Thandava – VIII

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.




John Lenczowski: Acting On Ukraine

Robert R. Reilly: The Legacy of Bernard Lewis

Angela Monaghan: China Surpasses US As World’s Largest Trading Nation

Bill Gertz: Experts: China Boosts Space Warfare Capabilities

Bill Gertz: High Speed Threat

Leslie Eastman: China And India Tag-Team To Contain China

John Hughes: Iraq On Its Own Still Needs Help


Charlie Martin: What If We Actually Had A War On Terror?

Bruce Thornton: Prestige And Power In Statecraft

Climbing Out Of The [Fraud] Foreign Policy Hole

They [admin in DC] have no overall strategic aim for our foreign policy; no clear idea where they want us to be in three, four, five years; simply put they don’t really care about foreign policy.

For me, that is the heart of this fine post.  Permit me to submit a clear idea of strategic aim for the long-term: USA, Russia and India ally to check — and defeat, if necessary — China, the only real enemy out there at this point in history: real as in (1) whose strategic goals are not entirely visible, (2) whose long-term fitness for a multi-national community is problematic if not doubtful and (3) for whom uncertainty exists over means for its defeat.

The above strategic conceptual structure solves the problems enumerated in this essay by Angelo M. Codevilla.

Colonize Afghanistan

If I Were King Of The Forest ….

Law Of Expansion: How To Get A Handle On This Situation

Let Our Army Leadership Handle It: They Are Succeeding

On The Justification Of War

Re-Forming Western Civilization (The Latin Church), In Partes Tres

Target Information  Related

Prof. Feliks Koneczny, On The Plurality Of Civilizations:

The difference in the sources of law is in fact the deepest root of differentiation of civilizations.  Here again, it was old Rome who for the first time and quite unequivocally considered law as a consequence of morality and as its application to concrete cases.  With this recognition of natural law also the first complete release of law from sacrality took place in Rome.  Organs of society, not of State, issued laws in Rome; during centuries the State as such did not issue in Rome even a single law, but accepted laws born in the citizen’s assemblies of the curiae at comitiae.

Unfortunately, the picture of ancient Rome does not stand sufficiently clearly and unequivocally before our eyes, the eyes of posterity; in late antique times the East already influenced the West.  Even antiquity knew already the temptation of the East.  There was a time when even in Rome one started to declare that quod principi placuit, legis habit vigorem (what pleases the ruler has the force of law). The sources of Roman law which we, posterity, have inherited — the Pandecta and the Codex — reflect the struggle of two different ethics, the Western and the Eastern, a struggle which we can observe very clearly although the Eastern ethic sometimes wears a borrowed Western and Roman cloak.

Thus, a cultural split ran in later times right through the innermost structure of the Roman Empire. Two fundamentally different, two diametrically opposed views struggled with each other, two principles between which there could be no synthesis.

The fundamental achievement of Rome could survive the period of the ruin of the Roman Empire and of the accompanying chaos, thanks to the Catholic Church which introduced this achievement into Western civilization.  The middle ages, in spite of occasional relapses, show the history of a constant penetration into European secular laws of the principles of Catholic morality.  At the same time, in the conflicts between sacerdotium and imperium which took such a dramatic aspect from the penetration of certain Byzantine legal views into the West, an increasingly sharp distinction between secular and religious authority took place, with an increasingly clear separation of their spheres of influence.  It was quite the other way in the East, where the State attributed to itself the position of the only interpreter of law.  The consequence of it was the amorality — which meant in practice the immorality — of public life.

A nation must as a cultural entity belong only to one civilization; it cannot belong to two different civilizations.

sanabiles Deus fecit nationes
He, God, made the nations.

nil humani a me alienum puto
Nothing human is foreign to me.

AFTER CRIMEA: Top Intelligence Analysts Forecast The 5 Things That Putin Might Do Next

Update 1: Russian Media Terms Of Abuse For The Fraud

Related 1: The White House’s Seven Deadly Errors

Update 2: This is evergreen: YEP: After boasting for three years that he “ended” the Iraq War, [The Fraud] says it was Bush’s fault

Update 3: The Daily Signal, house organ of The Heritage Foundation, writes Caliphists’ lulling propaganda for them.



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