
Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



There is hysteria going on all over the world.  Ideas cause horrible events, people have and execute them.  The idea behind Holocausts executed by Nazis and Caliphists is Socialism.  Now Socialism is preparing new Holocausts, in Germany especially, Europe generally and the African, American and Arabian continents.

Today every third link on Daily Mail is about a Kardashian.  And Angela Merkel says the invasion she invited is globalization, which is economics good for all and Germans can learn to live with it.  This is hysteria.  There is no reason in it, just as there is no reason in Socialism.  It is pure hysteria.  Hysteria, itself, is a Holocaust.

(Well, there is a reason in it, or at least a purpose: to abolish national borders and identities.  But that reason shatters against its own consequences.  Essaying to abolish national boundaries and identities is certifiable hysteria: here’s looking at you Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Paul Singer, Marco Rubio.)

Other than restraining them from demolishing the tableware, there stands no requirement to pay hysterics any attention whatsoever.


Exhibit A: Tax the coastal cities to be flooded.

Exhibit B: Some Anti-Colonial Globalists (note the oxymoron) have figured out a new map of the Middle East.

Exhibit C: Caliphist Treatise On Calendars

Exhibit D: Here’s What Would Be Happening If President Romney Had Bombed A Hospital In Afghanistan

Exhibit E: Germany: Migrants In, Germans Out, and related, and related

Exhibit F: The Middle Class Squeeze

Exhibit G: Globalists want to eliminate sovereign nations so they can command and control a rules-based international order. They need military force to accomplish that mission, but military force protects sovereign nations. This is a slight problem for globalists. They also have a direct competitor for global command and control: Caliphists. Globalists’ fatal seizure derives from their simultaneously espousing anti-colonialism and globalism. They really do not want to think that one through. But they happily will create a wasteland trying to concretize their goal of global governance. So will their direct competitor. Robert Heinlein addressing the Brigade of Midshipmen in 1973.

Exhibit H: Interactive map of invasion of Europe by Russia and MENA.  Another map here.

Someone [George Soros] wants Europe weak.

Exhibit I: The October 2015 Budget Deal

Exhibit J: Families of people murdered by illegals.

Exhibit K: Hillary Clinton’s being considered for POTUS measures the hysterical insanity of politicians and voters.

Exhibit L: Twelve Times The GOP Establishment Kicked The Conservative Base In The Teeth

Exhibit M: The man who would be an animal

Exhibit N: Wesleyan Madrassa, plus larger picture of academic rot here and here

Exhibit O: True:

The tragic paradox of the obsession with free movement and the abolition of national identities is that Europe in any meaningful sense will probably cease to exist this century.

The scale of this political treachery is almost incomprehensible.

Exhibit P: David Brooks

Exhibit Q: … whether Obama and those who have profited from breaking apart the body politic even wish it ever to be whole again.

This is not in doubt.  They do not.  They want to abolish national boundaries and identities.  They are globalists.  Their natural enemy is the competing globalist vector: Caliphism.  But they are so smug about the ineluctable superiority of their post-national vision they cannot rouse themselves to annihilate Caliphists, thinking they can co-opt them.

Their nemesis is the consequences of their actions. I am not worried about them.

Exhibit R: The conceptual and documentary products of this regime are wishes caveated to paralysis. The work of this regime is heaping caveats on concepts and documents already numbed by caveats. This they call smart, forward-looking and others call lacking strategy. I get the image of smarmily-dressed nitpickers sitting and walking about ostentatiously while their minds and hearts curl in corners sucking nerve ends to stifle the dread of consequences banging on their desks and monitors.

Exhibit S: Stay away from Yale!

Exhibit T: Michael Doran on The Fraud’s strategy in re the Middle East:

You Should Really Read Michael Doran On [The Fraud] And Russia

Our Man In Moscow

[The Fraud’s] Secret Iran Strategy

Exhibit U: James Panero: The Vengeance Of The Vandals

Exhibit V: Russian Media Terms Of Abuse For The Fraud

Exhibit W: Judicial Watch sues State Department over plans to settle refugees from terrorist states in USA communities

Exhibit X: Richard Fernandez: The Global World Hits A Snag

Exhibit Y: What To Do About George Soros

Exhibit Z: Sarah Hoyt: Fools To The Left Of Me, Clowns To The Right


Jatayu, Hand-Embroidered By A Soldier
Jatayu, Hand-Embroidered By A Soldier

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