH, RUSSIA!!

While McMaster and other Russiaphobes  fret about Jewish genocide from Israel, real genocide of every single Christian in the region is occurring thru the connivance of the Atlantic Establishment.  Simultaneously another 5,000,000 whites clinging to the coast of Southern Africa are all that remain of nearly 15,000,000 who populated the region.  They now face final and real genocide by Black Neo-Nazis allied to Communists in a Black-Red alliance.  How many of these white murdering Black racists will join the MENA colonization of Europe?  Only China benefits from this Russia-phobia and only China is expanding out of its borders.  But muh, Russia?   Oh just shut up will you all with the Russia bull shit.

And to American_cavalier I produced this comment:

Well, cavalier, that about says it all.  Thank you!  You see what I and not a few others see.  Wretchard, regrettably, is overtaken by force vectors and using measures for phenomena which transcend them.  His analytical tools are obsoleted by events.  I have not read Wretchard for long and came here from Reynolds hoping from the teaser to find analytical expansion.  Found, instead, disappointment but also your gem.

Syria sitrep — and the others you mention — screams to me that USA and Russia sit down with India and a few Levantine and ME countries — not to include Iran — to decide the fate of Assad family and Syrian national boundaries and internal structures.  For, India USA and Russia, ditto elsewhere, around the globe.

Yes, China is the threat/enemy.  Russia is Christian, Atlantic Europe is Moslem, so Russia, not Europe — excepting Poland, Spain and Intermarium countries — is the natural USA ally today and, I would argue, centuries forward.  She has been in the past, very close ally, and against Europe, specifically UK, during USA Civil War Between The States.

Big picture, the key alliance — new in history — for solving all these problems is Russia, USA and India,  Three Brothers.

With luck POTUS Trump and team grasp that.  At least Ralph Peters’ descent into irate blindness indicates that Trump and team are heading outside the stupidities of the foreign policy establishment — the vain goblins at the Council on Foreign Relations — even if only on economic policy.

American_cavalier has responded to my thanks for his comment:

You’re welcome.  Btw, I argued the three brother’s concept since 1991.  Probably one of the reason why I didn’t get very far inside FP and NatSec was that viewpoint.  Read your counter-analysis and you are spot on.  Syria, could be the place where a new relationship with Russia is established.  The Levantin network you mentioned could play an excellent role.  India as an outside and objective observer could also facilitate and neutralize the Saudi-Pakistan influence.  I am confident the Russians get this and would be very willing to work this out.  But right now, here in the US we have what is in essence a rebellious foreign policy elite and national security apparatus that is actively subverting such aims by the President and thwarting what could be final real peace and alliance across European civilization.

Wretched gets it right quiet often even still, but as you mentioned he is using a framework that is hopelessly outdated.  For example, like the agency in 1970’s, he doesn’t have a category in his analytical tables for religion except at the most rudimentary level.  Consequently, like the agency in 1979, he doesn’t foresee major changes like the overthrow of the Shah by a bunch of Shia Moslems.  He still is far better than most.  He knows religious acts are there, it’s just too hard to integrate effectively into his analysis especially in considering a Christian argument to the threat.  In turn, he misses how China is the contra-distinctive factor in the Russia game.  As a result he then misses how the factions inside the US who are Russia-phobic are being used by China.

The hostile faction of Russo-phobic tribalists is such that they don’t tolerate one iota of alternative thinking from someone outside their class.  That hostility also extends to people outside their socio-economic DC bubble head faction.  Thus, even though I advocated purging the Russian elements in India back in the 1990’s, my idea of using India as a counterweight to China was looked upon askance.  And get this, even the Brits of the era warmed to the idea.  But the fact remained, the decisive elements in US leadership were totally behind stripping the US of its assets and giving it to China.  So much for the so called Atlantic Establishment in which the mandarins in Whitehall are really independent actors rather than robot agents for DC.  Airfield One now really does exists as a name for the UK.

Indeed, to me its all bullshit to cover their racket.  Its like we got hijacked some time around the 1960’s and 70’s by a group of ethnic tribalists and robber barons.  They have run the roost thoroughly, but for a brief period under Reagan, ever since.  Literally, it’s been the same families rooted in the same power centers and they have expanded their influence.

The level of incestuous relationships inside the DC bubble would make even colonial Virginia blush.  If your not in at birth your out.  And if you don’t kiss the brass ring you will never even be a servant to those in DC.  Hell, I was one of the so called 911 “messengers” and that got me no where either.  So much for America’s meritocracy.

The fact of the matter is the FP and NatSec establishments are thoroughly calcified.  They are intimately related to various persons outside their sectors in finance, media, and other civil departments of the Executive.  They go to the same parties, the same schools and marry each other.  But for the fact that a goodly number are Jewish, one would say they are like the old French noble class.  Oh, and just like those nobles they are as dumb as door nails.  So, I guess they will end up like them too.  At a guillotine.

And I have responded to his you’re welcome:

Well, cavalier (and unless I hear otherwise I shall assume the reference is to “gentleman” in the traditional sense of “horseman” and the expulsion of Cromwellians from Whitehall, which is largely the situation we face here now), you got to essentials before I did.  I am in awe.  Yeah, our “noble class” are in fact lascivious lowlife roundheads.  Not of the noblesse at all.  Just the opposite, but in tailored suits and dresses, yet.

