Gay Paree

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


The attack was on a Globalist/Media icon, a hater of religion generally, something Globalists/Media really approve, by forces Globalists/Media really think they understand and can manage. Now they are forced by what to them is a Black Swan event to very deep thinking … which is a very good thing. I am content.

Update 1: Richard Fernandez commenting on his own post:

Multi-culturalism depended on the implicit acceptance of the leftist’s multicultural rulebook as the controlling principle. That would have put Islam on par with say, the Gay Liberation Movement and the Hare Krishna. But Islam couldn’t accept that. They’ve been trying to tell the Left that for years.

“We need to be number one. The only way we can survive is being number one. We’ll take your public housing and welfare, but we really can’t negotiate our primacy, because our primacy is an article of faith.”

The Leftist response to all that was, “you don’t really mean that. We know what you mean. What you really want is more welfare.”

This worked for a while, but it’s not going to work any longer. Either the Muslims in the West give up the principle of primacy and becoming “ordinary Westerners” or this fight goes on. And it will go on, because as Howard Dean assures us, “this has nothing to do with Islam”.

The Left is puzzled by the fact that Muslims don’t really feel grateful to them. But there’s no mystery. The Left is as contemptuous of Islam as of any religion. And the Islamists know it.

Update 2: Ralph Peters with FrontPage Magazine on Eurabia … in 2007:

Malthusian linear projections never fulfill themselves (and hysteria is never productive). But, beyond that, the notion that Europe, the continent that’s exported more death and destruction than any other, is going to just shuffle wimpily to its doom is crazy. The Europeans have been playing pacifist dress-up while we protected them, but, sufficiently threatened, they’ll revert to their historical pattern–which is to over-react. Europe’s Muslims may prove to be the real endangered species; after all, Europe’s history of dealing with rejected minorities veers between genocide and, for the lucky, ethnic cleansing. For me, the question isn’t whether Muslims will take over Europe, but whether Europe will simply expel them or kill any number of them first. Sound far-fetched? How would the Holocaust have sounded to an educated German (or Brit, or American) in 1932? Europe is a killer continent. When the chips are down, it will kill again.

Meanwhile, Europe’s Muslims are behaving so stupidly that their folly can’t be measured with any tools at our disposal. Even as British pols pander to radical clerics, the average Brit has had enough of coddling mullahs who preach the destruction of all non-Muslims (and closing the pubs). In mid-July, in Germany, the major organizations representing the millions of Turkish residents refused to come to a conference held by the chancellor to address integration. The Turkish leaders demanded–demanded–that the German parliament first rescind a new immigration law that would have prevented Turks from importing child-brides, isolating them as virtual prisoners and beating them to death. Oh, and the Germans also wanted new immigrants to have a vocabulary of 300 German words upon arrival–just enough to say, “Help, husband killing me.” No self-respecting Turk was going to stand for that.

You get the point. Europe has never had a model for integrating non-white immigrants, and they don’t really want one. Meanwhile, from Denmark to Marseilles, Muslim residents make outrageous demands that only anger the average voter. Eurabia? You have a better chance of finding honest lobbyists in Washington than you do of seeing the crescent over the spires of Notre Dame.

Update 3: John Hinderaker comments.

Of course, Ted Cruz (and here) does look like Joseph McCarthy.

Update 4: GEN (Ret.) Jack Keane tells US Senators what is happening.

Update 5: Richard Butrick, in 2012: It’s The Mullahs, Stupid.  And in 2015: The Vast Majority Of Muslims.

Update 6: Southern Poverty Communist Law Center put ten American women on its hit list.

Update 7: Multiculturalism: Something Rotten in the States of Europe and America

Update 8: Principal reason, now, that USA must exit NATO: Eurabia, led by what are now mistakenly called Germany and France.

Follow-on to NATO will be some structure with Russia and the Intermarium to keep Eurabia from heading east.  Essentially, swing USA’s European force vector 180 degrees, from east to west.

That will be part of a larger structure, to include India, Mongolia and some Southeast Asian nations, to triangulate or quadrangulate China.

… unless arrogance like von der Leyen’s completely sours Trump on NATO.

May be a good chance of that happening.  Germany has been on security welfare provided by USA for how long now?  And she presumes to hector her benefactor.  Head of NATO did as well last week.

No, NATO is obsolete.  It is not 1947, nor yet 1991.  von der Leyen is proving the point.  I say, “You go, girl!”


Yaak River, Montana
Yaak River Bank, Montana
Yaak River, Montana
Yaak River, Montana

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