The End Of Communism?

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

Paul Hollander on “the fall of Communism.”

My comment:

Negative.  The Soviet Union and East Germany fell.  They were nation states, which can fall in the sense of cease to exist because they are mundane structures, like bodies.

Communism is alive and well, usually as co-opted legitimate concerns, such as equal justice (co-opted to “diversity”), tolerance (co-opted to “multiculturalism”) and ecological and medical sanity (co-opted to “environment” and “health care,” respectively), and enforced by terrorist ideologies (“protected class” and “political correctness”). 

Communism is an ideology and ideologies neither fail nor fall nor cease to exist because they inhabit a dimension of life which transcends the merely mundane, the potentially fall-able.

Update 1: An American Renaissance.



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