Prayerbook For A Common Faith

Prayerbook for a Common Faith is an effort to supply a need of humanity for a common referent in the area of piety and religious practice.  The assumption of all such efforts is that a commonality does exist and that it is the point or set of points from which and to which effective piety refers.  Similar efforts have been made in the past: Paul using common Greek, Jerome using common Latin, Luther using common German, Calvin using common French, Cranmer using common English.  The intention always is to find, employ and expand the common ground so as to include all beings in the spiritual procession Godward.

The Common Faith indicated is confidence and participation in the words and word of the Lord:

For the protection of the righteous,
for the punishment of evil doers
and for the re-establishment of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love
I incarnate from age to age.



Cadet Prayer

Universal Prayer

Hymns Great and Small

The Botanical Metaphor

The Twenty-Four Teachers

A Programme Of Joint Worship

A Canticle From The Emptiness

A Most Abbreviated Sanskrit Primer

The Breviary Of Adwaitha Hermitage

The Coloring Books Of Adwaitha Hermitage

La Messe Sur La Monde / Mass On The World (1991)
La Messe Sur La Monde / Mass On The World (2007)


Mary Magdalene Weeps
Mary Magdalene Weeps

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