Thanksgiving, “Eugenics,” And God

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Thanksgiving Day

I have been saying this for years, yes, both “energy” and “health” are kill-off (they prefer “die-off“) legislation rooted in the old eugenics movement.

[Not all but most] Blacks and Jews and all Mohammedans want Christianity dead for their own reasons applied to that common goal.  They learned from their tormenters the eugenicists/academics, who are rooted in American Unitarianism and Quakerism (both Christian heresies), the techniques of dressing up equal parts of hate and ignorance in science to gain elevation on their common enemy, Christianity and Christians, to annihilate them.

The coincidence of Blacks, Jews and Mohammedans (again, not all of the first two but all of the last), who together control the content and structure of the propaganda industry (education and entertainment), is remarkable and worthy of highest awareness.  Awareness of that coincidence is the key to grasping, anticipating and preventing the destruction of Christianity and Christians, embodied as the USA and other countries, which is already underway from the White House, Congress and Courts and enforced by their toughs in streets, businesses and offices.

Wassily Kandinsky, Improvisation 31, Sea Battle
Wassily Kandinsky, Improvisation 31, Sea Battle

During the American Colonial period, the strongest opposition to the formation of a national government, what became the Republic, came from Unitarians (based at Madrassa Harvard) and Quakers (based in Pennsylvania).  Both groups are heretical representatives of Christianity.  They are the source of the “progressive” or “liberal” movement characteristic of the USA.  With a few exceptions, principally military, the “progressive”/”liberal” movement has owned the American system of education since the early 20th Century.

Jews, Mohammedans, Unitarians, Blacks, and Quakers are unitarian theists.  All reject trinitarian theology and ontological epistemology.  Jews, Mohammedans and Unitarians are unitarians of the figure of a creator while Blacks and Quakers are unitarians of the figure of a savior.  The first three differ from the last two in that respect, but as regards unitarianism itself, they are united, as is seen today through their conjunct political prominence.

One person commented on Marcus’ article this way: ‘80% of humanity is on the “hit list” …’  My estimate places their intention at the same figure, and, the more the merrier.  And all ASAP.  They are tired of waiting for abortion and low-level wars, pestilence and genocide to get the job done.  They are looking for economies of scale:  huge kill offs quickly done.  That die-off is the purpose of climate change and health care.  Just the latest ways to eliminate humans beings.

Now, who would want to do such a thing?  Not human beings, surely.  How about non-humans, ogres and ogresses, demonic personalities in human form?

On the other hand, God says that another person is another pair of hands that can work.

Update 1: Confessions Of A Public Defender

Update 2: Race Relations And Law Enforcement

Update 3: Bruce Thornton: The Truth About Colonialism.


The Templar Cross
The Templar Cross

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