It Is The Women / Ride Out The Storm / Avoid Subsequents

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



How White Educated Female Liberals
Are Destroying the Culture

Elizabeth Naham

We say nanny state rather than daddy state.  Why?  Nanny state is a term of derision and rue.  It denotes the spirit of a hectoring, busybody, nosey, controlling female.  A shrew.  A hag.  There is no term denoting a parallel spirit in a male because there is no such male spirit.  Males can have noxious and dangerous spirits, but shrew-ness is not among them, although it is among queers.


There is no male correlate of this trash.  And one means the female uttering it as well as the verbiage uttered.


The bureaucrat nanny, the official hag, is the peculiar bane of contemporary Latin civilization.  When she was young she attended Red disruption blandishments and then raised her daughters to raise hell, particularly on men, to express their self-esteem.  It did not occur to her widely, although it did to some of her sisters, that she, along with many of her brothers, had been played by Red active measures to produce a general chaos as battle-space preparation for a general elimination of freedom and bodies.  The usual socialist wet-dream touted as what people need and want.

When she was young, the bureaucrat nanny, the official hag, was penetrated by Reds without her even knowing that she was.  Some welcomed it, never claiming abuse.

Hanoi Jane
Hanoi Jane

Now she sits defiant in ten thousand thousand bureaucratic organizations, sticking her nose into everyone’s business, men and women alike, aiming no more than to revel in making others jump to her inventions.  And immune from scrutiny, censure or loyalty to truth, law and justice.  Her inventions are sufficient for everyone, she believes.  Except, they are not sufficient for her.  No matter how high others jump or how fast they twirl for her inventions, the official hag considers her work undone.  She is unsatisfied with her accomplishments.  So inventions cascade from her and her defiance of scrutiny grows ever thicker in her while the she-caused chaos spreads ever wider and deeper.  She is an ogress.

Give the official hag the means and this results.

With nowhere to go, the perfect storm of Red active measures at the center of national government has to be ridden out then hard-mindedly anticipated and avoided in future.

Men, get hold of your women, build a life for them, or they will tear to pieces you and everything you hold dear.  Put them on a path to building life or they, formless energy, will dismember you and life generally.

Men, overall, are more tolerant, relaxed and forgiving than women are, overall.  This is especially the case when women are in positions of authority — goal-setting — where they can cause harm.  By nature more prone to fear and anger than men are, women, given a chance — that is, make their own goals — tend to whack about more or less ruinously.  Aggressive — especially passively aggressive — suspicious, controlling, vindictive: women in positions of authority — goal-setting — irritate an organization more than men do, overall.  Women who have expressed themselves on the subject to me are unanimous, for instance, asserting their preference of working for a man than for a woman.  Put women in charge of goal-setting and, overall, intolerance will rise, efficiency will fall and scatter will roll.

On the other hand, give women specific goals and general structures with which to improvise and miracles happen.

Change The World
Change The World

Update 1: Dezinformatsiya

Update 3: Political correctness is disinformation (dezinformatsiya) (and here) to camouflage truth.  It descends from operations Cheka and its successors call aktivni meropriyatiya (Активные мероприятия, active measures).  From the phrase Latinate media take the designation activist.  An activist to them is a saint.  More political correctness.  A dissident, by contrast, as per Cheka indoctrination, is an enemy of the state/media — in which reposes ultimate authority — suitable for torture and execution.

Update 3: The fascist ruling class — Poison Ivy Leaguers — is burning through the moral merit of the USA with gay abandon.  They pissed away China (and here), they pissed away Korea, they pissed away Vietnam, they pissed away the USA industrial base, they pissed away the USA educational base, they pissed away the USA financial base, they pissed away the USA diplomatic base, they pissed away Americans of semi-African descent and Americans of Mexican and Central American descent, they pissed away American skilled labor, innovation and initiative, they pissed away USA fertility, they pissed away Eastern Europe (the Intermarium, between the Baltic and Black Seas), they pissed away their own children and grand-children, they pissed away Panama, they pissed away Iran, they pissed away Iraq, they pissed away Afghanistan, they pissed away Egypt, they pissed away Libya, they pissed away every nation in Africa, they pissed away New World national sovereignties and now they are pissing away the USA herself.  Any thing they can stuff down their ravenous, insatiable maw the fascist ruling class pisses away.  This is the legacy of the Poison Ivy Schools.  And what they cannot stuff down to piss away, they piss on.  And you know who is leading it all?  Violentviciouscowardly females.

Update 4: Stacy McCain on Feminism’s Big Lie.

Update 5: Nanny-ism is from females, originally and still. It is an operation in the Globalist (late-term Communist) war on men and children.

Update 6: Dr. Marek Chodakiewicz on Hungary, Belarus, Poland, Russia and USA realignment opportunities, and here, and here.

Update 7: Leslie Eastman on War on Men.

Update 8: Global Divestment Day

Update 9: Of course, Pappy Biden is OK doing this.

Update 10: Caliphists, one is sure, look forward to duking it out with females for world domination.

Update 11: A story from Ammo Grrrll

Update 12: OPM Deploys Government Coaches After Hack.

Update 13: Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Economic Fascism (also here)

It’s called fascism and that is what it should be called, over, over and over, to its face and from the rooftops.

Update 14: Ignore The Dire Warnings About Our Lives Because It’s Just Hysteria

Update 15: With battle losses/time interval like this, get a grip guys, Russia is no threat at all.  They have learned nothing from their leadership/camp hygiene failure in Afghanistan.

Update 16: The actuality of women in the Israeli Defense Force

Update 17: The Myth of the Peaceful Woman

Update 18:
David R. Graham
Here, again, are women in executive power allowing themselves to be swept away by spates of rising fear and anger, because it is their nature.  Few, not many, women are capable of exercising executive power reasonably and responsibly.

Along with drugs, our primary problem, a plethora of women in executive positions is the most destructive bane extant in America.

Many women can be fine staff officers.  Most women would be horrible line officers, because of their nature, their proneness to fear and anger.  Just itemize instances on campuses of dis-ease driven by irrational and irresponsible decisions against which gender from on high makes and promulgates most of those decisions. QED

Fearan Iarthair to David R. Graham
Females have ruined every male institution to which men have been fool enough to admit them, turning these into Maoist day-care centers that run estrogen-fueled soap operas 24/7.

David R. Graham to Fearan Iarthair
True, but men let them do this.  Ultimately, it is on the men.  They set the standards, make the forms, order the constructions.  Women do the work, but men determine which work gets done.

Jim O’Neil
F word the N word and the H word it R worded in on.


Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren
1960s City Girl
1960s City Girl

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