In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
Responding to this
Zawahiri, Bin Laden (and here) and Zarqawi are a throat and their underlings around the world are part of the belly of the Caliphist snake. They are all psychopaths. Wahhabi and Shiite clergy and their schools/madrassas are the two, and only, heads of the Caliphist snake. The Caliphist snake has two heads, one Wahhabi and one Shiite. Zawahiri, Bin Laden, etc., are not the head of the Caliphist snake.
While US/Coalition strategy has been to whack the head of the Caliphist snake, it has been taken that Bin Laden and others at his level of the organization are that head. They are not. They are the throat of the Wahhabi head of the Caliphist snake, near that head but not the directing organ of it. And they are not the only head of the Caliphist snake.
Two heads direct the Caliphist snake: Wahhabi clergy and their madrassas and Shiite clergy and their schools. Ultimately, these heads of the Caliphist snake are not friendly, which is one lethally exploitable weakness of the Caliphist snake.
The Caliphist snake is hydra-like. However, it has two heads rather than the mythical seven or nine (Greece) or ten (India), and neither of these two heads can regrow once it is whacked off.
It is true that if its heads are whacked off the Caliphist snake will die. So far, however, the heads of the Caliphist snake have not been attacked, much less whacked off, not even in the United States, where they grow daily more capable and vigorous.
The heads of the Caliphist snake are Wahhabi and Shiite clergy and their schools/madrassas.
Whack the Wahhabi clergy — in the US, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Europe, Central and South America, Canada and around the world — and one head of the Caliphist snake, along with that head’s throat (Zawahiri, Bin Laden, etc.) and much of the whole snake’s belly, will die. There is no inducing Wahhabists to tone down their rhetoric, much less their intentions, which are absurdly imperialistic but also psychopathic and therefore uncorrectable.
There is also the Shiite head of the Caliphist snake. This head, also, is clergy: Iranian ayatollahs and their client copies in Iraq and other countries. They also are psychopaths, and being Aryans, capable ones. Note that, only freshly in power, they held off a puissant Arab regime for eight years (1980-1988). They are impregnating the United States with Revolutionary Guards and surrounding the United States with hostile populations.
Whack the Shiite clergy — in the US, Iran, Iraq, Europe, Central and South America, Canada and around the world — and the other head of the Caliphist snake will die, along with that head’s throat, the rest of the snake’s belly and so the whole Caliphist snake. There is no reasoning with Shiite clergy. They are sons of heresy to begin with, as their political fruit abundantly demonstrates.
In place of Wahhabi and Shiite clergy, clergy approved by the Hashemites must be installed. These will be the only non-Caliphist Muslim clergy to be found anywhere on the globe.
Update 1: And Al Saud intends to keep it up.