Mr. President: Back The Kurds, Cut Loose The Turks

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Mr. President, back the Kurds and cut loose the Turks.  Now!  Time and lives are wasting.

You are not in Syria to annihilate ISIL merely, and ISIL is far from annihilated.  You have used the Kurds to help you annihilate ISIL.  So have your predecessors.

Kurds are the only peaceful multi-religious society cum country in MENA.  They should be a country, an independent sovereign nation.  They deserve to be that.  And they deserve your backing in full for that purpose.  They are for independence and freedom, on principle.

You are obliged by the rationalities of statecraft to give them that — and help them settle the particulars with Iraq and Syria** — because they have been loyal to you and your mission in Syria and Iraq.  Furthermore, you need them to frustrate Turkic/Iranian ambitions in the area, which ambitions are well-known and immutable as long as Erdogan and the ayatollahs dominate their countries.

**For example, Kurds are moving south along the line of the Euphrates River to secure infrastructure for themselves.  This puts them in areas that never have been Kurdish, have no claim to be become so and have legitimate Syrian Arab claimants to ownership.

Turkey is now Moslem Brotherhood central.  You know that.  Erdogan aims to restore the Caliphate with himself as Caliph.  And make it global, this time, not merely regional.  He is deluded, of course, but his delusion is catastrophic for Kurds, for Syrians and also for your moral prestige so long as you and your team members abide him.

Whoever on your team says USA must play along, play for time with Erdogan and depose Assad is hurting the USA and your presidency in that particular, which at the moment, and until it is fixed as per indications in this post, is the most important geopolitical particular facing your administration and our country.  Because it is a moral particular, which kind of particular trumps all other kinds.

Kurds have helped us.  We must help them.  Your cruise missile attack on Assad marked him as an illegitimate head of state.  Russians would agree so long as their Mediterranean and Levantine porting facilities remain in their use.

You were right at first about NATO.  It is obsolete and worse than useless.  The pretense of its existence is condemning nations to death, rapid or desultory.  Germany cannot field a credible force and has no intention of making one.  She declines to defend herself, triumphantly pursing her own suicide, yet.

And Turkey is extorting silence from quivering, cringing, cowering NATO leaders — and apparently you — with respect to her genocide and imperialism** in Syria and alliance of convenience with Iran.

**This link goes to a  Communist Kurd Twitter account, but it shows what is happening at Afrin and elsewhere along the Turkish march through Afrin to Aleppo and beyond.

What a mess!

It is a mess because you allow and your predecessors allowed it to be.  You do not have a grand strategic objective for the USA in MENA, much less in the Levant.  You want Kurds to help you with a tactical objective you can accomplish single-handed — annihilate ISIL — yet you are not helping Kurds, who are subject to Turkish/Iranian genocide, achieve sovereign independence.

Europe is Eurabia.  There is no NATO.  Turkey is an enemy of the USA, not an ally of any kind, in any context.  Turkey is Salafi Jihad, same as ISIL, just a different sub-set/gang of it.

Your indecision and even confusion with regard to USA grand national strategic objective in MENA/Levant is driving Kurds into the arms of Russia and the Assad regime.  Intrinsically, there is nothing wrong with that.  USA grand national strategic objective in MENA/Levant has no systemic quarrel with the Assad regime.  And Russia has no systemic alliance with the Assad regime, only desire to assure security for her Levantine assets, which do not affect USA Levantine interests.

However, bigger picture, Russia and USA should be in alliance — along with India — against the Salafi/Shiite Jihad in general — treating Erdogan, for example, as the Ottoman/Salafi Jihadi he is — and, really big picture, against China.  Russia and USA — also India — have the same proximate (Salafi/Shiite Jihadi) and ultimate (ChiCom) enemies.  And those three brother nations have fundamentals in common — multi-religious, multi-ethnic citizenries — and no animus in any direction between them.

You are missing the big geopolitical things — Three Brothers Alliance — and the much bigger moral authority things — Turkish/Iranian genocide of Kurds who have been helping USA and are in the right regarding their aspirations for national independence and freedom.

Turkic Turks (Erdogan) are committing genocide on Celtic Turks and Syrians (Kurds).  That is the gist of what is happening in Afrin and elsewhere along Turkic Turkey’s line of march, which is to Aleppo and then Damascus and then points south, north, east and west.

I am not advocating responsibility to protect.  So-called RtoP is a stupid and immoral idea.  RtoP argues that USA assets belong to whomever is getting a drubbing anywhere on the planet.  That, of course, is a lie, absolutely irrational in several aspects, most saliently because it is unenforceable.

I argue here that USA owes Kurds protection because Kurds have helped USA achieve her tactical and, to some extent, strategic objectives in MENA and the Levant.  On that account they have a claim on USA assets, at least so far as they, Kurds, demonstrate a rational connection between their geopolitical ambitions and their sovereign resources.  In other words, so long as they aspire to territory to which they have a claim historically and which they can hold on their own following a little help to obtain it.

This is statecraft.

Remember that Bush One reneged on his/USA moral responsibility in relation to Kurds (!) following Operation Desert Storm and lost an election and the prestige of his family because of it.  Thousands of Kurds lost their lives … and kept their prestige.

The moral is to the material as three is to one, Napoleon said, with the truth of an hammer striking an anvil.  Never dismiss the power of moral authority, or its abridgment.

Mr. President, the Kurds are your Celtic cousins.  They speak a version of your language.  They are your family who have helped you and your predecessors.  You must protect them.  You must help to set them free in their own nation.  They fight for it, you must support them.  USA and your personal prestige cannot survive your not doing that.  Details can be worked out as among USA, Russia, Iraq, Kurds and other countries.

Deal with Erdogan and the Iranian ayatollahs as the Salafi/Shiite Jihadis they are.  NATO be hanged.  NATO is Eurabia, another Salafi/Shiite Jihadi center, as Russia is well-aware and as you should be.  Poland/Intermarium, Spain and possibly France, Italy and Holland can be treated as USA allies — bi-laterally, not multi-laterally — but the latter three only under trust but verify.

Great Britain never will renounce her ambition to annul the juvenile temper tantrum of her cousins during that unfortunate unpleasantness of 1776.  That would be you and me, preceded by our American ancestors of numerous races and religions.

This matter is urgent, utmost urgent, as in, should have been done months ago.  Time has run out now on the moral authority and prestige clock.  You must rewind it or waddle in place.  Or to change the metaphor, no more moral authority or prestige fuel remains in the tank.  You must refill it with moral clarity in regard to the Kurds or cease work.  Get above the politics or lose the country and your presidency.

A man who does not protect his family is not a man and does not have a family.  You know that, Mr. President.  Protect the Kurds, your family and ours, and stand them up safe and free.  Now!

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: The Shock Of The Mundane: The Diffusion Of Basic Infantry Tactics

Update 2: Ano J. Abdoka: Do Not Radicalize The Kurds

Update 3: Spengler: Tin-Pot Dictator Humiliates United States

Update 4: Joanne Patti Munisteri: Jihadi Generations: Strategies Used for Weaponizing Children  Part 2



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