Prying them off the mechanisms of government is the task.  It can be done and I am sure, one way and another, is being done.  A yuge task requiring yuge energy, intellect and courage.

As long as Saud is serious about their momentous direction change — away from Salafism — that is powerful assistance.

And yes, I have no doubt the Russians would be delighted to sit with us, and India and some others, to quieten MENA and then elsewhere.  In just Syria they have been all but begging to do so.  And they are sincere, as a quick glance at their interminable border security — and small economy — nightmare shows.

They have great national pride, as well they should.  That power of nature, as well as the power of the theological dimension of statecraft that you mention, our current FP and NatSec so-called experts simply do not want to credit, to factor into their observations.

Imagine, FP/NatSec stewards rejecting analysis of two ineluctable powers of being!  It beggars belief.

I think the key geography/leverage for quieting the ME and Levant now are just outside it, say, the Caspian and Nagorno-Karabakh.

India and the definite partiality of Almighty God prevented the Red Chinese Army from descending from Tibet into New Delhi.  The Indian and Vietnamese Armies are the only armies officially to have defeated the Red Chinese Army.  The American Army did as well, of course, in Korea, and were denied official recognition of the fact.  Later the American Army defeated the Red Vietnamese Army and were denied, again, official recognition of the fact.

Anyhow, thanks for fostering the intellectual and moral strength of the nation and of our civilization.  We are on parallel tracks, though I think you were forward before I was.

For what they might be worth, the first two posts turned up by this search contain my principal, though not only, discussions of the centrality of the theological dimension of life to concepts and analyses of national sovereignty (which phrase I prefer to national security for reasons that must be obvious).

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Iran Charges Russia With Selling Out its Air Defense Secrets to Israel

Update 2: US-Kazakh Accord to Use Caspian Ports as Afghan Support Hubs Irks Moscow

Update 3: New Armenian PM Wants Closer Ties With Russia

Update 4: A brief correspondence regarding strategic Russia, from the summer of 2018:

One: I just figured it out. They are after Constantinople. That is why they took Crimea.  That is why they are projecting from the east.  That is why they care about access to the Med from Syria.  They are encircling from the east, which is the only way they know how.  Following Catherine the Great’s model.  They are reclaiming their “rights” as the third in the line of Caesars with the Roman Empire as first, then the Byzantium Emperors as the second, and then the Tsar as the third, with Tsar being Caesar.

Two: Nagorno-Karabakh: If I read this accurately, it implies Armenia has force sufficient to keep Azerbaijan from taking Nagorno-Karabakh from its semi-independent governors whom Armenia supports.  If accurate read, I did not know Armenia has that sort of power and Azer does not.  Interesting.  Might also imply Armenia could not oppose Russia using Nagorno-Karabakh to stage at Turkey/Constantinople . . . maybe.

One: I think the read is accurate. Also important is this.

I am pretty sure that is his first foreign visit.  And it says a lot that Putin actually granted him an audience.

I think both Armenia and Azerbaijan are in a tough spot because of Russia, Turkey, and Iran’s interests in Syria; interests that coincide in points.  Neither country is able to play the regional big three off each other the way it seems they’ve done in the past, so I think they are ducking and covering for now.

Russia is still the stronger between her and Iran, though, I think, and not just because of nukes.  Russia also has a land bridge into Iran through Georgia and Armenia, which Iran cannot compare.  Would be interesting to know how South Ossetia and North Ossetia, territories inside Georgia that Russia did not give back to Tbilisi after 2008, played in this game.

Two: Among other things, your analysis implies that Armenia would *welcome* Russia staging through Nagorno-Karabakh against Turkey.

If that is correct, and I think it is, I concur.  And if so, that represents an historic confluence (Russian Greek Orthodoxy and Armenian Orthodoxy) of theological positions in re the Council of Chalcedon (the natures of the Christ).

Politics is theological squabbles by other means.  Never think that arguing over “how many angels can dance on the head” of a pin is an inconsequential, stupid or ridiculous existential/political struggle.   Or just a mind game.  It goes to the very heart of accurate (existentially, phenomenologically) soteriology and political philosophy.

Update 5: Michael Kofman: Raiding And International Brigandry: Russia’s Strategy For Great Power Competition

Update 6: Holmes and Delamer: Mahan Rules

Update 7: Bruce Gilley: The Case For Colonialism

Update 8: Spengler: China Will Buy Turkey On The Cheap

Update 9: David Archibald: Advice for Our Vietnamese Friends on China

Update 10: L. Todd Wood: WWIII Anyone? The Crusades Are Returning To Caucasus As Violence Rages In Nagorno-Karabakh


2 thoughts on “A Coup d’œil Of Russia And …

  1. I am impressed by American_cavalier’s and your back-and-forth regarding McMasters, Russia, etc. In fact I want to regularly follow him. As such I Googled American_cavalier and got only responses for dog breeds. Could you possibly supply me with an email address, etc for American_cavalier? I would certainly be thankful.

    1. Morgan Norval, I do not have his address, and if I did I would not let it beyond my knowledge without giving him the particulars and receiving his permission.

      That said, I concur, reading/following American-cavalier is an improving experience.

      Thanks for visiting here!

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