Operations Enduring Freedom And Iraqi Freedom Are …

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



… paybacks for destruction of the Twin Towers. The United States was attacked by terrorists committing an act of war. The United States counter-attacked, hitting the terrorists’ home with intent to clean out them and their home by replacing their structures of destruction, of evil, with structures of creation, of life.

Mullah Omar and Saddam Hussein are terrorist so the United States took them down. Additionally, the United States is making a permanent footprint in Afghanistan and Iraq so as to be in position to clean out anyone else in the Middle East — or Africa — who contemplates attacking the United States.

Bin Laden (and here), Assad and Khamenei — and their allies in Africa and Central and South America — will be uprooted and the structures supporting them will be ridden down and replaced with structures of compassion.

The name for the policy and behavior of the United States and its allies in this regard is: the Global War on Terrorism. Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom are operations in GWOT. GWOT is world-wide, as the name implies, and comprises many more nations besides the United States and many more operations besides these two.

GWOT will succeed in destroying terrorists and terrorism. That is what the great nations of the world do. That is their nature. Those who do not build will be killed.

Update 1: Richard Fernandez: The Hoarders

Update 2: ” … far from having any insight into world affairs, he’s a slave to conventional wisdom.”

Let’s say he is, what insights SHOULD he have, that do not conform to conventional wisdom (which usually goes unwise after its moments of applicability)?  What would you, Paul, do right now in, say, MENA were you Oval Office Occupant?

Which of us should check clean for honesty?  Self-evident answer.  So, that’s a relative, not an absolute, measure of fitness for office.  Useful but not determinative.

What should be done?  Can you develop answers to that question in lieu of nipping at heels?

In 2002-3 there was but one official national voice warning about insufficiencies in the coming invasion: CSA Eric Shinseki, who argued for 600K invasion and *occupation* force.  He was right.  Not a few lesser lights feared another half-measures invasion and outcome.  Even the surge, proving Shinseki’s urgings, was half-measures politically made successful, tenuously, by the skill of certain leadership serendipitously in the AO simultaneously.

The quote to Stern has Trump less than enthusiastic for fear of more half-measures (as in Desert Storm).  In the event, his anticipation was accurate.  OIF succeeded just barely and without sustainability, and the reason for that was the political decision, by the White House, to not take the whole country to war.  They — White House and their commercial backers — wanted a politically cheap war.  They got the opposite.

So, Paul, what would you do today in, say, MENA?  What’s it look like outside the arm-chair?

Update 3: This is evergreen: YEP: After boasting for three years that he “ended” the Iraq War, [The Fraud] says it was Bush’s fault

Update 4: Murphy’s Law: The Lessons Of Iraq

Update 5: How Desert Storm Destroyed The US Military

Update 6: BlackFive: After Action Review – Task Force 1-64 Armor, September 09, 2003


The Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity

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