Where Are The Lawyers?

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Plenty of lawyers, prestigious, capable ones, know the things going on that are right and the things going on that are wrong.  Macro-scale, they know there are criminal conspiracies covering the United States trying to harm her and her citizens.  They know names of some of the principals of those criminal conspiracies and they know that those principals are criminals, whether they know their names or not.

Plenty of lawyers know this, they write about it and they do nothing to stop or reverse it.  Some have banded together to poke at the perishing peripheries of a few criminal conspiracies, principally government-based ones.  Think feeble FOIAs and dithering discoveries by … high-flying rent-seekers?  But who among them has resolved to stop the conspiratorial criminality itself?  I am not aware of any who have, although my awareness is hardly a measure of such activity.  Yet plenty of lawyers know they have tools at hand to do just that: RICO laws.

I feel very frustrated and angry at lawyers for this reason.  Wrathful might not be too strong a word.  It seems to me lawyers on this macro-scale matter of national life and death are AWOL … or worse, defected.  In any case, they have abandoned their mission, are traitor to their calling, their profession.

I am a theologian.  I know that teachers and clergy, not lawyers, bear ultimate responsibility for the mortal tragedy bearing down on America and the world.  I have known it for a long, long time, decades in fact, and over the years have done what I could see and think to do to clarify the curriculum and the liturgy, which are the seeds of culture, which is the sword envied and feared by evil doers, by criminals and conspirators.  In other words, I have done what I thought would help not only counter but rout their minions and the evil doers — teachers and clergy — themselves with the tools I have as a theologian.

But lawyers, lawyers are not doing their part.  No, not even one that I can see.  Many see the mess, they talk about, deplore it.  But throw themselves into fixing it?  Jump in the pool and swim?  No, not doing it.  Would rather just look pretty?  That has raised my wrath and directed it at lawyers as a class, an entire profession fled the field.  Astounding!  And they claim to love a fight!

Oh they pick at the conspiracies with little FOIAs and discoveries here and there, thinking and pretending they are doing something.  While the complete array of criminal conspiracies sails merrily on building steam, spilling lawyers and everyone else in their wakes and feeding us to their propellers.

All my tools are subtle, quiet and long-acting.  Lawyers’ tools are gross, noisy and short-acting.  Both sets of tools belong in fullest continuous operation, lawyers’ on the actual field of battle and theologians’ behind that field in strategic intel and counter-insurgency planning.

The virtue of RICO law is its strategic potential.  It can be applied tactically, to annoy a conspiracy, but is most usefully applied strategically, to break up a conspiracy, to uproot it altogether.  And RICO law has both civil and criminal applicability.  This much I know.

Scott Johnson. a lawyer, of Power Line, writes today under title Fournier’s Lie.  He concludes an enlightening discussion of Ron Fournier’s lie that Bush lied to justify deposing Saddam Hussein by saying of Fournier’s lie that … it calls his good faith into question.  I commented:

More than that, it calls his patriotism into question. He and cohort are not merely flapping their jaws. They are using American ways to harm America, no different functionally than flying American technology into American architecture.

And given the extent of people doing that, is that not construable and findable as criminal conspiracy(s) accessible by RICO actions? If so, why are lawyers not making RICO actions? Why do these disruptors and harmers get to go about disrupting and harming with impunity? What are lawyers good for, anyhow, if not protecting their country and fellow citizens? Isn’t that their mission? Why all these mere words? Isn’t that dithering in the face of known danger? Isn’t THAT pathetic?

For some reason, Scott’s post made me realize that lawyers have subdued my patience.  I admire Scott and his posts.  I do not doubt that he and his fellow bloggers at Power Line are honorable men.  It is nothing personal and would be of no consequence were it because I am a genuine, certified, museum-quality nobody … by design.

General MacArthur at Bataan said he did not want to see General King’s 155s, he wanted to hear them.  That is how I feel about lawyers.  I do not want to see them, I want to hear their thunder.  The encirclement still can be broken through, food is low but ammunition is plentiful.  Use the damn stuff, boys and girls!

Update 1: How about Tom Steyer?

Update 2: America’s “Islamic Fabric”?

Update 3: On 27 January 2015, Marine GEN (Ret.) James N. Mattis addressed the United States Senate Armed Services Committee on the subject A New American Grand Strategy.  At Hoover Institution, who published an adapted version of General Mattis’ address, I commented — with edits here — as follows:

Not that it matters, but, I both appreciate and despond over General Mattis’ address here. Appreciate because (1) as a genuine warrior he says what he sees and eloquently and (2) his heart is unalloyed courage and compassion. Despond because (1) his address reflects lack of situational awareness — half his auditors at least regard the nation state, including USA, as obsolete and perishing — and (2) his address, although latterly specifying or implying serious tactical weaknesses of current operations, transits the periphery of his title: grand national strategy.

It is rare for a military leader to grasp and execute the several strands — principally diplomatic, economic and military, but others as well — of grand national strategy sufficiently to create a rational grand national strategic *goal* that is also inspirational. It is rare for anyone to be able to do that. General David Petraeus has that ability, which is why the Anti-American, Globalist-partisan US Justice [so-called] Department is persecuting/prosecuting him. Asking Congress or a bureaucracy to develop that ability and execute with it compares with asking a herd of cats to organize an expedition to summit Annapurna. Distilling and serving a happy grand national strategic *goal* is a personal, leadership thing few can do, but some definitely can and do accomplish. Their thoughts merit discovery and attendance.

The cynosure of a nation is not her grand national strategy. It is her grand national strategic *goal.* Given what we see now, project and anticipate — always expecting the unexpected, as General Mattis mentions, thankfully, in his address — where and what do we want to be as a nation three, five, ten, etc. years hence? What is our goal? What do we really, truly — as a nation — want for and of ourself to be, to do, to think? What is our inner necessity as a nation? What are we on this earth to accomplish as a national presence? And why do members of Congress not live in the states from which they were selected for office?

Related: On 04 March 2015  Marine GEN (Ret.) James N. Mattis wrote for Hoover Institution under title Using Military Force Against ISIS.  I commented:

I am content that GEN (Ret.) Mattis’ thinking, clear and compelling, be expressed in public.  Thank you, General!  Our countrymen are working their way towards how they will think and what they will do when they are quit of the hag riding their back.  And they will be that.  This exercise in preparation for the restoration of national sovereignty and wealth flowing from national moral and intellectual strength is what should be happening and what is happening.  I am content.

Liar, Hypocrite
Liar, Hypocrite

R – I – C – O

Update 4: Shame in Wisconsin.

Update 5: Paul A. Rahe: Political theater and coordinated disinformation are the order of the day.

Update 6: GEN (R) Petraeus: The Islamic State Is Not Our Biggest Problem In Iraq

Update 7: Belfast Pastor Faces Prison For Grossly Offending Islam.

Update 8: Its inescapability gives tragedy its bearable or unbearable pain. There comes a moment and a place in life where one sees God determining whether one survives the pain of the tragic in life or succumbs to it. Warriors, more than any others, see the comradely dialectic of the heroic and the tragic in life and learn by precept and example to sublimate the silent dance.

Update 9: The Surprising Weakness Of Invincible Institutions

Update 10: The law is an ass.  It’s like a traffic signal.  Its red stops nothing, its yellow slows nothing and its green starts nothing.  Its most common use is as a cudgel against someone one hates or has failed to avoid the hate of.

Good character and good breeding — a loving mother and an upright father — are the movers and shakers of a successful family, society or nation.  Law is a tool for helping or harming that.

James Risen and his coterie live above the facts.  That’s what matters.  Always, the facts stretch up and swallow them.

Update 11: Law Grad Responds To Fundraising Appeals From ‘Greedy’ Law School: ‘Go To Hell, You Parasite’

Update 12: Trump and Bolton Take On the International Criminal Court

Update 13: Glenn Reynolds: Me, then: I love lawyers.  I am a lawyer.  But there are plenty of places where the role of lawyers should be limited, and war is certainly one of them.  Nothing has happened since to make me think I was wrong.



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